Author Topic: INTERRACIAL marriage in the US is more prevalent in white men than white women  (Read 15066 times)

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Offline christians4jews

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Hey folks. If any of you listened to this weeks ask JTF, ou have may have heard my question in regard to interrcacial couples. I have often stated that us white men, gentile or jew, give women so much grief to the point where its like they dating anything but white men.

But when you calm down, and actually analyse the stats, white men reject white women far more than the other way round. Here are the stats...

White male with white female there was 50 224 000 weddings...

White female with black male, the one that gets highlighted the most is only 286 000...thats it..

Bare in mind that white male and black female is worryingly catching up with 117 000, nearly 50 % of the "traitorous"  white females do..

But white male and white asain is  by far the biggest racial marridge with a whopping 530 000, with 40 percent of asian women being with a white man...that is almost double what white female black male does...

To put the final nail in the coffin for white men, if you look at "other", which could be marrying mixed race, mexican etc, white man married over all it shows that 2.2 percent of white men married outside there race whereas 1.9 percent of white women married outside there race...

Now the big question is, why do us men focus on the what women do..ive done it in the past, but when you really take a step back, you can see in reality white men, jew or gentile are more race traitors than white jew/gentile female..

Here are my reasons as to why us white men notice black male white female couples more..

1) stick out like a sore thumb. Lets be honest white and black couples are more noticible. Especially in crowded situations. asains have palerskin, as do mexican and hispanic. Yet gorilla, with a white female, just naturally is more obvious.

2) We like women. Lets be honest us jtfers, are tough heterosexuals who like women. God made us attracted to women. We dont look at who a white male with, as we dont care whether hes with a black, a asia, etc. But we do care who a white girl is with as we are attracted to them. its in our nature to think"why is she with that jerk" etc. So when we see a black negro with a white female,we emphasise on it..aswecannot believe she would go with such a creature. But There is a very fast growing number of whitemen with black females,especially in the hollywood world, but because we dont care for men we dont highlight it.

3) white men asain women/mexican women are lighter skinned and more rightous. Very simple, its less obvious a white men and asain female/mexican as often they are paler skinned. Plus, asians are very intelligent and more often than not are very rightous(in my experience anyway). So you will see these couplesmore in the suburbs etc. Whereas blacks are the lowest of the low, so you wil see them more in inner city highstreets, shopping malls, walmart etc which again gives the mpressionits the most prevalent...

Conclusion-im not saying its not a problem, what i am saying is that we need to stop bashing our white women, and look at ourselves for once as well. And admit that its just as much as a problem with white men, if not more of a problem than with white men than white women.

Offline AsheDina

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Hey folks. If any of you listened to this weeks ask JTF, ou have may have heard my question in regard to interrcacial couples. I have often stated that us white men, gentile or jew, give women so much grief to the point where its like they dating anything but white men.

But when you calm down, and actually analyse the stats, white men reject white women far more than the other way round. Here are the stats...

White male with white female there was 50 224 000 weddings...

White female with black male, the one that gets highlighted the most is only 286 000...thats it..

Bare in mind that white male and black female is worryingly catching up with 117 000, nearly 50 % of the "traitorous"  white females do..

But white male and white asain is  by far the biggest racial marridge with a whopping 530 000, with 40 percent of asian women being with a white man...that is almost double what white female black male does...

To put the final nail in the coffin for white men, if you look at "other", which could be marrying mixed race, mexican etc, white man married over all it shows that 2.2 percent of white men married outside there race whereas 1.9 percent of white women married outside there race...

Now the big question is, why do us men focus on the what women do..ive done it in the past, but when you really take a step back, you can see in reality white men, jew or gentile are more race traitors than white jew/gentile female..

Here are my reasons as to why us white men notice black male white female couples more..

1) stick out like a sore thumb. Lets be honest white and black couples are more noticible. Especially in crowded situations. asains have palerskin, as do mexican and hispanic. Yet gorilla, with a white female, just naturally is more obvious.

2) We like women. Lets be honest us jtfers, are tough heterosexuals who like women. G-d made us attracted to women. We dont look at who a white male with, as we dont care whether hes with a black, a asia, etc. But we do care who a white girl is with as we are attracted to them. its in our nature to think"why is she with that jerk" etc. So when we see a black negro with a white female,we emphasise on it..aswecannot believe she would go with such a creature. But There is a very fast growing number of whitemen with black females,especially in the hollywood world, but because we dont care for men we dont highlight it.

3) white men asain women/mexican women are lighter skinned and more rightous. Very simple, its less obvious a white men and asain female/mexican as often they are paler skinned. Plus, asians are very intelligent and more often than not are very rightous(in my experience anyway). So you will see these couplesmore in the suburbs etc. Whereas blacks are the lowest of the low, so you wil see them more in inner city highstreets, shopping malls, walmart etc which again gives the mpressionits the most prevalent...

Conclusion-im not saying its not a problem, what i am saying is that we need to stop bashing our white women, and look at ourselves for once as well. And admit that its just as much as a problem with white men, if not more of a problem than with white men than white women.

This is garbage.
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Offline Rubystars

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I don't see that as often as I do white women with black men.

Besides, when women do it, it does more damage to the woman's own race. A people procedes from the wombs of its women. If these wombs are used instead to produce members of another race (such as blacks) then this is not only not contributing to one's own race but it is also choosing to add to the ranks of rivals.

Offline Rubystars

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One reason I'm opposed to any interracial mixing is that it contributes to the New World Order mindset where all nations and peoples are said to be "citizens of the world" with no distinctions. I say the more separate and different we can keep groups of people, the harder it is to impose a world-wide government.

Offline amit85

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INTERRCIAL marridge in the US more prevelent in white men than white women
Thats because large number of white men marry asian women. But in black-white marriages white women marry 2.5 more often than men.
99% of Muslims give the rest a bad name.

Offline Zelhar

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Where is the problem in white-asian and even white-latino marriage ? If your main rational is aesthetics or something superficial like that than in my view there is no validity in such rational.

If we are talking about marriage between say, an Evangelical white and a pagan Asian than that's a different matter, but I think in most cases we are talking about marriages between Christian with the same faith and same educational background so there is no problem in such union in my opinion.

I also have no objection to unions between whites and black if the black side is basically a white person with black physicality. And by that I mean, someone like pastor manning for example, is a great guy, but I don't think someone like him should marry white, but some blacks are associated with the white culture and basically they are white who look black. These types may be few but I know of a few cases like this in Israel at least.

Offline christians4jews

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Hey folks. If any of you listened to this weeks ask JTF, ou have may have heard my question in regard to interrcacial couples. I have often stated that us white men, gentile or jew, give women so much grief to the point where its like they dating anything but white men.

But when you calm down, and actually analyse the stats, white men reject white women far more than the other way round. Here are the stats...

White male with white female there was 50 224 000 weddings...

White female with black male, the one that gets highlighted the most is only 286 000...thats it..

Bare in mind that white male and black female is worryingly catching up with 117 000, nearly 50 % of the "traitorous"  white females do..

But white male and white asain is  by far the biggest racial marridge with a whopping 530 000, with 40 percent of asian women being with a white man...that is almost double what white female black male does...

To put the final nail in the coffin for white men, if you look at "other", which could be marrying mixed race, mexican etc, white man married over all it shows that 2.2 percent of white men married outside there race whereas 1.9 percent of white women married outside there race...

Now the big question is, why do us men focus on the what women do..ive done it in the past, but when you really take a step back, you can see in reality white men, jew or gentile are more race traitors than white jew/gentile female..

Here are my reasons as to why us white men notice black male white female couples more..

1) stick out like a sore thumb. Lets be honest white and black couples are more noticible. Especially in crowded situations. asains have palerskin, as do mexican and hispanic. Yet gorilla, with a white female, just naturally is more obvious.

2) We like women. Lets be honest us jtfers, are tough heterosexuals who like women. G-d made us attracted to women. We dont look at who a white male with, as we dont care whether hes with a black, a asia, etc. But we do care who a white girl is with as we are attracted to them. its in our nature to think"why is she with that jerk" etc. So when we see a black negro with a white female,we emphasise on it..aswecannot believe she would go with such a creature. But There is a very fast growing number of whitemen with black females,especially in the hollywood world, but because we dont care for men we dont highlight it.

3) white men asain women/mexican women are lighter skinned and more rightous. Very simple, its less obvious a white men and asain female/mexican as often they are paler skinned. Plus, asians are very intelligent and more often than not are very rightous(in my experience anyway). So you will see these couplesmore in the suburbs etc. Whereas blacks are the lowest of the low, so you wil see them more in inner city highstreets, shopping malls, walmart etc which again gives the mpressionits the most prevalent...

Conclusion-im not saying its not a problem, what i am saying is that we need to stop bashing our white women, and look at ourselves for once as well. And admit that its just as much as a problem with white men, if not more of a problem than with white men than white women.

This is garbage.

please elaborate,i hope you wernt referring to my thread i started...

Offline christians4jews

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I don't see that as often as I do white women with black men.

Besides, when women do it, it does more damage to the woman's own race. A people procedes from the wombs of its women. If these wombs are used instead to produce members of another race (such as blacks) then this is not only not contributing to one's own race but it is also choosing to add to the ranks of rivals.

you obviously didnt read my thread as to why the white males on here make out its more prevelent, when reality is its just as,if not more prevelent in white men...

I dont give a flying monkeys what you,or  whoever sees around city centers..but the fact is that as married couples white men marry outside their race more..Am i going to trust this, or what someone off the internet claims to have seen in walmart...

When the US republican candiancy was being decided, as a uk resident, from purely basing evidence from the internet.(which is considered a very important machine) you would have thought ron paul was going to walk it. He produced the most cash. He had clones going to websites writing positive comments about it. On the internet every would say how they were going to vote for ron paul. Students were literally throwing themselves at him to vote for him...yet in reality, he did not win one US state...

Same with this "white women are traitors" baloney, you claim you see it you know they will get married?? I know girls at my school, that would always date black guys. Yet now they have pretty much all settled down with white boyfriends, and had children. Just like college students thAT aRE INTO SOCIALISM,or communism at university,but when they get a job and a suit, they realism its all a load of baloney.

BTW answer this ruby, i have 183 friends on facebook(poor number i know). I can think of 4 men that are in a interracial relation(2 with black women, one with a indian girl and one with a oriental lady), only 2 girls i can think of are in a interracial relationship(one with a black whos left herwith a kid, and one with a indian gentlemen)

I could go on..and bring up male celebs with female celebs to prove a point but i wont just yet...

Look the point of this thread was to say this is just asmuch as a problem with white men as it is with white women.. 


  • Guest
I have no problem with non-Jewish whites and Asians getting married as long as they have the same values. I'm just worried about Jewish men getting married to non-Jewish Asian women which seems to be very common. My grandmother once joked that it's because Jews and Asians both like food a lot.

Offline christians4jews

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My grandmother once joked that it's because Jews and Asians both like food a lot.

ahahaha that made me laugh...but i agree, im not argueing against interracial marridge(althoughi thinbk its not ideal), what im argueing is that white males are just as likely, if not more so(accordingto the census) to marry outside there race..

But i agree asians are very rightousand often can be more roughtous than whites..however blacks are ewwwwwww....

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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It's simple. By far we're talking about white males with Chinese/Koren/Japanese oriental type women.
Yellow women are submissive.
White women have been taught to be b__tches. Just turn on your TV [which I proudly don't have].
White women have been taught that white men are weak and schmucky. And that negro men are strong and have large plumbing.
Of course this needs to be stopped. This is not entirely true.
Humans should stay with humans. Negros should be deported back to africa on boats in chains. Jews should all be in Israel like the bible says and stay out of trouble and avoid creating Hitlers.


Offline Ithaca-37

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AngryChineseKahanist (a fascinating handle there):  "It's simple. By far we're talking about white males with Chinese/Koren/Japanese oriental type women. Yellow women are submissive.  White women have been taught to be b__tches.  White women have been taught that white men are weak and schmucky."

ACK is spot-on with those observations, in my opinion.  He could have gone further with this observation:  MANY Asian women are advised by their elders to seek out white men, because (for better or worse) the constant hen-pecking by Western society has made white men more 'housebroken' than even Asian men.  I've heard that from several Asian women.

For the record, while I'm here:  It would be an understatement to say that Asians, regardless of gender, don't have a high opinion of Africans.  They generally keep silent about their opinions, but believe me about that.  Don't expect much pity on the native Africans from Red China as Chinese national companies accelerate their consumption of Africa's resources.


Offline christians4jews

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AngryChineseKahanist (a fascinating handle there):  "It's simple. By far we're talking about white males with Chinese/Koren/Japanese oriental type women. Yellow women are submissive.  White women have been taught to be b__tches.  White women have been taught that white men are weak and schmucky."

ACK is spot-on with those observations, in my opinion.  He could have gone further with this observation:  MANY Asian women are advised by their elders to seek out white men, because (for better or worse) the constant hen-pecking by Western society has made white men more 'housebroken' than even Asian men.  I've heard that from several Asian women.

For the record, while I'm here:  It would be an understatement to say that Asians, regardless of gender, don't have a high opinion of Africans.  They generally keep silent about their opinions, but believe me about that.  Don't expect much pity on the native Africans from Red China as Chinese national companies accelerate their consumption of Africa's resources.


I can definetely vouch for this as i know a korean girl and a chinese girl, and their opinions of blacks is on par of what we at jtf think, if not worst..they are very racially aware..thats why you never/very rarely see aasain girl with a darkie...

In fact indians,asian and hispanics all hate blacks....its only the liberal leftist whites that seem to like the...unfortunately they run the media..

Offline david1967

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White women mix with Blacks for 2 reasons: 1. they believe in the popular cultural myth of the sexual superiority of the Black male- i.e penis size, sexual ability, etc. 2. Due to Affirmative Action, they want to give their kids a realistic chance for the future, and know that, in the U.S,  even with a small amount of Black blood, they are considered "African-American".  As a result of this racial classification, they receive much better school and job considerations that those classified as "White" or "Caucasian."  

Offline christians4jews

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white women are dating black men for a variety of reasons, some of it is attraction, other reasons are in part that black culture is perceived as "cool" and black men are somehow stronger than white men.

black men attrative??they make gorrillas look pretty...

But i see what you mean...

Offline cjd

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 :::D With the entire country going to hell in a hand basket this is what has people concerned who has a bigger case of monkey shines. Nine times out of ten when a zebra couple is around its most always a white woman with a black male. The woman is most always a fat pig or ugly as sin. Black men have no use for black woman so why in the hell would a white man want what even a filthy niggerra turns his nose up at. White people should have more respect for themselves and avoid cavorting with the missing link.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Secularbeliever

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I know I will probably catch flak for this but I have no issue with someone marrying someone of a different race if they are both good people and are doing it for good reasons.  I am not talking about rich White girls slumming for thrills, like in the movie Havoc, that is sick.  I remember a few years ago there was a Black woman Olympic figure skater who attended Stanford and married a medical student she met there.  I don't see any reason to look down on either of them.
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Offline cjd

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I know I will probably catch flak for this but I have no issue with someone marrying someone of a different race if they are both good people and are doing it for good reasons.  I am not talking about rich White girls slumming for thrills, like in the movie Havoc, that is sick.  I remember a few years ago there was a Black woman Olympic figure skater who attended Stanford and married a medical student she met there.  I don't see any reason to look down on either of them.
Well, what your describing is the cream of the crop. In a case like that I could see the situation being workable if the people are bent on that sort of relationship. The vast majority of blacks are not Sanford educated figure skaters or anything remotely close to it.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Secularbeliever

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I know I will probably catch flak for this but I have no issue with someone marrying someone of a different race if they are both good people and are doing it for good reasons.  I am not talking about rich White girls slumming for thrills, like in the movie Havoc, that is sick.  I remember a few years ago there was a Black woman Olympic figure skater who attended Stanford and married a medical student she met there.  I don't see any reason to look down on either of them.
Well, what your describing is the cream of the crop. In a case like that I could see the situation being workable if the people are bent on that sort of relationship. The vast majority of blacks are not Sanford educated figure skaters or anything remotely close to it.

Fair enough but if the two are both students at college, both are looking for a middle class lifestyle, both are blue collar people with a strong work ethic.  For that matter if both are Orthodox Jews.  If they have the same goals in life and choose each other as individuals not because of some weird desire to be doing something exotic.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

Offline briann

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This marriage stat is completely not taking into account black males who impregnate white women, and then leave them.  When you take this fact into account, it's probably even.

Offline muman613

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I realize this is totally OT [Off-Topic] but doesnt anyone care how badly misspelled the threads title is?

"INTERRCIAL marridge in the US more prevelent in white men than white woman"

If I were writing this topic I would write:

"Interracial marriage in the US is more prevalent in white men than white woman"

OK, maybe I'm a spelling maven, but come on...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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I don't have any problem with interracial marriage. The problem that I have is when civilized human beings of any race marry savages of any race.

Offline t_h_j

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AngryChineseKahanist (a fascinating handle there):  "It's simple. By far we're talking about white males with Chinese/Koren/Japanese oriental type women. Yellow women are submissive.  White women have been taught to be b__tches.  White women have been taught that white men are weak and schmucky."

ACK is spot-on with those observations, in my opinion.  He could have gone further with this observation:  MANY Asian women are advised by their elders to seek out white men, because (for better or worse) the constant hen-pecking by Western society has made white men more 'housebroken' than even Asian men.  I've heard that from several Asian women.

For the record, while I'm here:  It would be an understatement to say that Asians, regardless of gender, don't have a high opinion of Africans.  They generally keep silent about their opinions, but believe me about that.  Don't expect much pity on the native Africans from Red China as Chinese national companies accelerate their consumption of Africa's resources.


I can definetely vouch for this as i know a korean girl and a chinese girl, and their opinions of blacks is on par of what we at jtf think, if not worst..they are very racially aware..thats why you never/very rarely see aasain girl with a darkie...

In fact indians,asian and hispanics all hate blacks....its only the liberal leftist whites that seem to like the...unfortunately they run the media..

are you sure that the JTF opinion about blacks and your opinion are the same?

Offline The One and Only Mo

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If I met an Asian woman who converted to Judaism and was frum, I would date her in a second.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Its marriage; not "marridge"
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