Author Topic: Allah Vs. God  (Read 14823 times)

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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #50 on: December 29, 2009, 04:39:52 PM »


Taoists believe in the One Tao.

Just because muslims claim they worship 'the one G-d' (which in essence is a mere theory), doesn't mean drek.
You can clearly see that islam only leads to pedosexuality, bestiality and massmurder. Their 'one G-d' is not true.

Claiming nor believing to worship 'the one G-d' obviously means drek.
You will be known by your deeds.

The 'awareness/conciousness' of muslims is obviously (mis)directed to someplace else than the 'real' one G-d, so any claim that muslims worship the 'one G-d' is a mere display of lack of understanding and taking theory over the obvious truth.

For the slow ones:

"The mind and spirit of a praying muslim goes not to
-the one G-d


-to someplace else; some place bad"

Is it really that hard? Even atheist quantum physics scientists come closer to G-d than a muslim.

Let me sup it up by one word, BULLS*IT, believing in one G-d isn't suggesting positive or negative deeds, it has nothing to do with moral. And let me say one more thing, Atheists are more dangerous and immoral than any Muslim.

Yes, I already was under the impression that you were a forefighter for religion without morality.
Religion without morality will lead to nothing. You might just as well believe in the one satan.

Yes,I already was under the impression that you'd never know what religion is even if it'd kill your mother. Not every religious concept has to do anything with morality. Yes, I do believe there's one Satan, like every other Jew, go worship your statue.

Substantially, this is yet another weak response. You fail to use logic reasoning in debates so, unlike Chaim, you will not make people listen to you.

I have never seen anything in any of your replies that made me consider you an honest religeous man.
Muman is very scriptural as well, but does a much better job and I don't buy any of that age arguement. Somethings can't be learned; they are there with birth.

Here's another question that you can't answer:
How do you make up that I worship statues?
And don't bother to try to refute my accusations towards you in my previous post; you can't.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #51 on: December 29, 2009, 04:45:07 PM »

"Let me sup it up by one word, BULLS*IT, believing in one G-d isn't suggesting positive or negative deeds, it has nothing to do with moral. And let me say one more thing, Atheists are more dangerous and immoral than any Muslim."

When was the last time an atheist committed a suicide bombing?   :::D

Ever heard of the Commies?! Atheists don't believe in moral.

I' ve seen more moral atheists than you, so this is nonsense.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #52 on: December 29, 2009, 04:54:13 PM »



Taoists believe in the One Tao.

Just because muslims claim they worship 'the one G-d' (which in essence is a mere theory), doesn't mean drek.
You can clearly see that islam only leads to pedosexuality, bestiality and massmurder. Their 'one G-d' is not true.

Claiming nor believing to worship 'the one G-d' obviously means drek.
You will be known by your deeds.

The 'awareness/conciousness' of muslims is obviously (mis)directed to someplace else than the 'real' one G-d, so any claim that muslims worship the 'one G-d' is a mere display of lack of understanding and taking theory over the obvious truth.

For the slow ones:

"The mind and spirit of a praying muslim goes not to
-the one G-d


-to someplace else; some place bad"

Is it really that hard? Even atheist quantum physics scientists come closer to G-d than a muslim.

Let me sup it up by one word, BULLS*IT, believing in one G-d isn't suggesting positive or negative deeds, it has nothing to do with moral. And let me say one more thing, Atheists are more dangerous and immoral than any Muslim.

Yes, I already was under the impression that you were a forefighter for religion without morality.
Religion without morality will lead to nothing. You might just as well believe in the one satan.

Yes,I already was under the impression that you'd never know what religion is even if it'd kill your mother. Not every religious concept has to do anything with morality. Yes, I do believe there's one Satan, like every other Jew, go worship your statue.

Substantially, this is yet another weak response. You fail to use logic reasoning in debates so, unlike Chaim, you will not make people listen to you.

I have never seen anything in any of your replies that made me consider you an honest religeous man.
Muman is very scriptural as well, but does a much better job and I don't buy any of that age arguement. Somethings can't be learned; they are there with birth.

Here's another question that you can't answer:
How do you make up that I worship statues?
And don't bother to try to refute my accusations towards you in my previous post; you can't.

Yet another miserable response, pretending yourself to be logical is embrassing. I used clear logic --- what does belief in one G-D have to do with moralism (bad or good deeds)? Since when does G-D in a very general look has to be an authority commending people to do deeds you consider positive and moral while other don't?

None of your posts has ever even made me consider you as a thinking person, stop talking about things your undoubtly limited mind is not able to understand like rationality and honesty.

Unlike Chaim, I'm not trying to convince a fool like you - who's undoubtly uses irrational "rational" and would twist even his own words in order to make himself "win" something he considers a "debate". I don't even take your so-called arguments seriously --- I just know you'd use any demagougic tool like the questions you've posted you're nothing but a caricature and the sentence "those who cannot debate, cannot think, and cannot answer - defame standing on that red little nose of yours)  .

You're just potraying yourself as a thinking, mature human being - newsflash, post after post you're posting I can see why people in Holland needed the Muslims to wake up, you live in your arrogant hypocrite way of thinking trick you until someone slams your face and puts you in your place. Don't even bother reply to this since I already know you'll keep defaming thinking it'd make you look mature, you're just a silly little zit who deserves 0 attention (same amount of attention he already gets).

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #53 on: December 29, 2009, 04:54:50 PM »


"Let me sup it up by one word, BULLS*IT, believing in one G-d isn't suggesting positive or negative deeds, it has nothing to do with moral. And let me say one more thing, Atheists are more dangerous and immoral than any Muslim."

When was the last time an atheist committed a suicide bombing?   :::D

Ever heard of the Commies?! Atheists don't believe in moral.

I' ve seen more moral atheists than you, so this is nonsense.

When is your enslaved mother taking you from the kinder garden?

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #54 on: December 29, 2009, 05:10:08 PM »



Taoists believe in the One Tao.

Just because muslims claim they worship 'the one G-d' (which in essence is a mere theory), doesn't mean drek.
You can clearly see that islam only leads to pedosexuality, bestiality and massmurder. Their 'one G-d' is not true.

Claiming nor believing to worship 'the one G-d' obviously means drek.
You will be known by your deeds.

The 'awareness/conciousness' of muslims is obviously (mis)directed to someplace else than the 'real' one G-d, so any claim that muslims worship the 'one G-d' is a mere display of lack of understanding and taking theory over the obvious truth.

For the slow ones:

"The mind and spirit of a praying muslim goes not to
-the one G-d


-to someplace else; some place bad"

Is it really that hard? Even atheist quantum physics scientists come closer to G-d than a muslim.

Let me sup it up by one word, BULLS*IT, believing in one G-d isn't suggesting positive or negative deeds, it has nothing to do with moral. And let me say one more thing, Atheists are more dangerous and immoral than any Muslim.

Yes, I already was under the impression that you were a forefighter for religion without morality.
Religion without morality will lead to nothing. You might just as well believe in the one satan.

Yes,I already was under the impression that you'd never know what religion is even if it'd kill your mother. Not every religious concept has to do anything with morality. Yes, I do believe there's one Satan, like every other Jew, go worship your statue.

Substantially, this is yet another weak response. You fail to use logic reasoning in debates so, unlike Chaim, you will not make people listen to you.

I have never seen anything in any of your replies that made me consider you an honest religeous man.
Muman is very scriptural as well, but does a much better job and I don't buy any of that age arguement. Somethings can't be learned; they are there with birth.

Here's another question that you can't answer:
How do you make up that I worship statues?
And don't bother to try to refute my accusations towards you in my previous post; you can't.

Yet another miserable response, pretending yourself to be logical is embrassing. I used clear logic --- what does belief in one G-D have to do with moralism (bad or good deeds)? Since when does G-D in a very general look has to be an authority commending people to do deeds you consider positive and moral while other don't?

None of your posts has ever even made me consider you as a thinking person, stop talking about things your undoubtly limited mind is not able to understand like rationality and honesty.

Unlike Chaim, I'm not trying to convince a fool like you - who's undoubtly uses irrational "rational" and would twist even his own words in order to make himself "win" something he considers a "debate". I don't even take your so-called arguments seriously --- I just know you'd use any demagougic tool like the questions you've posted you're nothing but a caricature and the sentence "those who cannot debate, cannot think, and cannot answer - defame standing on that red little nose of yours)  .

You're just potraying yourself as a thinking, mature human being - newsflash, post after post you're posting I can see why people in Holland needed the Muslims to wake up, you live in your arrogant hypocrite way of thinking trick you until someone slams your face and puts you in your place. Don't even bother reply to this since I already know you'll keep defaming thinking it'd make you look mature, you're just a silly little zit who deserves 0 attention (same amount of attention he already gets).

You are simply to blind to see that most people consider you a clown.
You can only speak brave on a forum and undoubtedly will lack any real guts in real life.

Youre a real commie; no reasoning whatsoever. Good job son.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #55 on: December 29, 2009, 05:14:03 PM »

You're doing my job in ridiculing you better than me. I can really imagine the reason you joined JTF --- let me guess, it wasn't because of big bravery but rather a cry for help. May the Muslims eating the bones of such a disgusing retarded (National) Socialist piece of filth like you. Like them, you only do and do not feel nor think.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #56 on: December 29, 2009, 05:15:46 PM »


"Let me sup it up by one word, BULLS*IT, believing in one G-d isn't suggesting positive or negative deeds, it has nothing to do with moral. And let me say one more thing, Atheists are more dangerous and immoral than any Muslim."

When was the last time an atheist committed a suicide bombing?   :::D

Ever heard of the Commies?! Atheists don't believe in moral.

I' ve seen more moral atheists than you, so this is nonsense.

When is your enslaved mother taking you from the kinder garden?

Oh you want to talk about mothers...

Well, let's not start talking about yours; she raised a little louis farakhan.

You learned nothing from Chaims answer. It simply isn't in you.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #57 on: December 29, 2009, 05:19:33 PM »

You're doing my job in ridiculing you better than me. I can really imagine the reason you joined JTF --- let me guess, it wasn't because of big bravery but rather a cry for help. May the Muslims eating the bones of such a disgusing retarded (National) Socialist piece of filth like you. Like them, you only do and do not feel nor think.

Keep speaking bravely on the forum little toad. You need it to feed your delusions.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #58 on: December 29, 2009, 05:20:44 PM »



"Let me sup it up by one word, BULLS*IT, believing in one G-d isn't suggesting positive or negative deeds, it has nothing to do with moral. And let me say one more thing, Atheists are more dangerous and immoral than any Muslim."

When was the last time an atheist committed a suicide bombing?   :::D

Ever heard of the Commies?! Atheists don't believe in moral.

I' ve seen more moral atheists than you, so this is nonsense.

When is your enslaved mother taking you from the kinder garden?

Oh you want to talk about mothers...

Well, let's not start talking about yours; she raised a little louis farakhan.

You learned nothing from Chaims answer. It simply isn't in you.

What a little kid, starts a defaming "battle", then talks about maturity, then talks about rationality - and then compares me to a Commie and Farakhan. Huh! at least my kids would be white (not that I really care about skin color), unlike yours, Dhimmi.
Sometimes I wonder if the Muslims haven't wiped out all the adults out of the Holland (if you really live there and you're not just an idiot who worships another culture and pretends to be a nationalist or whatever). give me a break. I'm done with talking to you.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #59 on: December 29, 2009, 05:21:35 PM »


You're doing my job in ridiculing you better than me. I can really imagine the reason you joined JTF --- let me guess, it wasn't because of big bravery but rather a cry for help. May the Muslims eating the bones of such a disgusing retarded (National) Socialist piece of filth like you. Like them, you only do and do not feel nor think.

Keep speaking bravely on the forum little toad. You need it to feed your delusions.

Let's see you getting 5km close to the Jude, punk.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #60 on: December 29, 2009, 05:24:16 PM »


Taoists believe in the One Tao.

Just because muslims claim they worship 'the one G-d' (which in essence is a mere theory), doesn't mean drek.
You can clearly see that islam only leads to pedosexuality, bestiality and massmurder. Their 'one G-d' is not true.

Claiming nor believing to worship 'the one G-d' obviously means drek.
You will be known by your deeds.

The 'awareness/conciousness' of muslims is obviously (mis)directed to someplace else than the 'real' one G-d, so any claim that muslims worship the 'one G-d' is a mere display of lack of understanding and taking theory over the obvious truth.

For the slow ones:

"The mind and spirit of a praying muslim goes not to
-the one G-d


-to someplace else; some place bad"

Is it really that hard? Even atheist quantum physics scientists come closer to G-d than a muslim.

Let me sup it up by one word, BULLS*IT, believing in one G-d isn't suggesting positive or negative deeds, it has nothing to do with moral. And let me say one more thing, Atheists are more dangerous and immoral than any Muslim.

Yes, I already was under the impression that you were a forefighter for religion without morality.
Religion without morality will lead to nothing. You might just as well believe in the one satan.

Yes,I already was under the impression that you'd never know what religion is even if it'd kill your mother. Not every religious concept has to do anything with morality. Yes, I do believe there's one Satan, like every other Jew, go worship your statue.


רון מה זה? אתה מעליב את האם שלו כי הוא לא מסכים איתך?
והוא לא עובד פסלים. הוא לא מאמין בנצרות.
רון, אתה שוב מפר את ההסכם שיש לנו.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #61 on: December 29, 2009, 05:25:30 PM »
חוץ מלהאשים אותי בכל בעיה אין לך מה לעשות? הוא מתחיל לתקוף אותי כבר מההתחלה, בצורות הרבה יותר מעליבות. למה תמיד אני אשם בתנועה הזו?
אתה צודק. אני שוב מפר. עזבתי. עזוב, תסתדר אתה עם הזבל התת-אנושי שיש לך בפורום האנגלי.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #62 on: December 29, 2009, 05:28:02 PM »

You're doing my job in ridiculing you better than me. I can really imagine the reason you joined JTF --- let me guess, it wasn't because of big bravery but rather a cry for help. May the Muslims eating the bones of such a disgusing retarded (National) Socialist piece of filth like you. Like them, you only do and do not feel nor think.

You should read the rules for radicals some more or let someone else write your answers.
Yours arent working.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #63 on: December 29, 2009, 05:34:53 PM »
חוץ מלהאשים אותי בכל בעיה אין לך מה לעשות? הוא מתחיל לתקוף אותי כבר מההתחלה, בצורות הרבה יותר מעליבות. למה תמיד אני אשם בתנועה הזו?


כי אתה אחראי ל90% מהריבים שיש לנו בפורום האנגלי.
הוא לא העליב אותך. אתה התחלת איתו בלי שום סיבה. הוא רק הביע דעה אחרת.
אני לא מאמין שאתה כותב דברים כל כך מכוערים. מה שהוא כותב זה רק תגובה לקללות המגעילות שלך.
אני מתבייש כשאני רואה את הקללות והאיומים.
ולידיעתך, הוא דוקא אדם מוסרי וטוב.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #64 on: December 29, 2009, 05:40:32 PM »

Bio-electric, I must again apologize to you for this latest outburst.

You are a wonderful, righteous and courageous man, and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. I am so embarrassed by all of this. Please forgive me!

Offline New Yorker

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #65 on: December 29, 2009, 05:49:43 PM »

Back to the main subject of this thread

Allah Vs. G-d

It's simple

Allah = Satan, and Satan loses.

Are you even Jewish? If so why do you a Christian/Muslim view of Satan?

Yeah, I'm Jewish are you even Jewish? And who the hell are you to question? Act like a pri*k and I'm going to call you on it.

Why a Christian view of Satan? Must be because I was born and raised in the good old U S A, cultural views of things rub off on you after a life time.
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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #66 on: December 29, 2009, 05:56:57 PM »

Back to the main subject of this thread

Allah Vs. G-d

It's simple

Allah = Satan, and Satan loses.

Are you even Jewish? If so why do you a Christian/Muslim view of Satan?

Yeah, I'm Jewish are you even Jewish? And who the hell are you to question? Act like a pri*k and I'm going to call you on it.

Why a Christian view of Satan? Must be because I was born and raised in the good old U S A, cultural views of things rub off on you after a life time.

New Yorker,

You know that Jews don't believe in Satan like the Christians, don't you? We believe that Satan is a angel of Hashem, who is only doing his job in testing the Free Will of the Jewish people... I don't know why so many Jews accept the idea of the xtian devil... Do some study on the nature of Satan, the holy prosecuting angel, the yetzer hara, and the molech hameis {angel of death}.... They are all the same... But there is no such thing as the devil...

PS: In essence Satan = Hashem is true, because Satan is only carrying out the will of Hashem... And Hashem never loses... Once Moshiach comes and the entire world choses good over evil and knows the One true G-d, only then will evil be utterly destroyed.

PPS: I also hope you are not saying Assimilation is a good thing.... Living in America has greatly harmed the Jewish people spiritually.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline New Yorker

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #67 on: December 29, 2009, 06:11:14 PM »

Back to the main subject of this thread

Allah Vs. G-d

It's simple

Allah = Satan, and Satan loses.

Are you even Jewish? If so why do you a Christian/Muslim view of Satan?

Yeah, I'm Jewish are you even Jewish? And who the hell are you to question? Act like a pri*k and I'm going to call you on it.

Why a Christian view of Satan? Must be because I was born and raised in the good old U S A, cultural views of things rub off on you after a life time.

New Yorker,

You know that Jews don't believe in Satan like the Christians, don't you? We believe that Satan is a angel of Hashem, who is only doing his job in testing the Free Will of the Jewish people... I don't know why so many Jews accept the idea of the xtian devil... Do some study on the nature of Satan, the holy prosecuting angel, the yetzer hara, and the molech hameis {angel of death}.... They are all the same... But there is no such thing as the devil...

PS: In essence Satan = Hashem is true, because Satan is only carrying out the will of Hashem... And Hashem never loses...

And in all the quibbling about semantics, the spirit of my post was completely lost.

Point is,

Allah is not G-d. That's it.

Allah is nothing, a fictitious false deity, a moon G-d modified for monotheism, for a false "religion",  more a death cult than a "religion", a warped primitive ignorant childish plagiarism of Judaism and Christianity. Their Allah leads them to nothing but evil acts, therefore their Allah is evil

But we can spend the rest of the thread discussing my use of the term "Satan" to make the same point if you'd all prefer, I was trying to save on typing and Allah = Satan seemed to be the most efficent way of getting that all across in a pithy way.
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.


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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #68 on: December 29, 2009, 07:12:50 PM »
הוא לא העליב אותך. אתה התחלת איתו בלי שום סיבה. הוא רק הביע דעה אחרת.

תכלס , חיים , הוא כן התחיל עם רון , הוא אמר לרון שהוא תחת הרושם שרון נלחם בשורה הקדמית עבור דתות ללא מוסר

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #69 on: December 29, 2009, 07:27:55 PM »
One point for clarification with our Jewish members:

I realize and accept that Judaism does not consider the devil to be an independently-acting evil being and is merely the prosecutor of G-d, but at the same time, I should point out that no Christian actually believes that satan is on a par with Hashem in power and influence--yes, we believe he has free will and has chosen the yetzer hara, but he only has the power that G-d allows him to have (a la Job). Yes, we believe that he does tempt and attack people, but that we have free will to resist him.


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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #70 on: December 29, 2009, 08:43:21 PM »
brennan fan - i understand you feel like you were backed to a corner here and feel you should explain your christian principles here , but this forum is of a jewish movement and , christianity (or any other religion besides judaism) should not be spoken of here for it will allow missionery based messages in the future , + belive me you dont wanne hear what most jews really think about christianity , cause infact , the very basis and core of christianity is somthing a true jewish beliver cannot accept

about what you saying ,christianity does view satan as if the "nemesis" , the evil one ,the rebel one, the one who have powers and rule armies of demons who he wants to conquer heaven with ... so in a way ,christianity view him ,even if not "directly" ( or perheps it does , look at your second Corinthians 4:4) , another g,o,d ...some christians view him just as the persians viewed ahiraman

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #71 on: December 30, 2009, 02:22:54 PM »
It doesn't bother me that Maimonides concluded that Allah and Hashem are technically the same G-d. I personally disagree, because all of the attributes of Allah came from Molech and Sin and other satanic pagan "deities" of the Fertile Crescent, and the monotheism of Allah was simply ripped-off from Judaism, but who am I to tell people what to believe?

Saying their monotheism was "ripped off from Judaism" is obviously true.   But you have admitted that they do believe in monotheism.   They subsumed all those various pagan beliefs and worship and conquered the globe and spread Islam, a rip-off Monotheism, but monotheism nonetheless.   No one was giving muhammad credit, chas ve shalom.   Only pointing out the fact that their belief is monotheistic even if based on a madman's rantings...

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #72 on: December 30, 2009, 02:26:38 PM »

It doesn't bother me that Maimonides concluded that Allah and Hashem are technically the same G-d. I personally disagree, because all of the attributes of Allah came from Molech and Sin and other satanic pagan "deities" of the Fertile Crescent, and the monotheism of Allah was simply ripped-off from Judaism, but who am I to tell people what to believe?

Theologically, they are, since they're both one G-D who created the universe, the idea of divinity is the same, or let's just sum it up by - both Judaism and Islam are Monotheistic, and that's what he meant,  the difference is known (the difference between Torah and Islam), the fact that its name and theological background roots deeply in Pagan religions doesn't matter here.
even theologically they dont have same idea, Muslims technically are pagans for whom worshipping towards the direction of the black rock is compulsory.   From study of ancient Arab religions, we can conclude that Al-Lah is a pagan moon G-d.


Are you aware that Jews are required to pray facing Eastward toward the Beit HaMikdash/Temple mount? I dont think that there is anything particularly wrong with praying facing toward something.... I think this too is stolen from Judaism...

i was not aware of this. so Jews living in the East have to pray towards West (direction of Temple mount) ? and this is compulsory?

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #73 on: December 30, 2009, 02:35:44 PM »

Taoists believe in the One Tao.

Just because muslims claim they worship 'the one G-d' (which in essence is a mere theory), doesn't mean drek.
You can clearly see that islam only leads to pedosexuality, bestiality and massmurder. Their 'one G-d' is not true.

Claiming nor believing to worship 'the one G-d' obviously means drek.
You will be known by your deeds.

The 'awareness/conciousness' of muslims is obviously (mis)directed to someplace else than the 'real' one G-d, so any claim that muslims worship the 'one G-d' is a mere display of lack of understanding and taking theory over the obvious truth.

For the slow ones:

"The mind and spirit of a praying muslim goes not to
-the one G-d


-to someplace else; some place bad"

Is it really that hard? Even atheist quantum physics scientists come closer to G-d than a muslim.

Let me sup it up by one word, BULLS*IT, believing in one G-d isn't suggesting positive or negative deeds, it has nothing to do with moral. And let me say one more thing, Atheists are more dangerous and immoral than any Muslim.

Yes, I already was under the impression that you were a forefighter for religion without morality.
Religion without morality will lead to nothing. You might just as well believe in the one satan.

But that's not what was said here.   He was saying that the issue being discussed, both in this thread and by the Rambam which was quoted here, is about the Theological BELIEF of the Muslims, is it monotheistic or not, so can they claim Allah is the one God the same as ours (not based on actions, based on "description")?   The Rambam said in this respect the Muslims were straight or correct in their belief (about God), that they successfully mimick Judaic monotheism.   That does NOT mean that their religion is correct (chas veshalom), since it is obviously lunacy written by an imposter, but more importantly, it does NOT mean that Muslims behave properly.   Rambam does not say that Muslims behave in a righteous way.   He is only speaking about their thought-process in their belief -  That is the point Ron Ben Michael is making with his comment here, as I understand it.   He is not saying actions are irrelevant to religious practice/belief because Rambam would never say such anti-Jewish nonsense and neither would Ron Ben Michael I am sure.

On the contrary Rambam points out many times the Muslim treachery and abuse committed against the Jewish people.   It's not relevant to this discussion of uniqueness of God.

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Re: Allah Vs. G-d
« Reply #74 on: December 30, 2009, 02:38:17 PM »

I tried to sum up elegantly the two main opinion in this forum regarding this subject. And also to clear out why in any case essentially since we are all agreeing on the fact that:
The Quran is not the word of G-d,
in reality it doesn't really matter if one thinks that Allah is G-d or not.

Well said.