Author Topic: Report: Jennings called Falwell 'terrorist'  (Read 1033 times)

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Report: Jennings called Falwell 'terrorist'
« on: December 24, 2009, 10:01:55 PM »

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Reports have been uncovered revealing President Obama's Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings once called renowned evangelist Jerry Falwell a "terrorist" and children attending a seminar where he was keynote speaker were given handouts with explicit drawings showing them how to perform various sex acts.

The evidence accumulated about Jennings also has prompted Janice Shaw Crouse of Concerned Women for America, the nation's largest public policy women's group, to join the voices calling for his removal from the Department of Education's Office of Safe Schools.

"Let's go over the specifics: the man charged with making America's public schools 'safe' comes from a career of promoting dangerously violent homosexual activities among children in public schools? The 'safe schools czar' is a man whose major concern is providing condoms to students when they engage in risky behavior with an adult? The 'safe schools czar' – the person overseeing safety in the nation's public schools – is a person whose raison d'être is to promote homosexuality among children and teens?" wrote Crouse, senior fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, the think tank for Concerned Women for America.

"There is something so fundamentally wrong with the president's appointment that parents and all adults who care about children's well-being must demand that Kevin Jennings be fired immediately," she said.

(Story continues below)


WND has reported on Jennings, his founding of the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, his influence over a conference for teachers and children that included instruction in various homosexual acts such as "fisting," multiple efforts at the congressional level to have him removed, his responsiveness when a porn publisher asked for his help in writing a book, his financial sponsorship of radical homosexual art and his membership in the sometimes-violent radical Act Up homosexual organization.

The issue of the books the Jennings-founded GLSEN recommends for children also has been the subject of reports.

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The latest revelations about Jennings come from Mass Resistance, which has uncovered reports on the condoms and other handouts from the infamous 2000 GLSEN-sponsored conference at Tufts University where "fisting" was discussed.

The new report includes images and descriptions of activities that cannot be reported on WND pages, but among the handouts were "pamphlets, instructions, condoms (both types – for normal sex and for anal sex), lubricant, dental dam."

The Mass Resistance report said the material from the conference sponsored by Jennings' group included "a shocking flier which shows a latex-gloved fist pointing at a woman's naked crotch."

The group further reported on a "bizarre" pamphlet that included "instructions for injecting opposite-sex hormones into one's body."

"Why would kids need ANY of this???" the report wonders.

The documentation on Jennings' opinion of Falwell comes from a report posted on the CWFA website about a 2002 conference.

Report author Allyson Smith noted going undercover to the GLSEN "Teaching Respect for All" conference in Los Angeles that year.

The subject of Falwell, who founded the Thomas Road Baptist Church, Liberty Christian Academy, Liberty University and the Moral Majority, and died in 2007, came up.

Jennings said: "I have to stop and give my little homage to the Southern Baptist Church because one of its leaders, Jerry Falwell, two days ago just announced that the founder of one of the world’s greatest religions, Mohammed, was a terrorist. Usually the religious right tapes everything I say, so let me make sure they get this
down: Jerry Falwell, if you need to know what a terrorist looks like, go look in the mirror," according to the CWFA report.

Falwell had told CBS News earlier that the founder of Islam was "a violent man, a man of war."

The situation was more than Crouse, the director and senior fellow of Concrened Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute, wanted to take.

"Will we stand silently by while political appointees like Kevin implement a militant homosexual agenda to indoctrinate America's children and teens?" she said.

Previously uncovered reports also found GLSEN recommends books to children that include "explicit descriptions of sex acts between preschoolers; stories that seemed to promote and recommend child-adult sexual relationships; stories of public masturbation, anal sex in restrooms, affairs between students and teachers, five-year-olds playing sex games, semen flying through the air."

WND also reported that Jennings is being "credited" with the authority of a questionnaire that begins, "What do you think caused your heterosexuality?"

Mass Resistance a pro-family group in Massachusetts, has identified Jennings as the author of the "Heterosexism questionnaire" that has appeared in schools.

In his book, "Becoming Visible," the organization notes, the following questions appear under Jennings' book byline and without any other attribution:

   1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality?
   2. When and how did you first decide you were heterosexual?
   3. Is it possible heterosexuality is a phase you will grow out of?
   4. Is it possible you are heterosexual because you fear the same sex?
   5. If you have never slept with someone of the same sex, how do you know you wouldn't prefer that? Is it possible you merely need a good gay experience?
   6. To whom have you disclosed your heterosexuality? How did they react?
   7. Heterosexuality isn't offensive as long as you leave others alone. Why, however, do so many heterosexuals try to seduce others into their orientation?
   8. Most child molesters are heterosexual. Do you consider it safe to expose your children to heterosexuals? Heterosexual teachers particularly?
   9. Why are heterosexuals so blatant, always making a spectacle of their heterosexuality? Why can't they just be who they are and not flaunt their sexuality by kissing in public, wearing wedding rings, etc.?
  10. How can you have a truly satisfying relationship with someone of the opposite sex, given the obvious physical and emotional differences?
  11. Heterosexual marriage has total societal support, yet over half of all heterosexuals who marry this year will divorce. Why are there so few successful heterosexual relationships?
  12. Given the problems heterosexuals face, would you want your children to be heterosexual? Would you consider aversion therapy to try to change them?

"They're just flipping reality on its head, denying there even is a normal," said spokeswoman Amy Contrada.

The questions, she said, have been used all over the country since the mid-1990s, with Jennings' book "Becoming Visible," which came out about that time, one of the most utilized source books for pro-homosexual curriculum.

"It's often a first exercise in 'diversity' training at schools, for both students and staff," according to a Mass Resistance report. "Jennings said the questionnaire was designed to illustrate 'unearned privilege' that accompanies heterosexuality in a heterosexist society.'"

Mass Resistance has launched a petition to have Jennings removed, as has GrassrootsNation.

At the Washington Times, a series of editorials addressed worries over Jennings' influence on children.

"Teaching children sexual techniques is simply not appropriate. Unfortunately, it is part of a consistent pattern by some homosexual activists to promote underage homosexuality while pretending that their mission is simply to promote tolerance for so-called alternative lifestyles," the newspaper said.

"It is outrageous that someone involved in this scandal is being paid by the taxpayers to serve in a high-powered position at the Education Department, of all places. At some point, [Education Secretary Arne] Duncan, Mr. Jennings, Obama administration spokesmen and the president himself are going to have to start answering questions about all this. Refusing to do so won't make the issue go away."

In May, WND broke the news of Jennings' federal appointment to oversee "safety" in the nation's public schools.

Multiple WND messages left with the U.S. Department of Education as well as Jennings' office were not returned.
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