Save Western Civilization > Save America
Evil Movies
I watched V for Vendetta last night. In this movie it was illegal to own a copy of the Koran. They made this out to be a bad thing and showed that the government killed someone for owning a copy. They also showed how a woman was locked up and tortured for being a lesbian. Sad part is that this isn't even close to one of the worst movies out their. I thought I would create a topic for evil movies.
Not every steven spelburg film is bad... Some are, but not all.
v for vendetta was a great film. so are most speilberg films... except 1941. Speilberg is a great Jew an exceptionally talented man and a shining trophy to the jewish people. Not all Muslims are the enemy. we can try and believe they are in an effort to keep this hate machine growing and genertaing more money but the fact is they are not.... You people who express this hate are the enemy to all humanity and a disgrace to all jews
I remember Iron Eagle from the mid 80's. It is not an "evil" movie, except maybe if you are a Nazi muslim. But cheesy as it was, it at least was a movie that showed that America is great and arabs are evil. It's priorties weren't out of whack. I wish more movies were patriotic like that.
did anyone see Jackass2? I heard that is very funny
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