The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Early Islam Copied Passover But Then Dropped It

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Well what did he drive then. The horse's name was Barack

It was called buraaq and was said to be a beautiful creature that was half horse, half human - the face, accompanied by an angel.


--- Quote ---accompanied by an angel
--- End quote ---
I don'nt remember accompanying the horse ;D


--- Quote from: mord on May 07, 2007, 11:45:37 AM ---
--- Quote ---accompanied by an angel
--- End quote ---
I don'nt remember accompanying the horse ;D

--- End quote ---
;D ;D
Lol Mord, good one.

Thank G-d is all I can say. Instead of hiding the Afikomen(Bag of Matzah) they would be hiding excrement.


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