Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Bishop Irinej is new Serbian patriarch

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--- Quote from: Novakovic on November 14, 2010, 11:57:54 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sox7 on November 14, 2010, 11:44:50 AM ---But I am saying that Orthodoxy has gone way off and needs a lot of reform.

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That is what you have in common with the Vatican. Both of you want to reform/ change the Orthodoxy. I do not see any difference between the Vatican's attempt and your attempt. If this is your real intention, agenda, then you are conducting a crime against the Serbs.  

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I have nothing in common with the Vatican. The Vatican wants you to bow before their Pope. They want to put all of Christ's power and righteousness in a fallen human being on earth. Then they want to wield that enormous power for whatever political purpose they see fit, whether that is conquering the Americas, the Crusades, WWII and Jasenovac, or something else. It is absolutely monstrous.

Protestantism does not put any people on a pedestal. We don't care about Luther or Calvin or other reformers. We have no high priest or patriarch. The relationship is directly between you and Christ (God) and with your fellow Christians (and non-Christians) around you. And because of this, everything a pastor says must be validated by the Bible. If he cannot support what he is saying with the Bible, then it doesn't hold. The Bible is the final authority on truth - not the priest or the patriarch or the pope or "tradition." Do you understand the difference?

I never said you should become this or that denomination of Protestantism. I understand that there are many problems with Protestantism itself, it is far from perfect. But I am saying the Orthodox church should reform itself from within, to examine whether this or that tradition or doctrine really makes sense or is it just accepted because "it was always this way." I pointed out that icons were very controversial within Orthodoxy itself. There are many other issues as well, e.g. how salvation happens, the meaning of baptism and eucharist, the meaning of good works, etc.


--- Quote from: Novakovic on November 14, 2010, 12:00:03 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sox7 on November 14, 2010, 11:57:11 AM ---You don't know much about Christianity at any rate. You cannot be "moderate." Christianity is an all-consuming thing. You must place Christ above all other things: self, family, nation, country, career, entertainment, interests etc. and follow him. That is something rare in both the Orthodox and Protestant churches.
And you know, I hope, that you cannot "earn" your salvation.

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Look I know enough about my religion to aviod infiltrators from outside. I can notice the difference between Orthodox teachings and heretic teachings.
But I am not a hardcore believer. I admit.

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What is your basis for saying something is heresy?


--- Quote from: Novakovic on November 14, 2010, 12:03:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: crnitrn on November 14, 2010, 12:01:51 PM ---Evo dobrog teoloskog sajta!

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Site koji govori protiv ikona i tako dalje.. To sam čuo od ozbiljnih ljudi.
Brate prije protjeraj jeretika iz sebe, pa onda se priključi u borbu..

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Udji na taj sajt i pitaj ga sta misli o ikonama pa onda pricaj! Znaci nemoj da ti drugi sole pamet idi tamo gde je logika i istina pa ce sve da ti bude jasno.Sam prouci stvari malo dublje udji u teologiju kao sto si i sam priznao samo je povrsno poznajes. Ikone su u ovom trenutku jako nebitna stvar ali si ti zbog drugacijeg misljenja po tom pitanju spreman da nekog ocrnis a da se pritom nisi ni zapitao da li si u pravu. Moj ujak je ikonopisac i radi duborez imam u kuci par njegovih ikona. Ali one su mi opomena i secanje na pobozne ljude - svece. Ali im se ne molim jer drvo ne  moze da pomogne, vec samo Bog Svemoguci kojim se molim!
Ali opet kazem to nije centralno pitanje ono je manje bitno sada moramo da seborimo protiv ekumenizma!


--- Quote from: crnitrn on November 14, 2010, 12:13:14 PM ---
--- Quote from: Novakovic on November 14, 2010, 12:03:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: crnitrn on November 14, 2010, 12:01:51 PM ---Evo dobrog teoloskog sajta!

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Site koji govori protiv ikona i tako dalje.. To sam čuo od ozbiljnih ljudi.
Brate prije protjeraj jeretika iz sebe, pa onda se priključi u borbu..

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Udji na taj sajt i pitaj ga sta misli o ikonama pa onda pricaj! Znaci nemoj da ti drugi sole pamet idi tamo gde je logika i istina pa C.E. sve da ti bude jasno.Sam prouci stvari malo dublje udji u teologiju kao sto si i sam priznao samo je povrsno poznajes. Ikone su u ovom trenutku jako nebitna stvar ali si ti zbog drugacijeg misljenja po tom pitanju spreman da nekog ocrnis a da se pritom nisi ni zapitao da li si u pravu. Moj ujak je ikonopisac i radi duborez imam u kuci par njegovih ikona. Ali one su mi opomena i secanje na pobozne ljude - svece. Ali im se ne molim jer drvo ne  moze da pomogne, vec samo Bog Svemoguci kojim se molim!
Ali opet kazem to nije centralno pitanje ono je manje bitno sada moramo da seborimo protiv ekumenizma!

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Ima li jos kao ti, koji drze ikone u kuci ali im se ne klanjaju?


--- Quote from: Sox7 on November 14, 2010, 12:09:10 PM ---What is your basis for saying something is heresy?

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If something is a deviation it is heresy. Heresy is considered as a great sin in Orthodoxy. Now you will say what is deviation. According to the Orthodox point of view those separations of the original way are a heresy. We all know in what century Orthodoxy was established (by the apostles of Christ) and we all know that protestantism was founded somewhere in the 15/16 century. So I am not interested in new religions which were created by men and function as a replacement of real Christianity.

I do believe that there are good and moral people amongst protestants. But I do not believe that they are following Christ according to the right way. Orthodoxy teaches us to judge people on their actions. The protestant countries organized the biological exterminations of the native population of North, South, Middle America, Africa, Australia and New Sealand. Countries and nations that obey Christ and live according to Christs rules can not participate into crimes like that.


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