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Ask JTF for Sunday March 7, 2010

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Shalom Chaim,

Recently there has been two specific forms of Anti-Israeli and Anti-Semitism that have jumped out on ZooTube and elsewhere on the Internet:

1)    That Israel is an Apartheid State.       Leftists and Muslims are currently celebrating  the  "6th International Israeli Apartheid Week",    which is actually a 2 week period  ( March 1 to March 14 ).     This demonstrates their stupidity on more than one front,   as they don't even know the difference between the number 1 and the number 2.

2)     That the Israel which became a country in Israel in 1948 has no connection to the Israel of the Bible.      Basically,   they claim that the Jews of modern Israel are imposter Jews and that Genesis 12:3 has nothing to do with modern Israel and Jews.

My question to you is can you provide JTF members recommendations to counter the hideous beasts who make these claims?   

Thanks as always,   eb22.

Shalom Chaim and thank you as always for your hard work and for answering my questions.

Do you believe Israel should develop its own space program, such as NASA and explore outer space?
Are Jews allowed to leave Israel for space exploration if it is for scientific research?

when are you not allowed to eat matzoh before pesach?

Chaim, I am sure you have heard about the movie Ajami which was made by an Arab along with a self hating Jew.  The movie depicts some dissatisfaction that Arabs who live in Jaffa have (so much for the idea that giving up Judea and Samaria is the answer to all problems).  What is ridiculous here, is that the Israeli government funded the production of the movie and considered it an Israeli movie until the Arab producer came out and said it is not Israeli because he does not consider himself Israeli (aren't Arab residents of Jaffa Israelis?  Of course he is free to leave).  This is just a pathetic case of self hating Jews trying to suck up to their enemies and getting kicked in the face in return.  The Israelis were actually viewing the fact that this movie was up for an Academy Award with pride. 

Yaacov Ben Yehuda:
Shalom Chaim!

1. Do you believe in Karma? what's the Jewish view of Karma?

2. What do you think of the term Judas...when people use it as to refer to a you find this to be an antisemtic thing?

3. Why hasnt Iran been attacked yet?  Netanyahu speaks a good one but does nothing! Is he actually willing to be the prime minister that bowed to Obama and let Iran become nuclear?  Does he not realize that this will be his legacy??

4. What do you think of the option for a young Jew looking to make Aliyah of becoming an archeologist in Israel?

Toda ve Shavooah Tov!


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