Rabbi Meir Kahane was questioned about this exact subject many times during live media interviews, and he is on record as advocating a State based on Torah values.
He said he wanted Shabbat to be an officially recognized and observed day, and stated that he had no intentions of allowing a "Taliban" style religious police to harrass those living a more secular life.
It does stand to reason, however, that pork production would not exist in such a state; nor would foods violating Kosher laws be allowed for sale.
Those opting for a truly Jewish Israel would have to be aware that they are making a choice for a truly Jewish State, and not a state full of Jews who walk around boasting "...I am not a Jew....I am an Israeli!..."
Towards the end of his life, Rabbi Kahane publicly stated that he would be willing to allow non-Jews (and even loyal Arabs) to reside in Israel according to Torah law....they would be prohibited from voting and bearing arms; but otherwise receive the same benefits of statehood as Jewish citizens.
One can not logically make a case for a Jewish State in the Land Of Israel, without making the case for Torah and Ha'Shem's gift of the Land to the Jewish People.
Once Torah is removed from arguments claiming Jewish sovereignty over Eretz Yisrael, no case exists to argue for the existence of such a State.
And my preceding statement defines the confused situation now found in the State of Israel; it wants to be a secular "little America" with "democracy" its highest value, yet finds that reality to be the justification for the Muslim Arab arguments that all of the Middle East must belong to them.
Muslims proudly and devoutly use their sacred book to justify their claims to Jewish Land; while Jewish "intellectuals" insist on secular academic arguments which fall short during debates because of their refusal to acknowledge Torah and G-d as their source for legitimacy.
If "democracy" is the justification for support of Israel, then a growing Arab population governed by Hamas will soon supplant the Jewish "secular democrats", just as George W. Bush's recent "democratization" voting plan for the PLO so vividly revealed just recently.