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Ask JTF for Sunday February 7, 2010

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Last week you mentioned Robert Manning, who is in prison.  Can you tell us a little more about his work in the JDL? 

I looked him up on the Internet.  The LA Times says he was involved in the Alex Odeh bombing.  I read the ADL web site section on the JDL - not a site I trust!  They said he and his wife were involved in the letter-bombing death of Patricia Wilkerson.  Who was she?

The ADL says: "The letter-bomb incident had no connection to JDL activities but was instead an attack contracted by William Howard Ross, a fellow JDL member who had a long drawn out business dispute with the owner of the firm where the secretary worked."

They further state that William Howard Ross was sentenced to life in prison for contracting with Manning.

I don't trust them and would love to hear the truth.

Christian Zionist:
Shalom Chaim!

I was listening to Pat Robertson, interviewing the former PLO terrorist Walid Sheobat.  When Pat Robertson asked Walid about the 72 virgin thing, Walid corrected Pat that it was not simply 72 virgins but it would be 72 mansions with 72 bed(rooms) each and each room would have 72 virgins.  So the total number of dark-eyed virgins would be 373,248 and not simply 72.  It seems Allah has an eternal Pharmaceutical company in heaven manufacturing Viagra tablets non-stop for the muslim suicide bomber terrorists to have eternal erection!!!   I wonder what kind of a reward, a female muslim suicide bomber would get?

You comments please?

Thank you!

Christian Zionist

Chaim, I don't mean this to be offensive. But the last several years that I have listened to you, I have gotten the impression that you have a very misanthropic view of the world. It seems that most people you talk about you refer to as being evil and the "scum of the earth." I'm curious to know approximately what percentage of humankind you consider to be decent, what percentage you consider to be evil, and what percentage you have more of a neutral feeling towards?

Again, this is not meant to be offensive, it's just an honest impression that I've received and I apologize in advance if this has come as offensive.

What do you think about reform Judaism and reform Jews?

Dear Chaim,
What do you think of S. Daniel Abraham?
What about Ronald Perelman of Revlon?
I read that Perelman calls himself a devout Jew, and brags about celebrating Shabbat every week. What a joke!

What do you think will happen to Abraham and Perelman in the next world? are the both destined for genehom?



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