Author Topic: How South Africa was destroyed by the globalist Illuminati, and why!  (Read 17990 times)

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Offline crazyhorse

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I am a white South African by birth, but no longer reside in that filthy, rape, murder, hijacking maniacidal society, that has been brought about by the hand over of the country to black communist tin pot dictators called the ANC and their followers of savage barbaric rabble. Much addo, propaganda and downright lying leftist crap has been printed, aired and screened about apartheid and the white run government of South Africa up to 1994. For those who know little of South Africa, it was a first world country, the only real industrial first world country in Africa, before the blacks were handed power in 1994. In fact, apartheid South Africa made Britain look like a third world sh*t house with it's infrastructure of expressways, highways, health care, police force, modern fact, if one did not know where they were, it could easily be said you were somewhere in parts of America, such was the infrastructure of South Africa.

Blacks in South Africa were unquestionably the best off of all blacks on the Continent of Africa economically. They all had jobs, those who wanted to work, they had free government health care with some of the biggest state run hospitals right in their townships, manned by white surgeons and mainly white doctors. They had free education that they chose to destroy under the A.N.C's banner of "Revolution before education." People say they may have had education, but it was inferior to that of white South Africans. Strange that! Nelson Mandela, arch terrorist, was state educated in South Africa and went on to become an attourney, so how bad was their education really?  They were housed in state built locations such as Soweto, all built brand new for them to turn into cesspools of corruption, filth and murder.

Who started apartheid in South Africa? Well, it was the British who insisted on segrigation between whites and blacks way back when South Africa was a British Colony, long before the second world war, in fact after the Anglo Boer war! When the Afrikaner government came to power in 1948, they brought the word apartheid into the statutory books, it means seperateness, to seperate the races into their own groups and let them live according to their own cultures, just like Israel is trying to do with the muslim Arabs. Most white South Africans wanted to live amongst their own kind, living according to their own culture and religion. Many black South Africans are Christians, but their culture and way of life are not acceptable to Western people. I dare say most Americans and British would not be happy to live next door to black South Africans in the new South Africa of today. They are not the same as us and we are not the same as them.

The Soviet Union was charged with infiltrating South Africa by the globalist elite, namely the international bankers who control the worlds currencies without a doubt, to manipulate the blacks, to incite race hatred and destableize the country over many decades. The South African Communist party succesfully infiltrated the African National Congress in the 1930's and eventually took control of them completely. South Africa is probably the richest country on Earth when it comes to natural resources. It has by far the richest gold seams in the world, uranium, platinum, plutonium, zinc, coal, copper, chrome, you name it, South Africa has an abundance of it. The Cape of Good Hope is a major sea route between East and West, a strategic choke point! Then of course there was the first world standards in place put there by the apartheid government who would not abide with the orders of the Illuminati globalists.....South Africa had to be brought down, and who better to do their dirty work than the poor manipulative blacks who were promised the earth by their lying puppet leaders. The downfall of apartheid South Africa had nothing to do with apartheid, nothing to do with the so called poor disenfranchised blacks, it had all to do with the downfall of a white run stable nationalist government that was a thorn in the globalists side.

The communist plot also had it's wealthy South Africans at hand....the Oppenheimer family, head of the Anglo American Corporation who has lately been revealed, as sponsoring the murderous terrorist anc cadres who were responsible for countless murders of innocent South Africans of all colors and creeds. This bastard leftist communist jewish family are the very kind of scum that are trying to hand Israel over to the terrorists. The anc tried their damndest to out wit us, to out manoever us, to out gun us, but any and everything they tried, we just came back faster and harder, and they suffered terrible casualties inside and outside South Africa, I know these things first hand! The anc promised the black population miracles of wealth, health and education....and what have they delivered....anarchy! All South Africans today are more disenfranchised and poorer under the yolk of murderous criminals who have the backing of the government. South Africa has been sold right down the drain by the globalist elite and the anc puppets, there is no hope for South Africa under a black government, black run Africa has proved that! South Africa was sold out by it's own white christian traitor....De Klerk, who was/is one of the puppets of the CIA and MI5.

Today South Africa is a cauldron of vile filth, murder of the worst kind, rape of children that would make Gengis khan look like Cinderella. Sixty two thousand children are raped every year in South Africa. Between 1994 and 2004, two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) murders have been commited in South Africa, and you thought death was rife in iraq? The Western leftist controlled media will never ever show the truth obout what is happening in that disgusting hell hole. They flood the papers with photo's of that terrorist Mandela with arseholes like bono, geldof and a host of other brainwashed fools from the entertainment industry. These goody two shoe movie stars and musicians are all deluded wankers, that includes Charlize Theron, the Oscar winning Afrikaner girl turned lefty to suite her own agenda. If this soccer world cup fiasco does take place in South Africa in 2010, then people will see the true face of South Africa, the media will have to find some excuse for what will happen to the unsuspecting tourists that will visit there in their hundreds of thousands. I guess they will have to blame apartheid, just as they have always done!

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: How South Africa was destroyed by the globalist Illuminati, and why!
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2007, 02:30:21 PM »
I am a white South African by birth, but no longer reside in that filthy, rape, murder, hijacking maniacidal society, that has been brought about by the hand over of the country to black communist tin pot dictators called the ANC and their followers of savage barbaric rabble. Much addo, propaganda and downright lying leftist crap has been printed, aired and screened about apartheid and the white run government of South Africa up to 1994. For those who know little of South Africa, it was a first world country, the only real industrial first world country in Africa, before the blacks were handed power in 1994. In fact, apartheid South Africa made Britain look like a third world sh*t house with it's infrastructure of expressways, highways, health care, police force, modern fact, if one did not know where they were, it could easily be said you were somewhere in parts of America, such was the infrastructure of South Africa.

Blacks in South Africa were unquestionably the best off of all blacks on the Continent of Africa economically. They all had jobs, those who wanted to work, they had free government health care with some of the biggest state run hospitals right in their townships, manned by white surgeons and mainly white doctors. They had free education that they chose to destroy under the A.N.C's banner of "Revolution before education." People say they may have had education, but it was inferior to that of white South Africans. Strange that! Nelson Mandela, arch terrorist, was state educated in South Africa and went on to become an attourney, so how bad was their education really?  They were housed in state built locations such as Soweto, all built brand new for them to turn into cesspools of corruption, filth and murder.

Who started apartheid in South Africa? Well, it was the British who insisted on segrigation between whites and blacks way back when South Africa was a British Colony, long before the second world war, in fact after the Anglo Boer war! When the Afrikaner government came to power in 1948, they brought the word apartheid into the statutory books, it means seperateness, to seperate the races into their own groups and let them live according to their own cultures, just like Israel is trying to do with the muslim Arabs. Most white South Africans wanted to live amongst their own kind, living according to their own culture and religion. Many black South Africans are Christians, but their culture and way of life are not acceptable to Western people. I dare say most Americans and British would not be happy to live next door to black South Africans in the new South Africa of today. They are not the same as us and we are not the same as them.

The Soviet Union was charged with infiltrating South Africa by the globalist elite, namely the international bankers who control the worlds currencies without a doubt, to manipulate the blacks, to incite race hatred and destableize the country over many decades. The South African Communist party succesfully infiltrated the African National Congress in the 1930's and eventually took control of them completely. South Africa is probably the richest country on Earth when it comes to natural resources. It has by far the richest gold seams in the world, uranium, platinum, plutonium, zinc, coal, copper, chrome, you name it, South Africa has an abundance of it. The Cape of Good Hope is a major sea route between East and West, a strategic choke point! Then of course there was the first world standards in place put there by the apartheid government who would not abide with the orders of the Illuminati globalists.....South Africa had to be brought down, and who better to do their dirty work than the poor manipulative blacks who were promised the earth by their lying puppet leaders. The downfall of apartheid South Africa had nothing to do with apartheid, nothing to do with the so called poor disenfranchised blacks, it had all to do with the downfall of a white run stable nationalist government that was a thorn in the globalists side.

The communist plot also had it's wealthy South Africans at hand....the Oppenheimer family, head of the Anglo American Corporation who has lately been revealed, as sponsoring the murderous terrorist anc cadres who were responsible for countless murders of innocent South Africans of all colors and creeds. This bastard leftist communist jewish family are the very kind of scum that are trying to hand Israel over to the terrorists. The anc tried their damndest to out wit us, to out manoever us, to out gun us, but any and everything they tried, we just came back faster and harder, and they suffered terrible casualties inside and outside South Africa, I know these things first hand! The anc promised the black population miracles of wealth, health and education....and what have they delivered....anarchy! All South Africans today are more disenfranchised and poorer under the yolk of murderous criminals who have the backing of the government. South Africa has been sold right down the drain by the globalist elite and the anc puppets, there is no hope for South Africa under a black government, black run Africa has proved that! South Africa was sold out by it's own white christian traitor....De Klerk, who was/is one of the puppets of the CIA and MI5.

Today South Africa is a cauldron of vile filth, murder of the worst kind, rape of children that would make Gengis khan look like Cinderella. Sixty two thousand children are raped every year in South Africa. Between 1994 and 2004, two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) murders have been commited in South Africa, and you thought death was rife in iraq? The Western leftist controlled media will never ever show the truth obout what is happening in that disgusting hell hole. They flood the papers with photo's of that terrorist Mandela with arseholes like bono, geldof and a host of other brainwashed fools from the entertainment industry. These goody two shoe movie stars and musicians are all deluded wankers, that includes Charlize Theron, the Oscar winning Afrikaner girl turned lefty to suite her own agenda. If this soccer world cup fiasco does take place in South Africa in 2010, then people will see the true face of South Africa, the media will have to find some excuse for what will happen to the unsuspecting tourists that will visit there in their hundreds of thousands. I guess they will have to blame apartheid, just as they have always done!

I have friends from SA and they all say basically what you have written here. I look at the coflicts today as being between civilization and barbarism, that is why I will never understand why anyone could support Leftists and Muslims.
Except about De Klerk who I think was probably just a fool rather then actively evil.

Do you see anyway for SA to again become a civilized modern nation? Or do you think it is too late?

"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline crazyhorse

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Re: How South Africa was destroyed by the globalist Illuminati, and why!
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2007, 03:55:33 PM »
I have friends from SA and they all say basically what you have written here. I look at the conflicts today as being between civilization and barbarism, that is why I will never understand why anyone could support Leftists and Muslims.
Except about De Klerk who I think was probably just a fool rather then actively evil.

Do you see anyway for SA to again become a civilized modern nation? Or do you think it is too late?

There is a huge conspiracy afoot in this world, it is so big it will seem totally impossible to most people, but it is there, alive and enslaving us all. To see this conspiracy in action, just look at how your life if controlled by the state, who are controlled by the Illuminati Globalists. Most people are enslaved by debt, by mortgages, income taxes, taxes on top of that. De Klerk was a fool indeed, but a bought fool, a fool who had no choice but to concede to his bosses. Do not for one minute think that the president of any country, or prime minister, is in charge of what transpires in any country.'s the silent elite mega rich families who control the banking world, the media, the pharmaceutical and drug cartels, the war and munitions manufacturers, the tobacco plantations and alcohol distillers, the entertainment industry, they are the oil Barron's of the entire not think the Arabs control the price of crude, that would be a mistake, it's those European elite and royalty that control the world along with one other vile creation.......religion. There is going to be a one world government, a one world religion, a one world army and police state where the everyday civilian will be micro chipped whether we like it or not. Without the chip you will not eat, you will not survive. This very chip has already been manufactured and just awaits the time to be implemented into society. Bush has been instrumental in bringing in a crucial stage of this order, he was the right man for the job at the right time. Next will come another puppet, already prepared by the silent controllers. It matters not who the people vote for, that is a mere farce to appease them, the next president is already in the bag, just like it has always been. Are you aware that the United States of America is soon going to be part of Americo...Canada, U.S. and Mexico? This is going to be one of the regions of the new world order and the headquarters of the new fascist run world state. Things have gone into top gear ever since the end of the second world war, there is no turning back now, humanity has been deluded to it's fullest, we will be in the history books in two thousand years time shown to be just what we are......brainwashed brain dead followers of our own selfish greed. We couldn't for the love of God see the forest for the tree's they will say....too busy worrying about being one better than their neighbor's, having a better house and car and supporting sport, carrying club membership cards and driving mercedes Benz cars while the international rich elite bankers and their harems lived in the ultimate luxury of life.
These fagot's and parasites need us plebe's, make no mistake, without us they can never exist. This just goes to show how clever they really are. They have created all the worlds problems and have all the solutions ready to implement to save us from the evils of the world that they have funded and created in the first place. But who will save us from them, the real evil of the world, them, their greed and power held by the few. Look at how they continue to work away at you emotions day by day via the T.V and through the post. They are always begging and asking for money to save Africa, have been doing so for fifty years now! Hundreds of trillions of dollars have been poured into Africa over the last hundred years to alleviate poverty and help blacks do for themselves....but what has transpired, nothing, and why?

To answer your last, I do not think South Africa will become decent civilized society again in the distant future, it will remain just where those vile people have put it with the consent of the majority of brainwashed people the world over....right in the [censored]! The Western people are so convinced they can save Africa from it's inevitable demise that they cannot see the same encroaching destruction right on their own doorsteps.

Offline Hail Columbia

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Re: How South Africa was destroyed by the globalist Illuminati, and why!
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2007, 09:41:56 PM »
Here's one of the people responsible for destroying your country:

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
Teach us, Lord, to trust Thee still:
Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

Offline crazyhorse

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Re: How South Africa was destroyed by the globalist Illuminati, and why!
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2007, 04:16:32 AM »
Here's one of the people responsible for destroying your country:

Thank you for the link Hail Columbia! Yes I am aware of this dirty communist and terrorist, he is well known to us. He was responsible for many deaths both inside and outside of South Africa during the black communist onslaught against South Africa. This man is a vile parasite and lucky for himself, he stayed well away from the security police during his reign of terror. He was one of those that the police would of loved to have gotten their hands on.