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New Matt Demon movie is anti-american according to some
« on: March 12, 2010, 01:26:17 PM »
Well, isn't this hysterical... Hollywood is putting out more anti-american propaganda this year... I guess that is what is selling to the self-hating liberal hollywood types.

Less than a week after "The Hurt Locker" won the Oscar for Best Picture, along comes Matt Damon in "The Green Zone," another look at the Iraq War that has some critics seeing red.

While "The Hurt Locker" was largely apolitical in its stance on the war, some say "The Green Zone" goes too far in blaming the United States government, and that it manipulates the audience into rooting against American troops.

The movie centers on Army Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller, played by Damon, who is assigned to search for weapons of mass destruction in the weeks following the shock-and-awe campaign of 2003. When Miller encounters roadblocks in his search, he launches a one-man internal investigation into the United States government's intelligence gathering operations, forming a secret alliance against the men he is sworn to protect in order to get the bottom of what he believes is a conspiracy.

Given this set-up, audiences are encouraged to root for Miller's rogue activities and against the government, represented in the film by a corrupt Pentagon chief played by Greg Kinnear.

The line between good guy and bad guy becomes fuzzy -- so much so that audiences are unsure whether to cheer on Sunni Iraqi insurgents as they shoot down a helicopter filled with American soldiers sent to assassinate them on the Pentagon's request.

Movie reviewer Kyle Smith went so far as to label the film "slander" and "appallingly anti-American."

"It's one thing to make a fantasy film laced with snarky jibes at the United States and its military," Smith wrote in the New York Post this week. "It's of another order entirely for an American studio (Universal, a unit of GE) to perpetrate, during an ongoing war, such vicious anti-American lies disguised as cheap entertainment.

"'Green Zone' isn't cinema," Smith wrote. "It's slander. It will go down in history as one of the most egregiously anti-American movies ever released by a major studio."

The Buffalo News reported that two older couples walked out of a Tuesday night screening of the film, but the News' arts editor, Jeff Simon, was kinder than Smith in his evaluation. He wrote that the movie is "good in almost exactly the way film audiences have found off-putting about a war we're still ashamed to think too much about."

The film's star, for one, sits squarely in the camp of actors often labeled as the Hollywood liberal elite, says Tim Graham, director of media analysis for the Media Research Center, a conservative media watchdog group.

"I don't think there is any doubt of where Matt Damon falls in the political spectrum. He is an outspoken liberal and earnest about it,"  Graham told Fox411. "He's not doing it to get ahead. It would be one thing if you had an actor in this movie who is not very political, but it is another thing when you have an actor who picks vehicles like this because it gives them the chance to espouse their political views in a fictional format."

Universal declined comment  for this story.

Tackling an ongoing and polarizing conflict like the Iraq war is no small feat, said war reporter Stephanie Gaskell, who traveled to Iraq in 2007.

"The war in Iraq has deeply divided our country, so it makes sense that moviegoers will be divided over 'Green Zone',"  she told Fox411. "I think we saw with 'The Hurt Locker' that Americans may not be ready to deal with the politics of the Iraq war yet. That's why 'Hurt Locker' was so well received, because it didn't delve into all that."

Director Paul Greengrass, best known for his success with the action-packed Jason Bourne franchise, also starring Damon, and the 9/11 film "United 93" brought in veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan to play secondary roles in "Green Zone." Some were selected from the anti-war group of returning soldiers, "Iraq Veterans Against the War."

In an interview with Charlie Rose this week, Greengrass said the issue at hand isn't whether you are for or against the war.

"The problem, I think, for me is that something about that event strained all the bonds and sinews that connect us all together," he said. "For me it’s to do with the fact that they said they had the intelligence, and then it emerged later that they did not."

Robert Miller, who served in the Army's 82nd paratrooper unit from 2001 to 2005 was one of the Iraq veterans who was cast as a soldier in the movie. He says he thinks it is unfortunate that some critics are painting the film in a negative light.

"I would take offense if there was anything that was anti-troops in the movie or that  I thought was despicable, but there isn't. It's an action movie," Miller told Fox411.

"It's just entertaining. I enjoyed it when I watched it. I wouldn't say it's an actual depiction of events that happened over there. It's Jason Bourne does Iraq."
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Re: New Matt Demon movie is anti-american according to some
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2010, 01:40:55 PM »

Boycotting it. F*** Hollywood liberals, I hope they lose every penny they invest in anti-American propaganda.
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.

Offline muman613

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Re: New Matt Demon movie is anti-american according to some
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2010, 03:20:18 PM »
BTW, did you know that Iraq did have a WMD program, and the WMD weapons were discovered?

This blows away the anti-american cannard that the Iraq war was started for false reasons..

Read this:

Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
By Samantha L. Quigley
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center's commander said here today.

"These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction," Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.

The Chemical Weapons Convention is an arms control agreement which outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. It was signed in 1993 and entered into force in 1997.

The munitions found contain sarin and mustard gases, Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said. Sarin attacks the neurological system and is potentially lethal.

"Mustard is a blister agent (that) actually produces burning of any area (where) an individual may come in contact with the agent," he said. It also is potentially fatal if it gets into a person's lungs.

The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, Chu added.

While that's reassuring, the agent remaining in the weapons would be very valuable to terrorists and insurgents, Maples said. "We're talking chemical agents here that could be packaged in a different format and have a great effect," he said, referencing the sarin-gas attack on a Japanese subway in the mid-1990s.

This is true even considering any degradation of the chemical agents that may have occurred, Chu said. It's not known exactly how sarin breaks down, but no matter how degraded the agent is, it's still toxic.

"Regardless of (how much material in the weapon is actually chemical agent), any remaining agent is toxic," he said. "Anything above zero (percent agent) would prove to be toxic, and if you were exposed to it long enough, lethal."

Though about 500 chemical weapons - the exact number has not been released publicly - have been found, Maples said he doesn't believe Iraq is a "WMD-free zone."

"I do believe the former regime did a very poor job of accountability of munitions, and certainly did not document the destruction of munitions," he said. "The recovery program goes on, and I do not believe we have found all the weapons."

The Defense Intelligence Agency director said locating and disposing of chemical weapons in Iraq is one of the most important tasks servicemembers in the country perform.

Maples added searches are ongoing for chemical weapons beyond those being conducted solely for force protection.

There has been a call for a complete declassification of the National Ground Intelligence Center's report on WMD in Iraq. Maples said he believes the director of national intelligence is still considering this option, and has asked Maples to look into producing an unclassified paper addressing the subject matter in the center's report.

Much of the classified matter was slated for discussion in a closed forum after the open hearings this morning.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14