Author Topic: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?  (Read 7176 times)

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Offline rhayat1

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #50 on: February 08, 2010, 05:54:55 PM »
You know it's funny that the Holywood industry usualy presents the blacks as the smartest, the most intelligent, talanted and heroic... while in reality.. well, I guess you know

Hollywood's deranged perception of reality. (coincidentally matches the left wing deranged perception of reality point for point. Gee what are the odds!?)
Watch for it on tv shows and movies, if you haven't noticed these points, you will now.

In Film:

White Men are evil, or at best buffoons.
Women are scowling donkey kicking martial arts masters that are tough as nails, and even a 4'11" waif can take out the biggest guy with one punch. And all men are only to be talked to with a snarl and a tone of contempt, (remember if white men aren't evil, they're buffoons), watch, you'll even see girlfriend & wife characters, talking to their boyfriends & husbands with tones of contempt. It is amazing to watch, try renting a movie with a lot of male/female interaction from the 1980's and a recent film, watch the scenes back and forth and compare, you won't believe how sweet and feminine the women in the 1980's movie are compared to the snarling hawk faced creatures in the 2000's film.
All black people are brilliant, either doctors, scientists, or enlightened genius politicians.
Businesses are always evil, business owners are evil.
Primitive natives are always enlightened, and western civilization is always corrupt and evil.
Lately, in sci-fi films, the ALIENS are THE GOOD GUYS!?? And humanity is evil!!! (eg, Avatar, District 9)
Bad guys are always eastern European white men, but NEVER arabs or muslims.

For Hollywood, it is open season on Christians and traditional family life. You can denigrate Christians and Christianity any way, with no limits. In film there are no traditional families, if it appears to be a traditional family, there's always some horrible secret depravity and the family is a bunch of hypocrites and evil.

People, nothing goes into a film by accident, all of this is INTENTIONAL, pains are taken to write and direct this stuff. This is social engineering propaganda. Pushing the leftist agenda.
Hollywood is a disgusting pit of evil right now.

Well said Edward and New Yorker!

Offline Aces High

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #51 on: February 08, 2010, 06:03:58 PM »
Well, how do you think the Jews feel.  The Whole World denigrates us.  Even after all we've done for the world!

Offline Edward

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #52 on: February 08, 2010, 07:58:25 PM »
You're all right guys...
And about Avatar, I think it has a hidden message in it (some leftwing message)

Offline christians4jews

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #53 on: February 08, 2010, 08:13:27 PM »
italalinas and jews are very sucessful attractive people, blacks are hideous to look at and hideous to hear speak...because of that the self hatibg media feel guilty for the blacks failings and elevate them...

Offline david1967

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2010, 08:36:59 PM »
The MTV show "Jersey Shore" made young Italian-Americans look very shallow.  The guys are portrayed as dumb muscleheads and the girls are portrayed as big-haired sluts.  Both are also obsessed with their hair and appearance.

Offline New Yorker

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #55 on: February 08, 2010, 09:15:34 PM »
You're all right guys...
And about Avatar, I think it has a hidden message in it (some leftwing message)

"Hidden" message!!!!? HIDDEN!!!? :laugh: OBVIOUS left wing message!!!

AVATAR is the manifested view of every self loathing leftist. Leftists HATE themselves (must be from all the guilt they feel from the unrepentant depraved lives they live) they then project that self hatred onto humanity, leftists HATE humanity. That's why in Avatar, the humans are villains and the aliens are the noble heroes. That hatred for humanity came out in that script.

Leftists are dangerous and evil. They will undermine civilization, aid our enemies, cost people their lives, and  do it without a second thought or bit of remorse. There's a name for this kind of behavior, it's called being a sociopath.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 09:23:39 PM by New Yorker »
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.

Offline HiWarp

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #56 on: February 09, 2010, 06:51:20 AM »
You're all right guys...
And about Avatar, I think it has a hidden message in it (some leftwing message)

"Hidden" message!!!!? HIDDEN!!!? :laugh: OBVIOUS left wing message!!!

AVATAR is the manifested view of every self loathing leftist. Leftists HATE themselves (must be from all the guilt they feel from the unrepentant depraved lives they live) they then project that self hatred onto humanity, leftists HATE humanity. That's why in Avatar, the humans are villains and the aliens are the noble heroes. That hatred for humanity came out in that script.

Leftists are dangerous and evil. They will undermine civilization, aid our enemies, cost people their lives, and  do it without a second thought or bit of remorse. There's a name for this kind of behavior, it's called being a sociopath.

Remorse? Not only do they have no remorse for what they do, they actually believe that what they are doing is the right thing.

Having said that, here I go, once again, blaming not the people who do this but instead the people who make it possible for them to do it. If the majority of people looked at the crap that Hollywood releases and said "this is pure garbage and we are not going to pay to see it", where would Hollywood be? They would have the choice of either providing people with decent entertainment or going broke. You have to ask yourself, though, since the movie industry doesn't seem to be in dire straits financially maybe the crap they pump out is what people want to see.
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Offline arksis

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #57 on: February 09, 2010, 08:14:56 AM »
I agree HiWarp! I can't tell you the last time I saw a movie or even rented one. We refuse to see or watch any movie with liberal movie stars in them.  >:(
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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #58 on: February 09, 2010, 08:35:15 AM »
It is very hypocritical. Give you an example.. Remember about a few years the guy that was on Seinfeld? He said Ni&&&r and my God as if all hell broke lose and day in and out we hear this one thing and basically trashed his "image" for saying.  Look, I was born in the United States, my family came from a beautiful country called Italy. I can say this.. The pride I have running in my veins from coming from such an amazing background will never be washed from anyone or anything.  My people who came from the other ends of the Atlantic to the United States the amount of contributions for the better of the United States is beyond amazing.  I want to see a comedian get up on stage and call some Muz a sand monkey camel riding low IQ mongoloid. Let's see how far that goes?

Offline Edward

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #59 on: February 09, 2010, 09:32:35 AM »
I'm sick and tired of this disgusting double-standart

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #60 on: February 10, 2010, 07:13:06 AM »

Here is the example of the city that 1/3rd of my family came from, Torino, Italy, it is in the north. I would love to see a city like this be compared to some hell hole in a place like Kenya.

Offline mord

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #61 on: February 10, 2010, 07:22:51 AM »
It is very hypocritical. Give you an example.. Remember about a few years the guy that was on Seinfeld? He said Ni&&&r and my G-d as if all hell broke lose and day in and out we hear this one thing and basically trashed his "image" for saying.  Look, I was born in the United States, my family came from a beautiful country called Italy. I can say this.. The pride I have running in my veins from coming from such an amazing background will never be washed from anyone or anything.  My people who came from the other ends of the Atlantic to the United States the amount of contributions for the better of the United States is beyond amazing.  I want to see a comedian get up on stage and call some Muz a sand monkey camel riding low IQ mongoloid. Let's see how far that goes?
You mean Michael Richards the other  day i saw him on a new show ;D
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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #62 on: February 10, 2010, 02:46:10 PM »

Here is the example of the city that 1/3rd of my family came from, Torino, Italy, it is in the north. I would love to see a city like this be compared to some hell hole in a place like Kenya.

I agree. Any place in Africa is hell including South Africa which was once the only First World country on that god-forsaken Continent.
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Offline catholicforisrael

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #63 on: February 12, 2010, 07:24:57 AM »
I'm Italian.  Big Time.  Parents were write off the boat.  You know, the 2 or 3 hour meals, all the widows in black, praying with one hand, giving the Mallochio with the other.   The "discussions" that outsiders think are violent arguements.......the great food, the great love of IMMEDIATE family, the fantastic history in all phases of civilizations..................and the mob.  All this and everyone associates the Sopranos with us.....along with the food.

But, me personally, and ALL REAL ITALIANS that I know (off the boat or first generation) don't mind the jokes, the mob movies, etc.  Why?  Because we KNOW who we are.  We KNOW that along with all the great accomplishments and fantastic sensual creations, we, as every nationality have common dark corners in who we are as a people.  "We are angels only in heaven" is one of my nonna's old sayings.  It seems to me that all the picketing and complaining about the "stereotypical" depictions of Italians are done by "Italians" in name only, two or three generations past.   The can't stand the fact that Carlo Gambino is as much a representative of the Italian people as Rossini.  Good and Bad......its what TRULY represents a people.

BUt, I gotta say, when people make fun of Italians, I don't think that there is anywhere NEAR the malice in their words as their are when they make fun of Jews.  I think  that people who aren't Italian make fun of us WITHOUT thinking  how we are running their lives, influencing their exsistance on this planet, but when they make fun of Jews, there seems to be an ANGER.....pissed off that somehow, in their mind, Jews run every aspect of their lives...and they are resentful about it.  So, in my mind, Italian jokes and Jew jokes are worlds apart.

Offline Masha

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #64 on: February 15, 2010, 08:01:52 AM »
But, me personally, and ALL REAL ITALIANS that I know (off the boat or first generation) don't mind the jokes, the mob movies, etc.  Why?  Because we KNOW who we are.

Well, I understand where you are coming from, and it's a good thing that many Italians have a healthy self-image that is not damaged by anti-Italian jokes. If these were the 70ies or the 80ies, I would say: good for you! But the times have changed. Imagine 2 children. One is generous, another is greedy. The generous child says to the greedy child, "I don't mind that you take my candy. You are welcome to it." If no adult is there to constrain the greedy child, pretty soon, he will take not only all of the generous child's candies but his food, as well. In a similar fashion, Italians have been saying: "Hey, we don't mind if you make us the butt of your jokes. We are above making this a grievance issue." This high-minded attitude only works with similar people. What has happened now is that it is no longer possible to make fun of the minorities. And so all the pent-up hostility is barraged on top of "allowed" nationalities. It is sickening to watch.

Offline cjd

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #65 on: February 15, 2010, 08:10:36 AM »
But, me personally, and ALL REAL ITALIANS that I know (off the boat or first generation) don't mind the jokes, the mob movies, etc.  Why?  Because we KNOW who we are.

Well, I understand where you are coming from, and it's a good thing that many Italians have a healthy self-image that is not damaged by anti-Italian jokes. If these were the 70ies or the 80ies, I would say: good for you! But the times have changed. Imagine 2 children. One is generous, another is greedy. The generous child says to the greedy child, "I don't mind that you take my candy. You are welcome to it." If no adult is there to constrain the greedy child, pretty soon, he will take not only all of the generous child's candies but his food, as well. In a similar fashion, Italians have been saying: "Hey, we don't mind if you make us the butt of your jokes. We are above making this a grievance issue." This high-minded attitude only works with similar people. What has happened now is that it is no longer possible to make fun of the minorities. And so all the pent-up hostility is barraged on top of "allowed" nationalities. It is sickening to watch.
Great post!! Making fun of the "allowed nationalities" is just another way to bring everyone down into the basement.
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Offline Aces High

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #66 on: February 15, 2010, 08:50:47 AM »
I'm Italian.  Big Time.  Parents were write off the boat.  You know, the 2 or 3 hour meals, all the widows in black, praying with one hand, giving the Mallochio with the other.   The "discussions" that outsiders think are violent arguements.......the great food, the great love of IMMEDIATE family, the fantastic history in all phases of civilizations..................and the mob.  All this and everyone associates the Sopranos with us.....along with the food.

But, me personally, and ALL REAL ITALIANS that I know (off the boat or first generation) don't mind the jokes, the mob movies, etc.  Why?  Because we KNOW who we are.  We KNOW that along with all the great accomplishments and fantastic sensual creations, we, as every nationality have common dark corners in who we are as a people.  "We are angels only in heaven" is one of my nonna's old sayings.  It seems to me that all the picketing and complaining about the "stereotypical" depictions of Italians are done by "Italians" in name only, two or three generations past.   The can't stand the fact that Carlo Gambino is as much a representative of the Italian people as Rossini.  Good and Bad......its what TRULY represents a people.

BUt, I gotta say, when people make fun of Italians, I don't think that there is anywhere NEAR the malice in their words as their are when they make fun of Jews.  I think  that people who aren't Italian make fun of us WITHOUT thinking  how we are running their lives, influencing their exsistance on this planet, but when they make fun of Jews, there seems to be an ANGER.....pissed off that somehow, in their mind, Jews run every aspect of their lives...and they are resentful about it.  So, in my mind, Italian jokes and Jew jokes are worlds apart.

You are extremely intuitive!  Italian jokes and Jew Jokes are worlds apart.  The Jew jokes have a bad intent in them.   The jokes of today were the slanderous lies used against Jews for thousands of years, which always lead to murder of the Jews by the thousands, and eventually 6 million.  That's the other reason, Jews need an Arab free Israel.    When the world turns against us, as they always do, we need a place with our own army and police where we can defend ourselves, and teach the animals a lesson, who harm us.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Why is it OK to denigrate Italians?
« Reply #67 on: February 15, 2010, 09:02:45 AM »
I am Italian. I have never heard a joke about Italians here in Argentina. Jokes are not always offensive. There are Jews who tell Jewish jokes about themselves. But if someone denigrates Italians he must suffer the same penalty as any other who denigrates other groups. Society is generally biassed and considers that offending minorities is worse, but an offense is an offense.