Author Topic: Qurananimals in South Africa offer Black savages money to kill white people  (Read 579 times)

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It's on facebook   

Heres the basic article but with link you find more links

Jihadis Incite South African Blacks to kill all Whites

What is happening in South Africa against the White population is unspeakable. Savage. And no one will speak of it.

    Facebook jihad on South African whites: Ahmed El Saud @ Chris: we will do the job for your people. We will kill the whites at a agreed price per head. We deliver all heads and expect raw cash, gold or diamonds as payment. Baby heads are same as grown up's in price. We will give you instructions on how to arrange the payment and the terms and conditions. Do not worry now. We provide also body guards if you are in need. Just speak out. We can bring in planes and do it with poison spray but your people must be out of the area.


The genocide of Boers taking place in South Africa is never spoken of. Particularly the Boer Farmers -- it is called Plaas Moorde. In America you find little to no dialogue about the genocide of thousands of farmers in South Africa, because it's black against white. It is politically incorrect to call attention to the deaths of these human beings. And we have been taught to believe that the ANC and Nelson Mandela are the "good guys". The western media has made all whites in South Africa out to be racist monsters. This is simply not the case, and I would remind people that one of the steps to genocide is to dehumanize the target -- dehumanize the Boer. (more)

Now the Muslims want in on the bloodshed. They are inciting the Black racism to violence and murder,  inciting genocide against the White population.

    "The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war," Pope Benedict XVI'e said. "He said, I quote [a 14th century Byzantine Emperor] , 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.'"

Where are decent people? Where is the outrage? What have we become?

Over at uncensored South African News here:

    Black-racists and islamists on Facebook pages threaten to kill all South African whit hat tip Laura

    hBy Adriana Stuijt. Members of my Facebook site recently alerted me to a number of ‘Africanist’ websites in volatile South Africa where radical islamists are very actively inciting black South African members to ‘kill all the whites’ there. This incitement to kill all Europeans is often targetted towards the increasingly besieged Afrikaans-speaking minority --  but has also been targetting all the Western football fans planning to travel to the World Cup 2010 tournaments in South Africa in June.

    This is no idle threat: a very real threat of terrorism against the WC2010 exists, according to a top expert’s warning from the SA Institute for Race Relations . Their report specifically raised the alarm about the active presence of such Islamist-Radical cells inside South Africa – and which are ‘very likely’ planning attacks against the WC2010 tournament venues. The report points out that this will be ‘the largest single gathering of Westerners outside the USA and Europeand as such represents a very attractive target for El Qaida’.The report has however been practically ignored by the SA mainstream news media and also not widely reported outside the country: Read it:

    Pakama Ngceni started the antiwhite Blackwash Facebook siteThese radical websites – including the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, the Azanian People’s Liberation Army and another site with the ominous name of Blackwash. The latter site was co-founded by (a former Reuters news agency intern) journalist Ms Pakama Ngceni (pictured left) and a fellow-student Mr Ncebakazi Manzi two years ago. Miss Ngceni did a brief stint at the international news agency in Johannesburg in 2009 but now has no further links with them. ( Ms Ngceni replied to our request for comment by writing that …”(you are) not e ntitled to my comment on what you term to be a strange anomaly in my journalistic abilities.”)

    Together all these groups have launched a hate-mongering campaign on the South African Facebook pages – with people with Arabic-sounding names and pictures actively encouraging the black members to start a race war against one of the most visible and defenceless minorities in South Africa. 

    Radical islamists incite blacks to kill whites:

    Yuhani-Yunus Hossayn claims he is from Uap in Northern Cape radical islamist postings on PAC  The most worrying aspect of all this growing hate-speech campaign is the very active participation of clearly radical Islamists – with names such as Ahmed El Saud ; Abdul-Aziz Hossayn ; and  Juhani Hossayn – pictured right -- with the latter claiming that he hails from Uap in the Northern Cape in a posting on the Pan Africanist of Azania Facebook page. (The entire page and the relevant postings are reproduced below this story).

    This campaign to kill all whites is well beyond just a mindless threat from a few angry young blacks: more than 3,140 white farmers have already been murdered on South African farms since 1987 – often after hours of mutilation and torture - and primarily by young black male gangs whose members frequently are armed with illegal AK-47s. Yet despite numerous complaints to facebook management the site was still active on February 25.

    Meanwhile the number of armed attacks against whites – primarily Afrikaans-speakers from all accounts -- inside their own homes and also in public places is growing rapidly: Slaughter of whites continues and Hatespeech against SA whites is often deadly


    Hatespeech against SA whites often is turned into action

    The Blackwash groups support the so-named Africanist and Africanisation movement – which is totally opposed to presence of any whites in Africa – including in South Africa and thus also clearly opposed to the ‘rainbow nation’ integrationist concept of the ruling African-National-Congress party;  They consider the ruling South African government including Nelson Mandela and its current president Jacob Zuma  as ‘puppets of white colonials’. Blackwash -rejects any integration with ‘whites’ in South Africa and instead want a South Africa which only allows black-African residents

There's much more -- go

Just a few examples of the incitements to kill all whites in South Africa posted on above Facebook page:

    Ahmed El Saud Kill the [censored] whites now !!! If you affraid for them, lets do it for you. In return you can pay us after the job has been done ... text us .... we are not affraid for the whites like your own people ... its a dicgrace ....he ask you and you dont want to ... we will do it Mandela !

    Nelson Mandela kill Whites Nelson Mandela present at a song about killing of Whites. 21 Februarie om 05:37 nm. ·

    Ballas Tshabalala

    Ballas Tshabalala You boertjies is always looking fer shet. I wil stick my gun up your as and kil al your brain


    Ahmed El Saud

    1964 Zanzibar Revolution Footage From Africa Addio

    Africa Addio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Africa addio (1966) Early shock doc, very historical for cementing the genre.

    Abdul-Aziz Hossayn (wrote next to this picture of the field of crosses erected in South Africa to commemorate the many murdered white farmers:) “I see more graves and even more white crosses ... Allah is great !!! Allah help us to kill all whites !!!

    Juhani-Yunus Hossayn The world listen when they see pictures like this ... Do we want this?

    Sun at 2:39pm · Jean-Marc Frédéric Edward Vogt

    Abdul-Aziz Hossayn likes this.

    Ahmed El Saud

    Ahmed El Saud

    Oh you can kill someone if he disagree, take Sadam Hossayn as an example. The moment he stop his oil export to the USA he were labelled as a dictator. Simply because it is easier and cheaper to sell his oil in EU and more profitable. Now USA loot the oil in Iraq. Only way to stop Sadam was to kill him.
    Kill all whites who disagree, they have no right and no place in Africa. All whites are evil. Kill the babies, kill the elders, kill all whites and your blessings will rise to the heavens.Makube Njalo

    Ahmed El Saud Kill the [censored] whites now !!! If you afraid for them, lets do it for you. In return you can pay us after the job has been done ... Text us .... We are not afraid for the whites like your own people ... Its a dicgrace ....he ask you and you don't want to ... We will do it Mandela !

      Nelson Mandela kill Whites > Mandela present at a song about killing of Whites.

    Sun at 6:37pm ·

    2 people like this.

    Juhani-Yunus Hossayn
    Juhani-Yunus Hossayn PAC stop talking and give us the order to clean South-Africa for good.

    Khallid Muhammad's Speech - Kill The White Man – Video

    Nation of Islam Minister Khallid Muhammad giving his infamous Kill the White Man speech in 1996. He was publicly supported by the likes of Al Sharpt. Watch Video about Khallid,Muhammad,Al by

    February 19 at 5:53pm · View Feedback (4)Hide Feedback (4) · Share · Report Chris Mathebula likes this.

    Juhani-Yunus Hossayn

    Juhani-Yunus Hossayn

    Hope it reach the group on Facebook that is called "Gatvol vir misdaad" ... This you will get in return and more brutal then you can imagine ... You pigs!!!

Kill all the **** Whites!

    The messages posted above a You Tube video clip showing Nelson Mandela with a group of people allegedly singing songs about "killing white people".

    A Facebook poster called Ahmed El Saud said in his post: "Kill the f***ing whites now!!! If you afraid of them, let's do it for you. In return, you can pay us after the job has been done... text us... we are not afraid for the whites like your own people... it's a disgrace ... he asked you and you don't want to... we will do it, Mandela!"

    In another posting he said: "Mandela asked so nice, start at home with food poison, gas leaks, cut the phone lines, kill the babies in the pool, be creative or if you have no nerve, call me and my team ... we have 3 000 on standby and can be ready with in 24 hours... think about it now or good luck."

And Facebook should be ashamed, ugly cowards that they are. My news reports are flagged, but this racism and incitement to genocide is facebook friendly.

    The PAC has come under fire after messages urging the killing of whites were posted on its Facebook site.

    The party says it will not remove the offending posts.

    The messages, which said an army of about 3 000 people was standing by, ready to kill white people within 24 hours if requested to do so, were still on the site after a Facebook user alerted the administrator to the messages.

Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03