Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch

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serbian army:
crnitrn you are a sick man, please spare us your religious teaching which do not hold true in our orthodox church, you will not convert me or any other serbian member into your church...


--- Quote from: Novakovic on December 03, 2010, 10:10:01 AM ---
--- Quote from: Kerber on December 03, 2010, 09:47:19 AM --- Covek treba da se uzdrzava od osude drugih , jer kako sudi tako C.E. mu i biti sudjeno.

--- End quote ---

Da, ali ti znas dobro da sudis pripadnicima Sinoda, kao dolje:

--- Quote ---There is no "spitting" on the Church. The facts are that current patriarch and Sinod members are traitors , Vatican's people who are producing the division in our Church by non-canonical prosecution of those who are against Roman ecumenism.

--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---
Njihova odgovornost pred Bogom je veca nego odgovornost drugih ljudi. Poglavarima,vladikama, C.E. se suditi po strozijim kriterijumima nego drugima, jer oni su ucitelji koji su se latili najodgovornijeg posla na svetu - spasenja sto vise ljudi.

Ti bi trebalo da naucis osnovne stvari poznavanja pravoslavne teologije pa ces lako videti ko je u otpadu ,a ko nije.

Preporucujem ti da iz odeljka "Sveti oci o ekumenizmu" procitas date tekstove: , i videces kako pravoslavlje gleda na ekumenizam,tj. na spajanje sa svejeresi - Vatikanom, kako ih je nazvao otac Justin Popovic.
Kad se to zna, onda se lako zakljucuje ko je ko , tj. ko je VUK U OVCIJOJ KOZI.


What, you again attack a Serbian priest?
If Serbia would be ruled by a nationalistic government, I hope that then sectarian organizations will be expelled from Serbia.


You say that it is not good to judge people. I agree. But remember what you said about the members of the Sinod? Is not that jugding? Secondly, I did not hear you complain when Crnitrn, who is obviously confused by Adventists, said that icons should not be used? I did hear you saying something on icons, that led into the direction of Crnitrn's statements. I am surprised that you as an Orthodox Christian are not insulted, in case if somebody talks about icons like that?
I also do not understand brother why you are not suspicious about the fact that an ex or current Adventist is spreading non-Orthodox theology amongst Serbs?

Da li vi znate da je prema saborima ,dakle pravilima i kanonima, zabranjeno biti u zajednici sa svestenicima koji otvoreno propovedaju jeres(kao sto je rimski ekumenizam)?

Sta je vladika koji poziva na ovu jeres? Pravoslavan ili vuk u ovcijoj kozi?

Ja do sad nisam pominjao pravila usbojena u pravoslavlju,ali vidite koliko daleko to ide i koliko nema NI MALO PROSTORA u mirenju sa grehom jeresi:
(Apostolsko pravilo 15, Dvokratnog sabora)
"Verni treba da se odele od episkopa i svestenika koji otvoreno propovedaju jeres."

Necu dalje da citiram Svete oce sta govore, mozete sami da citate.


OK if an Orthodox cooperates in that way with the Catholic Church, that is not good. But if an Orthodox cooperates with an Adventist in an ecumenist way, are you also condemning that? It seems that you separate Adventists from Catholics?


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