Author Topic: Britain was and is the most evil empire on the face of this planet ..EVER!  (Read 8904 times)

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Britain's Cover Up
The cover-up is accomplished by the same British terrorism and bribery that perpetrated the genocide.  Consider: why does Irish President Mary Robinson call it "Ireland's greatest natural 1 disaster" while she conceals the British army's role?  Potato blight, "phytophthora infestans", did spread from America to Europe in 1844, to England and then Ireland in 1845 but it didn't cause famine anywhere.  Ireland did not starve for potatoes; it starved for food.
Ireland starved because its food, from 40 to 70 shiploads per day, was removed at gunpoint by 12,000 British constables reinforced by the British militia, battleships, excise vessels, Coast Guard and by 200,000 British soldiers (100,000 at any given moment)  The attached map shows the never-before-published names and locations in Ireland of the food removal regiments (Disposition of the Army; Public Record Office, London; et al, of which we possess photocopies).  Thus, Britain seized from Ireland's producers tens of millions of head of livestock; tens of millions of tons of flour, grains, meat, poultry & dairy products; enough to sustain 18 million persons.
The Public Record Office recently informed us that their British regiments' Daily Activity Reports of 1845-1850 have "gone missing."  Those records include each regiment's cattle drives and grain-cart convoys it escorted at gun-point from the Irish districts assigned to it.  Also "missing" are the receipts issued by the British army commissariat officers in every Irish port tallying the cattle and tonnage of foodstuff removed; likewise the export lading manifests. Other records provide all-revealing glimpses of the "missing" data; such as: ... 
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

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The Food Removal
From Cork harbor on one day in 1847 2 the AJAX steamed for England with 1,514 firkins of butter, 102 casks of pork, 44 hogsheads of whiskey, 844 sacks of oats, 247 sacks of wheat, 106 bales of bacon, 13 casks of hams, 145 casks of porter, 12 sacks of fodder, 28 bales of feathers, 8 sacks of lard, 296 boxes of eggs, 30 head of cattle, 90 pigs, 220 lambs, 34 calves and 69 miscellaneous packages. On November 14, 1848 3, sailed, from Cork harbor alone: 147 bales of bacon, 120 casks and 135 barrels of pork, 5 casks of hams, 149 casks of miscellaneous provisions (foodstuff); 1,996 sacks & 950 barrels of oats; 300 bags of flour; 300 head of cattle; 239 sheep; 9,398 firkins of butter; 542 boxes of eggs. On July 28, 1848 4; a typical day's food shipments from only the following four ports: from Limerick: the ANN, JOHN GUISE and MESSENGER for London; the PELTON CLINTON for Liverpool; and the CITY OF LIMERICK, BRITISH QUEEN, and CAMBRIAN MAID for Glasgow. This one-day removal of Limerick's food was of 863 firkins of butter; 212 firkins, 1,198 casks and 200 kegs of lard, 87 casks of ham; 267 bales of bacon; 52 barrels of pork; 45 tons and 628 barrels of flour; 4,975 barrels of oats and 1,000 barrels of barley. From Kilrush: the ELLEN for Bristol; the CHARLES G. FRYER and MARY ELLIOTT for London. This one-day removal was of 550 tons of County Clare's oats and 15 tons of its barley. From Tralee: the JOHN ST. BARBE, CLAUDIA and QUEEN for London; the SPOKESMAN for Liverpool. This one-day removal was of 711 tons of Kerry's oats and 118 tons of its barley. From Galway: the MARY, VICTORIA, and DILIGENCE for London; the SWAN and UNION for Limerick (probably for transshipment to England). This one-day removal was of 60 sacks of Co. Galway's flour; 30 sacks and 292 tons of its oatmeal; 294 tons of its oats; and 140 tons of its miscellaneous provisions (foodstuffs). British soldiers forcibly removed it from its starving Limerick, Clare, Kerry and Galway producers.
In Belmullet, Co. Mayo the mission of 151 soldiers 5 of the 49th Regiment, in addition to escorting livestock and crops to the port for export, was to guard a few tons of stored meal from the hands of the starving; its population falling from 237 to 105 between 1841 and 1851. Belmullet also lost its source of fish in January, 1849, when Britain's Coast Guard arrested its fleet of enterprising fishermen ten miles at sea in the act of off-loading flour from a passing ship. They were sentenced to prison and their currachs were confiscated.
The Waterford Harbor British army commissariat officer wrote to British Treasury Chief Charles Trevelyan on April 24, 1846; "The barges leave Clonmel once a week for this place, with the export supplies under convoy which, last Tuesday, consisted of 2 guns, 50 cavalry, and 80 infantry escorting them on the banks of the Suir as far as Carrick." While its people starved, the Clonmel district exported annually, along with its other farm produce, approximately 60,000 pigs in the form of cured pork. ... 
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

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Official British Intent
Official British intent at the time is revealed by its actions and enactments. When the European potato crop failed in 1844 and food prices rose, Britain ordered regiments to Ireland. When blight hit the 1845 English potato crop its food removal regiments were already in Ireland; ready to start. The Times editorial of September 30, 1845, warned; "In England the two main meals of a working man's day now consists of potatoes." England's potato-dependence was excessive; reckless. Grossly over-populated relative to its food supply, England faced famine unless it could import vast amounts of alternative food. But it didn't grab merely Ireland's surplus food; or enough Irish food to save England. It took more; for profit and to exterminate the people of Ireland. Queen Victoria's economist, Nassau Senior, expressed his fear that existing policies "will not kill more than one million Irish in 1848 and that will scarcely be enough to do much good."6 When an eye-witness urged a stop to the genocide-in-progress, Trevelyan replied: "We must not complain of what we really want to obtain."7 Trevelyan insisted that all reports of starvation were exaggerated, until 1847. He then declared it ended and refused entry to the American food relief ship Sorciére. Thomas Carlyle; influential British essayist, wrote; "Ireland is like a half-starved rat that crosses the path of an elephant. What must the elephant do? Squelch it - by heavens - squelch it." "Total Annihilation;" suggested The Times leader of September 2, 1846; and in 1848 its editorialists crowed "A Celt will soon be as rare on the banks of the Shannon as the red man on the banks of Manhattan." The immortal Society of Friends, the "Quakers," did all in their power to save lives. But in 1847 they despaired and quit, upon learning that the Crown planned to perpetuate the genocide's pretext; the British claim of "ownership" of Irish land. Quakers refused to facilitate the genocide by pretending (as Concern does re African genocides) it was an act of nature. In the 1870s; too late; British laws were enacted allowing the Irish to buy back the land of which Britain had robbed them. Twice-yearly payments were extracted from Ireland's farmers until that "debt" was paid off in the 1970s. Ireland's diet, since pre-history, has been meat, dairy products, grains, fruit and vegetables; latterly supplemented by potatoes. Central to its ancient legends are its livestock, reaping hooks, flails,8 querns, and grain-kilns and -mills. The many Connacht grain-kilns and -mills shown on the Irish Ordnance Survey Map of 1837-1841 operated continually prior to, during the Starvation, and subsequent to it until the 1940s when I observed them still working. Local farmers dried and milled their grain - not potatoes - in them, and this oatmeal and flour were seized and exported by British forces. The "potato famine" Big Lie was underway and already denounced by John Mitchel in his United Irishman in 1847 (he was soon sent in chains to a Tasmanian death camp; but escaped). Fifty years later G.B. Shaw wrote in Man and Superman: "Malone: 'My father died of starvation in Ireland in the Black '47. Maybe you've heard of it?' Violet: 'The Famine?' Malone: (with smoldering passion) 'No, the Starvation. When a country is full of food and exporting it, there can be no Famine."' But he kept mum on the British army's role; Ireland's whole-truth-tellers don't receive Nobels. To date, the Big Lie prevails. It started in 1846 when, while the British government genocidally stripped Ireland of its abundant foodstuffs, internationally it was begging help for the "starving Irish." John Mitchel remonstrated; "Many will, perhaps, be surprised to learn neither Ireland, nor anybody in Ireland ever asked alms or favors of any kind, either from England or from any other nation or people. On the contrary, it was England herself that begged for us, asking a penny, for the love of God, to relieve the poor Irish. And further, constituting herself the almoner and agent of all that charity, she, England, took all the profit of it." Mitchel again; 'Thus any man who had a house, no matter how wretched, was to pay the new tax; and every man was bound to have a house; for if found out of doors after sunset; and convicted of that offence, he was to be transported for fifteen years, or imprisoned for three - the court to have the discretion of adding hard labor or solitary confinement. This law would drive the survivors of ejected people (those who did not die of hunger) into the poorhouses or to America; because, being bound to be at home after sunset, and having neither house nor home, they would be all in the absolute power of the police, and in continual peril of transportation to the colonies (Australian slave labor camps). By another act of parliament the police force was increased, and taken more immediately into the service of the Crown; the Irish counties were in part relieved from their pay; and they became, in all senses, a portion of the regular army. They amounted to twelve thousand chosen men, well armed and drilled. The police were always at the command of sheriffs for executing ejectments; and if they were not in sufficient force, troops of the line could be had from the nearest garrison. No wonder that the London Times, within less than three years after, was enabled to say; 'Law has ridden roughshod through Ireland, it has been taught with bayonet, and interpreted with ruin. Townships levelled with the ground, straggling columns of exiles, workhouses multiplied, and still crowded, express the determination of the legislature to remove Ireland from its slovenly old barbarism, and to plant the institutions of this more civilized land' (meaning England!)" Mitchel also wrote; "Steadily, but surely, the 'Government' was working out its calculation; and the produce anticipated by 'political circles' was likely to come out about September (of 1847), in round numbers - two millions of Irish corpses." 9 ...
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

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Toll of Holocaust
Toll of Irish Holocaust. The 1841 census of Ireland revealed a population of 10,897,449. This figure includes the correction factor established by that year's official partial recount. When, between 1779 and 1841, the U.S. population increased by 640 percent, and England's is estimated to have increased, despite massive emigration to its colonies, by 100 percent, it is generally accepted that Ireland's population increase was 172% 10. The average annual component of this 172% increase is x in the formula (1+ x)62 = 1 + 172%; thus 0.0163, or 1.63%. Accepting that this 1.63% rate of annual population increase continued until mid-1846 (one human gestation after the late-1845 beginning of removal of Ireland's food), the 1846 population was 11,815,011.
Assuming that rate continued, the population in 1851, absent the starvation, would have been approximately 12,809,841. However; the 1851 census recorded a population of 6,552,385; thus there was a "disappearance" of 6,257,456. This population-loss figure of 6,257,456 is scarcely susceptible to significant challenge, being derived directly from the British government's own censuses for Ireland. It is reasonable to assume that the rigor established in the recount of 1841 became the standard for the 1851 census; so that any residual undercount would be systemic, affecting 1841 and 1851 proportionately (and, if known, would increase the murder total). These 6,257,456 include roughly 1,000,000 who successfully fled into exile and another 100,000 unborn between 1846 and 1851 due to malnutrition-induced infertility. Of the 100,000 who fled to Canada in 1847, only 60,000 were still alive one month after landing.11 Among the 40,000 dead was Henry Ford's father's mother who died en route from Cork or in quarantine on Quebec's Grosse Ile.
Thus; though from 1845 through 1850, 6,257,456 "disappeared," the number murdered is approximately 1.1 million fewer; i.e., 5.16 millions. Consequently; if Britain's census figures for Ireland are correct the British government murdered approximately 5.16 million Irish men, women and children; making it the Irish Holocaust. This number, 5.16 million, exceeds the high end of the range (4.2 to 5.1 million) of serious estimates of the number of Jews murdered by Nazis. The least reliable component of the foregoing arithmetic is the number assumed to have successfully fled. If the fleers who survived prove to number, say, 900,000 instead of 1,000,000, the murder count will have to be corrected from 5.16 to 5.26 millions. This amount of adjustment, up or down, of the 5.16 millions murdered is determinable by sensitive review of the immigration records of the U.S., Canada, Argentina, and Australia; and of government records on the Irish who fled to Britain at the time. We invite bona fide documentation of the foregoing; whether in confirmation or rebuttal. Economists and historians are disqualified if their published work on the events of 1845-1850 covers up the British army's central role therein. Such individuals lack the standing to participate in this truth-quest.
To our knowledge nobody else has ever published the above arithmetic or named the food removal regiments and battleships. Evidence that other truth-telling accounts exist would be greatly appreciated. Irish academia shuns and slurs Tom Gallagher's Paddy's Lament and Englishwoman Cecil Woodham-Smith's The Great Hunger for mentioning the Food Removal. Woodham-Smith fudged, but not enough to satisfy the cover-up cabal. For example; she reported that the 1841 partial recount established a correction factor of one-third for the 1841 census figure; but she used the uncorrected figure to calculate! By this and other fudges she arrived at a population-loss of only 2.5 million. She allocated only half a page to the core facts of the Genocide; the food removal data, while using some two hundred pages to describe British government "relief measures" as if they were something other than cosmetic exercises; a cover-up. But just as Telefis Eireann out-Britished Yorkshire TV by refusing to co-premiere the latter's 1993 exposé of the 5/17/74 British bombings of Dublin/Monaghan streets that murdered 33 and maimed 253; and as the Irish police menace the survivors of that bombing instead of arresting the known British perpetrators; so do Irish historians out-British Woodham-Smith by ostracizing her for exposing the Food Removal. They out-do themselves in describing the "benefit" of the Irish Holocaust; how Britain reduced poverty in Ireland ( by murdering those it had impoverished! They promote the notion that only the blighted potato crop belonged to the Irish while Ireland's abundant livestock, grains, etc., all "belonged" to mostly absentee English landlords. By that insane standard all of the property and production of Europe and Asia, excepting starvation rations for workers, would belong to W.W.II GIs and their heirs (or to the Axis had it won).
Irish are not guilty. Though many Holocaust Irish, like many, say, Auschwitz Jews, took deadly advantage of their own weakest, neither the Irish nor Jewish communities had hand or part in the conceiving and planning of the genocides from London and Berlin; respectively. But, the German government repented and paid $100 billion (dollars) reparations to Jews while the British government and its Dublin surrogates still use terror and slander against those who commemorate the Irish Holocaust. It is still dangerous - after 150 years - to reveal the truth of it. ...
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

Offline Chai

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Irish Zionist ...most Americans have no clue how evil the British empire is. The sad thing is when Americans hear the word European or think of that British accent they think sophistication. It is the same reason only Sephardic Jews like me know how horrible it is to live under Muslim rule and liberal European Jews don't. We know how horrible the Brits are because we lived under them...Americans don't and when they did..Well we know what happen there!!!!!!

The good thing about JTF is that we all agree how Islam is bad so we all agree with that , and it was Rabbi Kahane that help  Introduce this to  MODERN Americans that were spared by Islam and prepare them for it and again he repetitively said "the reason Israel wants to appease Arabs is that they are ruled by Liberal European Jews that were also lucky not to live by them"

People , Great  JTFers ... The Brits Oppress. Look at the difference between Canada and Austria British commonwealths and look at Our great country we live in when we broke free from the Brits!!!   can Toronto or Sydney be compared to New York City >??? :P

Yes , Indeed Kahanas Slogan NEVER FORGET!!! Was and is applicable to Jews even though Nazi Germany is dead

How much more so the slogan NEVER FORGET! Should be even more so applicable to Americans that were oppressed by the Brits  >:(

Americans speak English, so it is very difficult to separate another psychologically speaking and I do not blame the forum members for not being fully convinced because there do feel a natural affinity and connection with Brittan. it took tons of documents speaking to people like Irish Zionist and Persian Royalty that my family is connected with to truly see how Britain CREATED From most modern to  past and I will undoubtedly miss some....

So for the people that agree Islam is Evil LISTEN TO THIS PLEASE To What Evil Brittan has CREATED!!!!!

............................ From westernized Iran(Persia) to The Islamic Republic of Iran ..............................
.........................................................Pakistan.................................. ....................
............................................................Iraq................................... .................................
......................................................Saudi Arabia (remember the Brit in Lawrence of Arabia)........................
..........................................................Trans Jordan............................................


What is the greatest  danger  America and Israel face today?

1.The Islamic Republic of Iran

not only did Brittan create The Islamic Republic of Iran, They support them. Brittan has an embassy there we do not.

these are not conspiratress but facts even Wikipedia has ,. people don’t read!!!


According to the book All the Shah's Men, the British tried to convince Harry S. Truman to join their campaign against Iran. However it was only when Dwight Eisenhower became the president that British succeeded in convincing U.S. to join their plot. In order to convince the Eisenhower administration Woodhouse shaped his appeal around the rhetoric of anti-communism. They pointed out the Tudeh party could take control of Iran. Eventually British and CIA created a plan code named Operation Ajax to overthrow the democratically elected Mosaddegh. The coup was performed by Central Intelligence Agency field commander Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. (grandson of Theodore Roosevelt)



REGISTRATION / EMBASSY LOCATION: The U.S. government does not have diplomatic or consular relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran and therefore cannot ... › ... › International Travel Information - Cached - Similar

guess who does?? :o

UK in Iran
The UK has never denied Iran's right to pursue a peaceful civilian nuclear programme. ... UK in Iran - the official website for the British Embassy in Iran ... We have a new improved online registration service called LOCATE for British
 :dance: :dance:
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 01:56:34 PM by 18chai »

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Anyone who says it was a potato famine is a holocaust denier.
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

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Should I assume you live in Ireland?


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18chai - You're right. I did see their good looks over their [plunder-and-pillage] evil deeds.

...But I would still be weak in the knees in calling them the MOST evil people.
As for the most evil empire....that would probably be another hard call. I would say that all empires have been evil. Because how do you have a massive empire without murdering all resistance?


Offline Irish Zionist

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Should I assume you live in Ireland?

Yes I do and I assume you live in China?
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

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Should I assume you live in Ireland?

Yes I do and I assume you live in China?

Nope. You can't. This site is banned in China. I live in the People's City of New York [New York City].
OK. The British are evil. ...but  not the most evil.
What part of Ireland do you live in and have they been forced to drive on the wrong side of the road?


Offline wonga66

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Sometimes British perfidy is good, such as the 'betrayal' of the handing over of 50,000 pro-Nazi Cossacks to the Soviets in 1945 Austria to be massacred!


Offline Chai

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18chai - You're right. I did see their good looks over their [plunder-and-pillage] evil deeds.

...But I would still be weak in the knees in calling them the MOST evil people.
As for the most evil empire....that would probably be another hard call. I would say that all empires have been evil. Because how do you have a massive empire without murdering all resistance?

Thank you  :)

Thats just it having an Empire that takes over other people is an Evil act.......Having an Empire that helped create even more evil empire (Islamic Republic ..etc etc etc is even worse!!)

At least the Nazis and Islam are open about their hatred of Jews.

Chaim ben Pesach allays said "Islam makes you Stupid" these fakestinas are to stupid to organize a birthday party the second Iran was a rising power in Asia the Second It because a theocracy they because so dumb their oil refineries  began to rot in the desert because no one knew how to operate them.

Alas ,Brittan knows  exactly what Chaim does!! Do you think he is the only one that knows this? No our enemies know this as well! Do you think they were able to create such a vast empire because of their lack of cleverness? No sir , they know what Chaim does and they use that knowledge that Chaim preaches , create organized Islamic powers so they can be manipulated by them. We all know how much England hates the Jews (ask chaim)  ...the worst is they hate us for no reason. Why didn't they let the Jews go to Israel during the holocaust ..why did they turn those bouts away ..WHY WHY!!! THEY HATE US!!!!!! They knew they were sending us to your deaths not to long ago.

The Torah predicts Ishmael and Amalek  will band together and unite against  the Jews.  WW2 was only Amalek

WW3 will be the arab world and The united kingdom ..

We see already the cleaver games even with the us , .. as we see with eb22 recent post ..U.S. condemns Israel's decision to build in disputed territory

March 9, 2010 6:24 p.m. EST

Jerusalem (CNN) -- Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that the United States condemns Israel's decision to build neighborhood, calling it "a step that undermines the trust we need right now."

"I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem," Biden said in a statement issued just hours after he met with Israeli leaders in the region.

"The substance and timing of the announcement, particularly with the launching of proximity talks, is precisely the kind of step that undermines the trust we need right now and runs counter to the constructive discussions that I've had here in Israel."

The construction, announced earlier Tuesday, will be in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood, located in disputed territory in East Jerusalem. The Israeli Interior Ministry denies the territory is in East Jerusalem.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs echoed Biden's condemnation at a briefing in Washington.

"I don't believe that either the substance or the timing [of the announcement] is particularly helpful, and I think [it] runs counter to the very productive talks the vice president was having in the region," Gibbs said.

Biden is the highest-ranking member of the Obama administration to visit Israel, and he emphasized America's close ties with Israel earlier Tuesday during meetings with top Israeli leaders. He said the bond between the two nations is unshakable.

On efforts to restart the peace process, Biden said, "We are at a moment of real opportunity. I think that the interests of the Israeli and Palestinian people, if everybody stops and takes a deep breath, are actually more in line than they are opposites."

After the plan for construction was announced, lead Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat said the Israeli government is "determined to undermine" efforts to jump-start peace negotiations and called the plan "a disaster."

The area where the construction is to take place is "in occupied Palestinian territory, and that's the issue we are supposed to negotiate, and now they are dictating rather than negotiating," Erakat said.

The Israeli Interior Ministry said the construction plan was approved by a district committee, and the public can express objections to it over the next 60 days.

The minister of interior did not approve the plan, as expanding an existing neighborhood is in the hands of the district committee, the ministry said.

However, Meir Margalit of the Jerusalem Municipality -- representing the leftist party Meretz -- said the ministry's planning and building committee is a political committee that acts under the minister's political guidance. Even if objections are voiced in the 60-day period, he said, most are ignored.

The claim that the minister had no hand in the decision is a "complete lie," Margalit said. "The minister decides his office's policy, including that of the committee."

In a later announcement, the Interior Ministry said the plan has taken more than three years to come to fruition and is a "procedural stage as part of a longer procedure which would take quite some time to complete."

"The timing of the committee meeting was preset and has nothing to do with the American vice president's visit to Israel," the ministry said.

The announcement came a day after George Mitchell, the Obama administration's special envoy for Middle East peace, announced that Israeli and Palestinian leaders had accepted indirect talks aimed at restarting direct talks. Negotiations between the two sides have been stalled for over a year.

In announcing those indirect talks, Mitchell, who is also visiting the region with Biden, encouraged both sides to refrain from any statements or actions that could inflame tensions or prejudice the outcome of the talks.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in January his government made a series of concessions to the Palestinians, including a 10-month moratorium on West Bank settlement construction and the removal of dozens of checkpoints and roadblocks. However, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas had refused to re-enter negotiations until Israel enacted a complete freeze of all settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

On Monday, Erakat expressed skepticism about the indirect talks, pointing to Israeli approval of 112 apartment units in a settlement in the southern part of the West Bank near Bethlehem.

Abbas told Mitchell, Erakat said, that "if every visit is going to be announced by more settlements and unilateral declarations and imposing reality on the ground ... this places a question mark on all the efforts that we are undergoing."

this was my friends reaction (not jewsh)

lol chutzpah... youve never used yiddish slangf before...

I read that article while i was in class last night... I was confusing because they say the US offers its "unyeilding support of Israel" and then gets angry about a housing project?? WTF

my replyTF indeed. like that black Israelite said lol you want to talk about hatred and racism? that's blatant hatred and racism!,


from the bible.

I will bless them if bless thee
And curse them if curse thee

kahane assassination in nov 1990

wtc bombing by the assassinater they let free 1993..u wanna talk about the lord talking about punishment measure for measure? Thats blatant measure for measure in only 36 months less then a car payment!

Prime minster issac rabin tryed to make "piece"lol gets shot

Clinton administrations pressures Israel for 8 years = 911 Clinton gets impeached later in office as well for the immoral sex scandal

Israeli prime minister sharon gives up land ..fatal stroke 3 weeks later

The Us immoral new Orleans act .... Flood (any more biblical) what has to happen ???

even in the bible there was small warnings .. its like a kid you say clean up room nicely the kid says no , again , no again , no then you have to yell!! and may result in corporal punishment if there still is refusal

you will see what else will happen

how much more England hates us.

Offline Chai

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Sometimes British perfidy is good, such as the 'betrayal' of the handing over of 50,000 pro-Nazi Cossacks to the Soviets in 1945 Austria to be massacred!


Good for the Cossacks sure they did it to be a light onto the nations lol :laugh:

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The fact that King Abdullah is a Hashemite Muslim with a white British mother makes him TRIPLY dangerous!

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  • PSALMS 129:5 "ZION" THE Cornerstone.

I'd rather deal with the British conquerors than the muslim murderers.
The British bullies your city away from you then what? They modernise it.
Way better than when muslims or others take over.

I am sure that good English people agree there with you.
שמע ישראל
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I'd rather deal with the British conquerors than the muslim murderers.
The British bullies your city away from you then what? They modernise it.
Way better than when muslims or others take over.

I am sure that good English people agree there with you.

AsheDina. there is good in all, not trying to insult good, decent righteous British citizens , I am trying to bring to light however something that actually is in your profile quote. 

"The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand."  Meir Kahane
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 03:44:39 PM by 18chai »

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I'd rather deal with the British conquerors than the muslim murderers.
The British bullies your city away from you then what? They modernise it.
Way better than when muslims or others take over.

I am sure that good English people agree there with you.

AsheDina. there is good in all, not trying to insult good, decent righteous British citizens , I am trying to bring to light however something that actually is in your profile quote. 

"The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand."  Meir Kahane

I'm putting that quote in my sig.

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Cato

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I don't see what's so bad about invading Africa. Honestly the natives haven't done anything of merit there except come up with bizarre scarification rituals and herd cattle. Imagine how wonderful Africa would be with human management! It would be a breadbasket for the world.
Exactly. And if whites shouldn't have been in Africa, they shouldn't have been in North America either.
Having failed to get any comment on this and my previous post, here's another one for everyone to ignore. Until shortly before the potato famine, British coal mines were populated by young children dressed in filthy rags (if anything), chained by iron shoulder yolks to trucks, working in total darkness, overrun by rats, and allowed just one day a week to pray and give thanks to Almighty G-d for the wonderful life He had given them. I guess that these kids were also reponsible for the potato famine, murdering Afrikaaners, slavery, etc. etc. Over-generalisations are ridiculous, and best dismissed as Pub Talk. Perhaps the same US pubs where the Irish terrorists collected/collect money for bombs to maim and kill their fellow Irish. As a normal British person I do not hate the Irish, or the Jews, or the Negroes, or the Hindus, or even the Americans. I would make two suggestions to the US Jews on this forum: (a) make some sacrifices and emigrate to Israel; and (b) recognise that Islam might just be a worse enemy than the British.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 07:33:38 AM by Cato the Elder »

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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This thread is disgusting. Britain did in fact fail to support Jews during Israeli independence and even supported Arabs. Their policy towards the Middle East now is as bad a that of any other country. But calling Britain evil is an insult to many British members and readers of the forum.
Under the current international situation, anti-British stances can be dangerous. It's Muslims and communists who blame "British colonialism" for all the problems of the world. Today, backing any anti-British propaganda is a victory for Nazis, Communists, Iranians and third world fascist nationalism

Offline Chai

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"I do not hate the Irish, or the Jews, or the Negroes, or the Hindus, or even the Americans. I would make two suggestions to the US Jews on this forum: (a) make some sacrifices and emigrate to Israel; and (b) recognise that Islam might just be a worse enemy than the British."

A; I Agree and I am making such "sacrifices".

B; I also agree , But Britain helped create them , why do you choose to neglect all the other facts i have given.

Furthermore, you may be a  great person but that's what Brittan is doing If they created the trans Jordan ,well, they created the trans Jordan. Why be upset at the post ..its a fact ..i didn't do these things.... why censor me?... not censoring my thoughts is just as like Rabbi Kahane said .....

when Jews sat idly in America because "they were afraid of what gentiles would say think and do" ....Like you. Well, i am sorry i am not afraid of what gentiles might say.

crusades, inquisitions, holocaust by the Europeans?? Thanks but no Thanks .  Rabbi Meir Kahane.

This tread is not disgusting ... And there is no doubt that it may be taken personally by a British member..dont i have nothing against you personally and i love how you support America and Israel, but its not just me, take a look at all the recent British - Anti Israel stances Britt is taking ..don't get upset at the thread, be upset at your rulers and do something .. if you are a professor, ..teach your students the right thing ... things like that, if you are pro saving western civilization and Israel .....because your leaders are letting the muzzies come in your land as well for greed...and not just in Britt ,you know how the mussies are spreading all over Europe.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 02:17:48 PM by 18chai »

Offline Debbie Shafer

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England also contributed to their downfall by bringing in the Muzzies as a work force!  Not too Bright!

Offline Cato

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England also contributed to their downfall by bringing in the Muzzies as a work force!  Not too Bright!
You are quite right. Unfortunately, though, when people talk of Britain's "downfall" they automatically assume that it was somehow better when it was powerful. It is asking a lot of any Empire never to make mistakes. Britain's main mistake, like that of Rome 2000 years before, was to fall out with the Germans. Or perhaps to confuse Zulus carrying spears with Germans using machine guns. The USA declined to assist until Britain was well and truly about to be invaded and, as Churchill said, one of their aims by doing so was to destroy the Empire. There was no Marshall Plan for Britain, and only recently did they finish paying for the bullets they borrowed. However, the point remains that Britain stood up against the Nazis alone for much of the war, and your ill-informed associates in this forum are just too numerous. I think I'll join Looserivet and take a break.

Offline Chai

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England also contributed to their downfall by bringing in the Muzzies as a work force!  Not too Bright!
You are quite right. Unfortunately, though, when people talk of Britain's "downfall" they automatically assume that it was somehow better when it was powerful. It is asking a lot of any Empire never to make mistakes. Britain's main mistake, like that of Rome 2000 years before, was to fall out with the Germans. Or perhaps to confuse Zulus carrying spears with Germans using machine guns. The USA declined to assist until Britain was well and truly about to be invaded and, as Churchill said, one of their aims by doing so was to destroy the Empire. There was no Marshall Plan for Britain, and only recently did they finish paying for the bullets they borrowed. However, the point remains that Britain stood up against the Nazis alone for much of the war, and your ill-informed associates in this forum are just too numerous. I think I'll join Looserivet and take a break.

You are being biased and ignoring facts because you are British ..and its o.k. i don't except anymore. The Britain/German attacks in WW2 were not as shallow as you make it out to be.

Offline wonga66

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R.Kahane never even got to visit London or to speak there, because he was deported on touchdown at Heathrow Airport in 1982, thanks to Anglo-Jewish court-Jew establishment traitors like Chief Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits & MP Greville "grovel" Janner, who tipped off the anti-Israel British Foreign Office.

Offline Chai

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R.Kahane never even got to visit London or to speak there, because he was deported on touchdown at Heathrow Airport in 1982, thanks to Anglo-Jewish court-Jew establishment traitors like Chief Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits & MP Greville "grovel" Janner, who tipped off the anti-Israel British Foreign Office.

..Wow really?? I didn't even know that!