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Hi Mord,

My absolute favorite food is sushi.  So I'll let you know of my favorite Japanese restaurants.  One is Shabu Shabu on East 70th Street in Manhattan between First and Second Avenues.  It's a bit on the pricey side but good.  There's also Tokubei on East 86th Street between First and Second Avenues.  It's also a bit pricey, but the sushi is great. 

Then there's this other great place on West 56th Street near Broadway, whose name currently escapes me.  I've been there on business lunches and dinners.  The food there was always excellent. 

And finally, there's Nobu in Las Vegas.  I was there several years ago. I remember having this yellowtail sushi appetizer wrapped in a cilantro leaf.  It was amazing!


--- Quote from: Lisa on December 14, 2009, 02:06:09 PM ---Hi Mord,

My absolute favorite food is sushi.  So I'll let you know of my favorite Japanese restaurants.  One is Shabu Shabu on East 70th Street in Manhattan between First and Second Avenues.  It's a bit on the pricey side but good.  There's also Tokubei on East 86th Street between First and Second Avenues.  It's also a bit pricey, but the sushi is great. 

Then there's this other great place on West 56th Street near Broadway, whose name currently escapes me.  I've been there on business lunches and dinners.  The food there was always excellent. 

And finally, there's Nobu in Las Vegas.  I was there several years ago. I remember having this yellowtail sushi appetizer wrapped in a cilantro leaf.  It was amazing!

--- End quote ---
my brothers going to vegas next month i'll tell him about the one in vegas :)

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Shalom Lisa,

Please comment on the disaster that is the life of America's favorite country-club negro, Tiger Woods, because I disagree with Trace. This billionaire star athlete made hundreds of millions in endorsements from white/Jewish corporations, controlled a multinational empire and had a beautiful Scandinavian wife and family, but chose to throw it all away with a huge and motley array of hideous kurvas. Everybody is saying that this ape's extreme womanizing was just a product of his wealth and fame, but I don't buy that a bit. When white celebrities carry on affairs, generally it's with one woman, long-term. It appears that Tiger went out of his way to be a "pimp" and a "player". Everybody, including all the conservatives, are in denial of the fact that Tiger's father Earl was a schvartze who raised him with schvartze values. As I hardly need to explain to you, extreme promiscuity and the objectifying of women are one of the primary ways that black males prove their manliness to each other (believe it or not, I listened to schvartze rap drek once).

Chaim commented that he doesn't "seem black" to him, but that is exactly what the schvartze-worshipping establishment wants; to create schvartzes that do not seem "black" so that whites do not feel wary of them. Tiger Woods' case just goes to show you that you can take the negro out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the negro. As you already know this "good" black is an Obama supporter
( Were I not a moderate, I would suggest that we cease calling him Tiger, and start calling him something that rhymes with "tiger" Woods.

(Does this affirmative-action colonel look like he's just half-black? And even if he is, what does it matter? Whatever fraction negro Tiger is, he clearly embodies negro culture.)

Regards, Dr. Brennan Fan

Have you always lived in New York?

Dr. Brennan Fan, I agree with you.  

Now granted, there are some good conservative blacks like Thomas Sowell, Pastor Manning, Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson and Mychal Massie, to name a few.  But for many of them, things like studying in school, getting a job, working hard, getting married and staying married are still considered "acting white" and not "keeping it real."  

Often when conservatives bring these points up, they're accused by the race pimps and their white liberal supporters of "shoving their moral down people's throats."  Or they'll say the government has no business legislating morality.  Of course conservatives have every right to bring up these points.  Everyone suffers from deteriorating public schools, affirmative action and crime.  

But getting back to Tiger Woods, he made it big because of whites/Jews who promoted him, and used him to endorse their products.  That wife could have had it a lot worse.  At least he didn't beat her up, kill her, or throw acid in her face.  As it is now, he just cheated on her with a bunch of butt ugly whores.  And mind you this Ellin Nordregen could have had any man on the planet.  Yet she chose this idiot?

I hear he won't be playing golf for a while.  The company Accenture their endorsements when news got out of his whoring around.  I just hope the other sponsors follow.  


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