Ron, partially I agree with you, but it is a fact, that the modern rational technology and economy are born in European countries and then went with the culture there in the world. Of cause Jews can claim a great part of the merits for it. I have eyes and I see, that only the western world, some parts of non-Muslim Asia and Israel are developed countries. Babylon is dead, the sub-saharan black countries are helloholes and the Islamic world is a poorhouse except for the states that have oil-resources. Honestly there is nothing I could learn from them - this cultures failed totally.
Thing is that the very way of thinking, and AT LEAST most of the inventions made in the past 600 years were made by Jews. Before Euros adopted these ideas, they didn't have much of a technological experience, unlike the Muslims and the other non-Europeans who were undoubtly much more developed. Much of the medicine, musical structure, architecture, weaponary was originally or basically invented by other people.
The "intelligent" Byzantine's "inventors" were humiliatingly defeated by the "primitive" Muslim Ottomans who burnt their walls down like cards with higher techonology - Gunpowder.
The Shas "party" did not start out as a "party". It started out as a "movement" and then rapidly morphed into a LOCAL political party whose aim was only to gain seats in the Jerusalem city council. Ovadya Yosef did NOT found Shas, though he may have started it as a political party. I was present when the issue was brought up how to approach Ovadya Yosef with the concept of Shas (known by a different name at the time). It was feared he would dismiss it outright, thereby killing the movement. This was seen as a very delicate issue.
I'm still waiting to see if anybody knows the original name for "Shas".
It is just funny. Ha'Rav Nisim Ze'ev and his bodies, along with Ha'Rav Ovadia and Ha'Rav Shach founded the Shas movement/party - whatever. They were always religious Jews who fought for Torah and not only for Sephardic rights.
I just gave it to you.
One more thing. You don't debate with Nazis [once again, 6 million is a FACT, one who makes up lies about this, is doing it from HATRED, not rationality] --- you kill them, white or not.