The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam


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Perhaps he's gone to add one to this number:

I posted somewhere else on htis forum that a "good" muslim's favorite word is "but".  As in we condemn blah blah blah, but, Israel should blah blah ....

why your defense of ragheads PUNK? You just another damn sand whigger?


--- Quote from: gentilerighteous on September 20, 2006, 11:08:41 PM ---why your defense of ragheads PUNK? You just another damn sand whigger?

--- End quote ---

What a shamefull display of political ideas. If anyone of you want to reserve your judgement of someone due to the fact they are Muslim you certainly have the right to do so. However in the end this shortsighted thinking that all muslims are nazi terrorists is going to curb any progress towards peace.
whats a sand whigger? and I bet a coward like you wouldnt have the nerve to call me or anyone a punk to their face without a good number of your friends there to back YOU up. Dont let the annonymity of a forum make you tough! PUNK!


--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 20, 2006, 04:23:39 PM ---Perhaps he's gone to add one to this number:

--- End quote ---

Wrong.... I have a life and dont live on this forum like the rest of you do... try getting out and getting some fresh air once in while it will do you all some good. and for the love of whatever g-d you believe in try to park your prejudices for a day and just live a little. Spend some time with your kids or family or friends, throwing a frisbee around or something... Life is not one big conspiracy folks... believe it or not therte are over a billion muslims in the world and most of them just want to be left alone lilke you. dont let the animals or behead hostages or who fly planes into buildings mold your mind the way the media is looking to sell you on it/.


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