first off, how I found about
I have been watching the video
for about 10 times, and then thought maybe I should watch some of the videos from the right, one of them being
(Muslim Nazi Connection Part 1 of 5)
which had in the end
www.JTF.ORG/Enow, about myself:
I am a supporter of Israel, I fear the idea of having muslims around (so far I met none in person) and that's not superstition or just hearing people talking about Islam; I am not a racist, I don't believe in the theory of evolution (as it is taught) and I don't believe in Gaia (goddess Mother Nature) either. I seriously doubt every theory of conspiration whatever the subject and every miracle (Virgin Mary's appearences, miracles in the qur'an, "Muhammud" written on moon, healings, etc.) - as signs from God/gods - but I believe in sorcery (magic) - I do not practice it, nor wish I. I consider myself an opened for talks person and hope to meet here people that can respect a man although they have different views (i.e. even if the former considers the latter wrong in everything).