Author Topic: evil neo nazis  (Read 5189 times)

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evil neo nazis
« on: September 16, 2006, 08:27:42 PM »
What's the fuss all about?

At first, it seems difficult to believe that the focus of the campaign is two 14-year-old twin girls.

Then it becomes clear.

The two teens are those spokeskids for white separatists, Lamb and Lynx Gaede, who vaulted to international attention after they appeared on ABC's "Primetime" last year.

The girls, their mother, April, and stepfather Mark Harrington recently moved to Montana from Bakersfield, Calif., after April told "Primetime" that Bakersfield was "not white enough." Now Kalispell has put the family on notice, "Not in my backyard."

Last week a group of neighbors printed information sheets about the family and distributed them door to door.


"This letter is not written as a means to harass the family or to begin a witch hunt," the flier said. "We wish the family no harm. Our goal is to peacefully communicate that this kind of hate and ignorance will not be accepted here in our neighborhood where we live and raise our families."

Lamb and Lynx created the band Prussian Blue to communicate their white separatist views musically. The song "Sacrifice" praises Nazi leader Rudolph Hess, Adolph Hitler's deputy. The two have modeled T-shirts featuring Hitler smiley faces. They mostly appear at rallies for white nationalist causes and maintain a Web site with links to other white separatist organizations.

"The music that Prussian Blue performs is intended for white people," says the Web site. "They hope to help fellow whites come to understand that love for one's race is a beautiful gift that we should celebrate."

Rebecca Kushner-Metteer, one of the people who handed out the fliers, says the teens and their parents moved into her south Kalispell neighborhood a couple of weeks ago. At first, no one paid much attention until another neighbor showed a rerun of the "Primetime" broadcast. They then recognized their new neighbors.

Now Kushner-Metteer and other families say they have received threats.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: evil neo nazis
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2006, 12:46:50 AM »
About 6 months ago, when the media first hyped Lynx & Lamb, I went to their website to check out the "singing sensations of the Aryan Nations".
WHOA!  Talk about the worst crap I've ever heard in my life!
They're both tone deaf, have no musical skills or talents whatsoever, and most likely are "prompted" as to which words to write next on their "original" songs honoring Rudolph Hess, etc.... .
Their lyrics are completely has to read the written words just to have an inkling of what the twins are mumbling about over a very bad 3 piece "white power" rock band of 16 year olds.
In fact, they are SO worthless, that they are worse than a laughing stock.
There is also this ridiculous mp3 clip entitled "The 10 Million Dollar Question":  these really bad looking pot-bellied rednecks hold up a cheap microphone and ask, "Would you pose in an advertisement with a black man if I gave you ten million dollars?"...and one of those two midgets replies..."Never....I must keep pure my white race, etc. ....."...then the fat rednecks clap.
Worse than ridiculous...


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Re: evil neo nazis
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2006, 05:34:34 AM »
They need some loving from black guys.  Reminds me of the film 'Thirteen'.   :-*