Author Topic: Imerica, let's compromise  (Read 9645 times)

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Re: Imerica, let's compromise
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2007, 11:05:38 PM »
Sorry that I took a week to get back to you, Imerica. I'm also busy and don't have too much time to post.

I have a much better opinion of you now that I've heard something about your background. The fact that you've rejected ghetto (essentially, black) culture and are raising your children as "Army brats" will help to ensure that they don't become what most white people almost instinctively think of, when they think of blacks. In a military environment, as opposed to the street, blacks don't get as much of a chance to become saturated with rap noise and other abominations.

Despite some of your annoying political views, I believe that you're close to being - and that your children will be even closer to being - what your people disparagingly call Oreos, black on the outside but white on the inside.

Well, guess what? I like Oreos. In fact, I feel more for them than I do for many whites. Because isn't it written, that there shall be more rejoicing for the one who was saved, than for the ninety-nine who didn't need saving?

I don't believe that most people are "racist" in the sense that they judge people by their skin color. People are mostly judged by their thoughts and words and deeds, all of which spring from their culture. As the ancient Greek poet Pindar said: "Culture is king."

We at JTF don't hate people's skin color. We hate their guts.

Wow, an 'oreo' huh? lol ..I've been called that and worse before even when I resided in the projects. Because I didn't quite get the hang of ebonics as a child, I was often made fun of because of my use of proper English. My dad spoke proper English as well...which is where I learned it. But make no mistake I'm 100% black. Just because I denounce the ignorance that's present in the black community it dosen't mean I'm trying to be white. It means I'm being myself. When my husband retires from the Marine Corps, and we go to find somewhere to settle, I won't be looking to live in an all black neighborhood, nor an all white neighborhood. But in a place where all are accepted and respected.

By the way, what I'm rejecting of the black culture is the violence and stereotypes. I don't and won't reject the good that's represented in the black community/culture. That part, I'll treasure for the rest of my life. However I keep the bad things that happen in the black community in my mind to use it as a template of how not to raise my girls.

And I truely have no political view, other than who I'd vote for or who I'm against. I'm not deep into it like you are. I just happen to know what I like and what I don't like. I do research when I need to but I don't emerse myself into politics the way some of you do. I'm not a 'leftist/rightist' speaker at all.

And my girls know what hip hop is. They know who Emenim, Snoop Dogg, and other rap artists are but they have discerned for themselves what to filter out and who to dislike. They perfer Will Smith, and the old school hip hop and R&B I listen to. I also let my girls pick their own friends. There's nothing worse than telling your child that they can't play with anyone from the black culture because they might be a gang banger (which is what actually happened when we lived in NY 3 years ago). A neighbor of mine actually told other people who lived around me, at the time, that she was tired of living around "n's" and tired of her children playing with black kids. (She was white, by the way). Since we lived in military housing at that time, its fair to say that there were families from different cultures who shared our neighborhood. Her children almost ALWAYS played with my girls who were 6 and 8 years old at the time so she was referring to my children. Fortunately, I was pregnant so I couldn't approach her the way I wanted to (as not to stir up stress). So I just left her alone and didn't speak to her.

She didn't make me want to hate white people and the white culture, she made me more intent on raising my girls to combat racism where ever it rears its head. So, like I said, I let them pick out their own friends. And they are loved by everyone they meet, except for those who make fun of them because of their LD. But even then I teach them to move on with life when people treat them disrespectfully... for every angry, hateful person, there are 20 other people willing to treat them with the respect they deserve.


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Re: Imerica, let's compromise
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2007, 11:16:17 PM »

    What's your opinion of Dr.Alan Keyes? 
My opinion of Dr. Keyes isn't a popular one, I'll tell you that much. There are things about him that chap my hide. For instance, he dosen't support stem cell research. He looks down on women who can't conceive but choose IV fertilization or a visit or two to the sperm bank to be impregnated. He says that marriage where there is no chance of procreation is invalid (That REALLY burned me up!) And he, in my opinion is a homophobe.
    His daughter who is 23 now, I think , was kicked out at 19 because she'd come out to him and her mom that she is a lesbian. They kicked her out, took her financial funding away (including money for college) and left her homeless because of what they believe about homosexuality being an abomination. He has some illogical views that don't mesh with mine. That's my view of Dr. Keyes.

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Re: Imerica, let's compromise
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2007, 11:23:35 PM »
In an election between Al Sharpton and Dr. Keyes and you had to vote, who would you vote for?
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.


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Re: Imerica, let's compromise
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2007, 01:16:42 AM »
In an election between Al Sharpton and Dr. Keyes and you had to vote, who would you vote for?
I've said about 5,034 times here (not literallylol) that I wouldn't vote for Sharpton at all. Putting Sharpton and Keyes together for that scenario still doesn't change my mind. I wouldn't vote for either of them. I don't like Sharpton and I don't like Keyes. I don't care if Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and started building housing for the homeless tomorrow it still wouldn't take away the fact that he isn't fit to tie my shoes because of what he represents and the fact that he doesn't know how to stop talking. Keyes wouldn't get my vote because he's just not who I'd vote for. He's just as judgemental as Sharpton is, only Keyes has some sembalance of intelligence and hasn't talked negatively about any particular race/ culture of people.

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Re: Imerica, let's compromise
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2007, 12:56:22 AM »
I thought in college you'd have learned how to answer a hypothetical. Rule #1: You cannot change the terms of the hypothetical. That defeats the whole purpose of the question. I know you don't want to vote for either one, but the hypo said you "HAVE TO VOTE" for one of them. Now, which one would it be. Sharpton or Keyes?
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.


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Re: Imerica, let's compromise
« Reply #30 on: May 10, 2007, 04:28:18 AM »
I thought in college you'd have learned how to answer a hypothetical. Rule #1: You cannot change the terms of the hypothetical. That defeats the whole purpose of the question. I know you don't want to vote for either one, but the hypo said you "HAVE TO VOTE" for one of them. Now, which one would it be. Sharpton or Keyes?
If I had to, I'd vote for Keyes. (But that's what you wanted to hear from me anyway.) All the same though, THANK GOD, I don't have to vote for him. lol

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Re: Imerica, let's compromise
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2007, 02:22:52 PM »
There's still hope for you Imerica...
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.