Why hasn't this pig been banned???
This Nazi a**hole has bragged publicly on Zootube how he was responsible for getting several JTF accounts banned on Zootube.
Oppenheimer shows up on his Gay Nazi zootube channel and falsely accused me of making 2 parody channels one called "Marbus00" and the other "RobStarksucks". Then Marbus the piece of Nazi excrement wrote the following on the "RobStarkSucks" channel:
"...you will get yours!!" This was clearly a very thinly disguised threat and I told him to shut his Nazi mouth or I will report him to the FBI and he practically crapped in his Nazi pants afterwards because he immediately went to Oppenheimer's channel and panicked, asking him like a sh*t scared 8 year old kid:
"Do you think what I wrote was a death threat?"

Of course Marbus won't be banned from zootube and neither will Oppenheimer because zootube is owned and operated by Google which is very Leftist and was heavily pro-Obama during the 2008 election campaign. In fact Google's owners and operators contributed financially in a big way to the Obama campaign.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of Jihadist Muslim Nazi and neo-Nazi videos all over zootube and most of them never get removed despite repeated flagging. However, anti-Jihadist, anti-Nazi videos and channels get removed very quickly in huge numbers on a regular basis. Go figure.