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Ask Bobish..

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Confederate Kahanist:
How do you like living in Vermont?


I live in Vermont.
I was born in upstate NY.
Close to watertown.

real name is bob.
Not Jewish, thinking about it.

If Islam left everyone alone, I could live with it.
Since they are not leaving anyone alone, and won't, I am not happy with them.
There are a lot of them in Vermont.

43 years old.

Sanders is the real deal.
He was a socialist, before it was cool.
I have never voted for him.
He is not the worst human being in the world.

Not a fan of Ron Paul...

My votes go to the best person:
1. for Free,Jewish state. In Israel.
2. gun rights fan.
3. we can talk about everything else.

And after Monday, Tomorrow, I will need a job.


The One and Only Mo:

--- Quote from: Ron Of Zion on January 24, 2010, 01:07:01 PM ---                                                                   בס"ד

Are you Jewish if so do you have a daughter?

--- End quote ---
:o :o


--- Quote from: Mo2388 on January 24, 2010, 04:33:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Ron Of Zion on January 24, 2010, 01:07:01 PM ---                                                                   בס"ד

Are you Jewish if so do you have a daughter?

--- End quote ---
:o :o

--- End quote ---


Vermont is not bad
Great gun rights.
Full of clueless folks.

Lots of far left groups have offices here.
Really far left.
Friends of Farc, Friends of Hamas.
Its not all Ben and Jerry's.

Listening to INR, at the moment.



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