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ask christian4jews if you dare...
--- Quote from: Moshe92 on January 02, 2010, 05:51:09 PM ---
--- Quote from: christians4jews on January 02, 2010, 05:39:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: Zelhar on December 31, 2009, 09:25:59 AM ---
--- Quote from: christians4jews on December 31, 2009, 09:05:36 AM ---no one going to ask me questions :(
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I must apologize for diverging this thread.
You said you have Jewish ancestors, can you be a little more explicit ?
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uncle and cousins...
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Do you actually have Jewish blood, or did some of your aunts and cousins intermarry with Jews?
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i personally dont have any jewish blood, mines scottish and italian, but as you rightly say i have alot of jews in my family through intermarridge etc.
Christians4Jews, first of all, sorry for hijacking your thread! Second of all, what do you think is the best strategy for defeating world wide Islam?
So Christians4Jews and Christians4Jews ONLY :::D
How old are you? (Most men don't post their age......they're like us women!)
--- Quote from: Rubystars on January 03, 2010, 09:17:20 AM ---Christians4Jews, first of all, sorry for hijacking your thread! Second of all, what do you think is the best strategy for defeating world wide Islam?
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by education. I rmemeber chaim and craig winn saying 90 percent of america was kkk at one time, then when everyone learnt what it was actually about, the vast majority left it...
No such thing as a moderate muslim, if you are, you will go to hell and get punished more than christians and jews according to islam...
So i would make it public that mohammed was a paedophile that had sex with a 6 year old, killed thousadns of innocent jewish children and women and genwinely was horrific...
I actually think people are slowly losing patients, even my ultra pc brother who use to brown nose islam is waking up its a unevolved backward culture...hopefully the we will wake up before its to late...
--- Quote from: pennyjangle on January 03, 2010, 03:20:38 PM ---So Christians4Jews and Christians4Jews ONLY :::D
How old are you? (Most men don't post their age......they're like us women!)
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25 years old...
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