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Topic: US Conservative Think Tank: 1 Million Serbs Murdered By Ustashe Croat Nazis!! (Read 3588 times)
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JTFer in Exile
Master JTFer
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US Conservative Think Tank: 1 Million Serbs Murdered By Ustashe Croat Nazis!!
January 21, 2010, 07:32:40 AM »
Tudjman & the Croatian Ustashe Nazi genocide of Krajina Serbs in 1991
Posted by Nathan Pearlstein
Hiding Genocide
The Balkan Conflict: The Psychological Strategy Aspects
Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy
Volume XX, Number 12, December 31, 1992
Croatia has resumed its “liquidation” of Serbs, while arguing that “ethnic cleansing” is a Serbian creation . . .
“The Big Lie” technique is alive and well. Croatia has used the media and skilful image manipulation to hide its renewed genocide against the Serbs while at the same time ensuring that Serbs are themselves wrongly accused of the same type of crime, and more.
Editor-in-Chief Gregory Copley reports from the Balkans.
To Forget Jasenovac
Croatian President Franjo Tudjman took immediate steps, once his power was secure in the newly-recognized State of Croatia to obliterate all traces and memory of the concentration camp of Jasenovac, founded in August 1941, in the marshy Lonjsko Polje, at the confluence of the Una and Sava rivers. Jasenovac Concentration and Labour Camp, as it was officially known, flourished until 1945, and had branches along the Sava, from Krapja and Gradina in the west to Stara Gradiska in the east. It covered 210 sq.km., broken into about 10 smaller camps, each with its own system for individual and mass killings of inmates.Immediately after World War II while signs of the “Ustashi” activity were still fresh, the Commission for Establishing the Crimes Committed by the Occupying Forces and Their Domestic Helpers found that Jasenovac had killed 600,000 people in 1,335 days and nights; most of the dead were Serbs, Jews and Gypsies. Some 360,000 died in the village of Gradina, where most of the killing was achieved by poisoning, starvation and incineration. Some 20,000 of the Gradina victims were children under the age of 14. Even the Germans were horrified: “What is involved is a camp of the worst possible kind, which is comparable to Dante Alighieri’s hell,” officer Arthur Hofner wrote in his report of November 18, 1942.
Jasenovac Camp was overthrown on April 22, 1945 when 1,073 inmates made a suicidal charge at the “Ustashi” guards; only 84 of the inmates lived to see their freedom.
Roman Catholic priest, Friar Miroslav Flipovic (Miroslav Majstorovic known as “Friar Satan”), commanded the camp for four months, and, according to his own confession, was responsible for killing between 20.000 and 30,000 inmates. Before that, he had organized massacres in a number of villages, where he took an active role in the killing. Once in the camps, he noted, “I personally killed about 100 inmates from Jasenovac and Stara Gradiska”.
“Ustashi” killers used specially shaped knives mallets and axes for individual killings. The same techniques are being used by the “Ustashi” today. Friar Dionizije Juricev, Head of the Religious Department of the NDH Government in 1941, said: “Today it is not a sin to kill even a small child which is in the way of the “Ustashi” movement.”
Croatian President Franjo Tudjman in 1991 had all the buildings at Jasenovac — which had been preserved as a memorial, with many artefacts and records inside–bulldozed to make way for a “rare bird sanctuary”. Jasenovac was the third most “productive” of the Third Reich’s concentration camps, but because the War Crimes trials focussed almost solely on Germany itself, many “Ustashi” killers of Jasenovac escaped trial and punishment and are free today.
War, Or Religious Bonfire?
Friar Dionizije Juricev, Head of the Religious Department of World War II Croatia noted the sentiment which is carried today by extremist “Ustasha” militia in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina: “No people other than Croats may any longer live in this land, because this is Croatian land, and we will know what to do with anybody who is not willing to get converted. In those regions yonder, I arranged for everything to be cleared away, everything from a chicken to an old man, and should that be necessary, I shall do so here, too, since it is not sinful nowadays to kill even a seven-year-old child, if it is standing in the way of our “Ustashi” order.”
“We all have to be Croats now and expand, and once we have expanded and grown stronger, we shall, if necessary, take even more from others. Pay no heed to my [religious] vestments, for you should know that whenever necessity arises, I take into my hands a machine gun and exterminate everybody down to the cradle, everybody who is opposed to the “Ustashi” State and Government.”
Friar Dr. Srecko Peric, from Livno, said in July 1941 in his sermons: “My Croat brethren! Go and slay all Serbs! First of all my sister, who is married to a Serb. After that, come to me, and I shall take on my soul all your sins …” Today, in the new genocide, Croat wives have demanded the death of their Serb husbands. The nature, and style, of the conflict seems almost identical to that of World War II.
To Forget Prebilovci
It was only in August 1991, after half a century of silence, that the remains of the Serbs who were thrown to their death by the Croatian “Ustasha” into a pit at Sumarici in August 1941 were buried in the Serbian Orthodox village of Prebilovici, near Capljina in lower Herzegovina. Tito had forbidden mention of the massacres but, by 1991, the new freedom allowed the families to exhume the pit and bury their dead. The village, in 1941, had a population of 1,000. Earlier, it had given volunteers to join the Bosnian-Herzegovinian uprising against the Turks in 1875-78, and it had contributed 20 volunteers to the Serbian Army in Salonica in World War I and many villagers died as prisoners in Austro-Hungarian Empire concentration camps. Croat nationalists, however, harboured hatred at Prebilovci’s contribution to the World War I Serbian army.
Prebilovci was surrounded on the night of August 4, 1941, by some 3,000 “Ustashi” made up of the village’s Muslim and Croat neighbours. Expecting the attack, the townsfolk had fled to the hills on the night of August 3, but at dawn the women and children returned to their homes only to be either captured and herded into the elementary school or killed in their homes. Atrocities began in the villages including the killing of 50 infants who were swung by their legs so that their heads could be dashed against the school wall. There was continuous rape of the young girls there, and at other locations. On August 6, 150 “Ustasha” under Ivan Jovanovic (“Blacky”) were joined by another 400 “Ustasha” from Capljina, and took the prisoners in rail cattle-cars to Vranac, some 500 to 1,000m from the Golubinks pit, one of many such natural, near-vertical cave formations in the region.
There the 550 “Ustasha” took small groups of prisoners to the pit and, family-by-family pushed them into it. The initial vertical fall was some 27m, followed by a 100m steep slope to the base of the pit. Small children were thrown up into the air before falling into the pit. One woman is known to have given birth as she fell into the pit. The newborn infant died with her under the crush of bodies.
One entire family of 78 persons died in the crush of the Golubinka Pit in Surmanci. And after all were pushed into it, the “Ustasha” sat around drinking and celebrating. Only 170 villagers survived. Remarkably, 45 survived the crush of the pits and escaped later to tell of the disaster. Only 14 of the 550 known “Ustasha” were brought to trial after the war, and one of the judges was himself an “Ustashi” close to the crime. Only six were sentenced to death, the remainder received prison sentences, the majority around three years.
The remains were dug up before the Bosnian-Herzegovinian civil war erupted in 1992, and a monument built. It has now been damaged or destroyed by the war. But even in 1991, when the carefully and reverently collected bones of the dead were being transported to a burial site, the truck passed under a bridge bearing the hastily-daubed sign in Serbo-Croat: “Come visit us again–God and the Croats”.
Twice before in this Century there have been well documented attempts by the Croats to destroy the Serbian people, and to obliterate their culture, religion and memory. It first began, during the upheaval of the Austro-Hungarian Empire–of which Croatia, but not Serbia, was part –with World War I. Then, after a period of apparent Balkan har- mony under the first Yugoslavia–the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes–it resurfaced with the invasion and occupation of Yugoslavia by Italy and Germany. Nazi Germany on April 10, 1941, proclaimed Croatia an independent state for the first time in its history, and installed a neo-nazi puppet Government of the Independent State of Croatia (known in Serbo-Croatian as Nezavisna Drzava Hrvatska: NDH).
Between 1941 and 1945, the “Ustasha” NDH Government of Poglavnik (leader) Ante Pavelic systematically killed as many as one-million Serb men, women and children. Serbian historians claim that as many as two-million Serbs have been killed by Croatia in this century. Population figures over this century give credence to the latter claim. Documented evidence confirms the approximate accuracy of the World War II deaths. From the beginning, the Pavelic Government repeated: “there can be no Serbs or Orthodoxy in Croatia.” NDH official Dr. Milovan Zanic said at a meeting in Nova Gradiska on June 2, 1941: “This will be a country of Croats and none other, and we as “Ustasha” will use every possible method to make this country truly Croat and purge it of the Serbs. We are not hiding this, it is the policy of the state and when it is carried out, we will be carrying out what is written down in the “Ustasha” principles.”
Today, the newly-independent State of Croatia has adopted the same symbols as the “Ustasha” puppet nazi state. In many instances its military and paramilitary units have adopted the same uniforms of the 1941-45 “Ustasha” Black Legions. And the killing has begun again. The dispossession has begun again. The NDH puppet Government, with the full support of the Nazi German occupying Army, destroyed some 450 Serbian Orthodox churches in World War II. The newly-independent State of Croatia has either directly or indirectly supported the destruction of more than 300 Serbian Orthodox churches–many of which had been rebuilt on the rubble of the World War II sites –in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Between 600,000 and 800,000 ethnic Serbs have fled from Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina to Serbia to come under the protection of the Yugoslav National Army (JNA).
Austrian historian Freidrich Heer noted in 1968 that what happened in NDH Croatia was the result of “archaic fanaticism and pre-historic times”. Pavelic, he said, was “a singular murderer of the 20th Century.” Pavelic is today lauded as a hero of modern Croatia; his picture (and that of l9th Century “Ustasha” ideologue Ante Starcevic) adorns the T-shirts of a generation of Croatians who were unborn at the end of World War II.
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Master JTFer
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Re: US Conservative Think Tank: 1 Million Serbs Murdered By Ustashe Croat Nazis!!
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January 21, 2010, 03:44:22 PM »
What a great web page
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,
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