Author Topic: Man honored by Obama: God 'sinful, homophobic bigot'  (Read 623 times)

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Man honored by Obama: God 'sinful, homophobic bigot'
« on: January 14, 2010, 11:44:29 AM »

A man honored by President Obama as a "civil rights pioneer" has told a Christian ministry leader the God of the Bible is a "sinful, homophobic bigot" who needs to repent and "seek forgiveness for the pain and suffering which his sinful homophobia has needlessly inflicted upon gay people for the past 4,000 years."

The comments come from Frank Kameny, a longtime activist for homosexual "rights," who once famously said bestiality is all right "as long as the animal doesn't mind (and the animal rarely does)."

According to Peter LaBarbera, president of the nonprofit Americans for Truth, Kameny sent an e-mail to his Christian organization a few weeks ago.

Kameny, who was dismissed from his federal job as an astronomer in the 1950s because of his homosexuality, told LaBarbera, "You have the whole issue of sin, vis a vis homosexuality, 'on the wrong foot.' It is your homophobic God of Leviticus (and of the Bible as a whole) himself (herself? itself? themselves?) who is the sinner because of that homophobia."

"Bigotry is sinful, whether it be racism, anti-Semitism, or homophobia," Kameny wrote.

(Story continues below)


"Your God of Leviticus (and of the whole Bible) is clearly a sinful homophobic bigot. He should repent of his sinful homophobia. He should atone for that sin, And he should seek forgiveness for the pain and suffering which his sinful homophobia has needlessly inflicted upon gay people for the past 4,000 years," he continued.

Now hear this! 'Marketing of Evil' audiobook! Listen to David Kupelian read his controversial culture-war best-seller

Kameny, an octogenarian, was honored June 29 when Obama talked about the homosexual "rights" movement down through the years.

"That's the story of a civil rights pioneer who's here today, Frank Kameny, who was fired … from his job as an astronomer for the federal government simply because he was gay," Obama said. "And in 1965, he led a protest outside the White House, which was at the time both an act of conscience but also an act of extraordinary courage. And so we are proud of you Frank, and we are grateful to you for your leadership."

Hear Obama's praise of Kameny:

LaBarbera commented: "Of course Frank Kameny's outrageous statements about God are completely backwards: it is Frank who is the stubborn sinner who needs to repent. Thankfully, it is never too late for sinners to turn away from their sins and humbly accept God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

"However, in one sense at least Kameny is forthright about how his homosexuality-celebrating ideology stands diametrically opposed to God's plan for mankind, as revealed in the Bible. Unfortunately for Frank, he has no authority to judge sin and morality; that is the province of Almighty God alone," he said.

Kameny's statement, delivered Oct. 13, continued, "It is not homosexuality which is always wrong, immoral, and sinful. It is homophobia, including the homophobia of your god himself which is wrong, immoral, and sinful. And so your god is a sinner, on this account (I deal with no other issue here)."

Kameny also, on June 17, received from Obama the official White House pen the president used to sign his executive order delivering to some federal employees domestic partner benefits.

Kameny, who coined the "gay is good" slogan, also was honored last year by John Berry, Obama's homosexual director in the Office of Personnel Management. At that time, Kameny was given the Theodore Roosevelt Award "for more othan a half-century of leadership in the struggle for civil rights."

Berry also gave Kameny a formal government apology for his firing.

"Folks, there's no shortage of sinful pride and presumption among 'gay' activists and their allies, that's for sure," the Americans for Truth website said. "How appropriate is this coming from the hero of a movement that redefines changeable sexual sin as a 'civil right'?"

LaBarbera previously documented when Kameny called believers "Christianofascists."
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