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First a scientific survey was done Caucasoid men are as big as shvatzas. To Zelhar of course G-D isn't going to appear to every person then what purpose would there be to having free will


--- Quote from: mord on December 18, 2009, 05:15:21 AM ---First a scientific survey was done Caucasoid men are as big as shvatzas. To Zelhar of course G-D isn't going to appear to every person then what purpose would there be to having free will

--- End quote ---

Interesting, Mord.

Spiraling Leopard:
On youtube, you call yourself an 'old geezer'.

How old are you really?


--- Quote from: Bio-Electric Apprentice on December 18, 2009, 02:23:52 PM ---On youtube, you call yourself an 'old geezer'.

How old are you really?

--- End quote ---



--- Quote from: mord on December 18, 2009, 05:15:21 AM ---To Zelhar of course G-D isn't going to appear to every person then what purpose would there be to having free will

--- End quote ---
That's interesting. From what I read in the bible, it looks like Prophets have  at certain times no free will, when it comes to delivering the mission G-d assigns to them. For example- Moses had to go back to Egypt and speak to Pharaoh, and also the book of Jonah deals with this subject and the conclusion seems to be there is no escape but to deliver the message.

On the other hand the prophet is still responsible for his own actions, and can make mistakes. The very fist prophet, Adam, defied a direct order from G-d.


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