Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Ustaski Genocid Protiv Srpskog i Jevrejskog Naroda U Jasenovackom Logoru!!
God bless the Serbs, and don't you pay attention to that self-hating Jew Yariv Oppenf*cker, he's nobody! Most of the Israelis hate him and his Arab-loving organization Piss-Now
the worst thing is,
if you ask 100 croats 90% will be proud of what they have done in WW2
serbs were the second most killed people after the jews in ww2 - i want american recognition of the serbian holocaust.
miroslav visnjic:
Yes that is a true.Over 100 my relativs was killd in Jasenovac togedar with Jews.We are brotherhood people,and we must fight togedar against Muslim and Nazzi regime....
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