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--- Quote from: futuramark on December 17, 2009, 10:19:28 AM ---Why doesn't Tiger Woods stick to his own he admitting the white race is prettier I wonder...same goes for all other N's.

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Dear Futuramark:

I have no idea why Woods didn't stick to his own kind.  I think status has a lot to do with it.  I guess it was a way for Woods to say "I've made it" by marrying a beautiful blond woman. 

Now as for Swedes and other Scandinavian types desiring dark skinned mates, that's a whole other story.  From what I understand, there are Swedes who consider blacks and Hispanics to be exotic. 

I had this friend from high school who used to work with a lovely Swedish girl. This Swedish girl wanted to come into Manhattan for a night of salsa dancing (Apparently, salsa dancing was the latest craze at the time).  So since I was living in Manhattan at the time, my friend called me and asked if would go with the Swedish girl to a salsa club, and let her spend the night at my place.  My friend said one of her old guy friend neighbors would join us.

Anyway, we got to the club and this Swedish girl was like a child let loose in a candy store

Also, I don't know if you're familiar with the black American singer Diana Ross.  For a number of years, Ms. Ross was married to a Norwegian shipping magnate named Arne Naess (sp?). 

yes Lisa apart from the fact that they say they have bigger equipment than the white thus better in bed haha. And most of the white trash that desire them usually go after them for that reason becuase the size of the white males would not be enough for them being such wh..res. I do consider hispanics to be sexy though...while I find balcks repulsive in my taste I dont want to sound racist but everyone has his taste and it is up to the individual. Ofcourse when they mix with other races its another matter and they add the beauty from the other races...for example there are half casts whom I find attractive.

Hi Futuramark,

We all have our individual tastes. As the saying goes, one woman's frog is another woman's prince, or vice versa. 

Hi Zelhar,

Thanks for responding.  You're very honest. 

Now just out of curiosity, how did you come by your views on G-d.  Were your parents secular, Orthodox, or somewhere in the middle.  Were you always secular?  Did you ever attend a yeshiva?  How do you observe the High Holidays?  Do you go to your Synagogue every Saturday or just for holidays? 



--- Quote from: Lisa on December 17, 2009, 06:10:46 PM ---Hi Zelhar,

Thanks for responding.  You're very honest. 

Now just out of curiosity, how did you come by your views on G-d.  Were your parents secular, Orthodox, or somewhere in the middle.  Were you always secular?  Did you ever attend a yeshiva?  How do you observe the High Holidays?  Do you go to your Synagogue every Saturday or just for holidays? 


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Hi Lisa,

My parents are secular and agnostic, they always have been. My grandparents were secular. My father's father used to pray at the synagogue on the high holidays. My maternal grandmother kept kosher. None of us observe shabbat. The last time I went to synagogue on the holidays must be some 12 years ago, and even when I did go it was just to meet a couple of my friends. I think the only times I went, by "went" I mean "drove", to synagogue on shabbat was for my barmizva, and a couple of friend's barmizvas.  On Pesach we do a seder and actually read the whole hagadah. If it was up to me to deciside, I would skip parts of the hagadah- most of the songs that come after the meal wouldn't past my cut for sure.

My view on G-d etc. are mostly the result of my own inquiries. I have always liked learning history, and I liked reading the tanach, which  they actually teach allot of which at schools in Israel. Also things I learned from mathematical logic inspire some of my metaphysical convictions.

Other people in my family don't have much interest in this subject. I have one friend who does and he is also baal tshuva. Over the last few years he took me to several lessons and lectures,  and we even studied some talmud.


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