Author Topic: Hillary Clinton fesses up, explodes myths, and proves JTF right.  (Read 668 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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I want to highlight a few points from the following article about the recent diplomatic potshots between the US and Bibi Netanyahu over building in our sacred capital city, Jerusalem.  A few of Hillary Sodom Clinton's statements prove both myself and Chaim correct in opinions which I find everyday people out in the world invariably argue with.
Clinton and Netanyahu Make up: We Really Are Friends

"We have a close, unshakeable bond between the United States and Israel and between the American and Israeli people, …but that doesn’t mean that we are going to agree. We don’t agree with any of our international partners on everything."

And so we see that Israel can disagree with the United States and take its own policy on a given issue that is not exactly what the US wants, even directly against what the US wants Israel's policy to be, and it does not change that Israel and America are allies.  It does not mean America "nukes Israel" or "revokes aid" (we don't want the aid to continue anyway, but that's a different story), it does not mean America "joins the jihad" etc etc.   

The people who insist that Israel is dependent on America and must do everything America says simply live in a fantasy world.  They do not understand how diplomacy works, how ally relationships function (they are two-way mutual relationships) and what national sovereignty entails.  These people need to get real.

Furthermore we see the following point, which was debated on here by certain Likudnik/herutniks who feel that with the building freeze in Judea and Samaria, Bibi is only carrying out the policies of his predecessors and fulfilling the Likud legacy (some of these people even wishfully speculate that he doesn't want to but does it anyway out of some misguided sense of obligation - more people living in a dreamworld), by agreeing to a Fakestinian state and denying basic human rights to the Jews of Yesha.

Clinton says,
“In the past year, the government of Israel has proven its commitment to peace in both word and deed, including [acceptance in principle of a Palestinian Authority state], the dismantling of hundreds of checkpoints and roadblocks in Judea and Samaria, and the decision to suspend new construction starts in Judea and Samaria for 10 months, which Secy. of State Clinton defined as, unprecedented.’”  

So you see that Bibi's actions were UNPRECEDENTED.  That's right.   He took what the other phonies before him did, and then he added his own suicidal additions and innovative actions that no one has ever taken before.  Like all the Oslo prime ministers, Bibi took his ascent to power as an obligation on himself to "Up the Ante" of the Oslo "peace" charades.   Not only was the settlement freeze an unprecendented antisemitic decree, but so too was his declaration (as Likud PM) in front of the UN that the PLO terrorists should have a state in the Biblical heartland and that Israel is committed to giving it to them because of their "rights."

Bibi is unprecendented in the level to which he takes the Oslo suicide.   You cannot blame previous prime ministers.   You cannot blame Sharon.  You cannot blame Hillary Clinton, Obama or Joe Biden.  You cannot blame George Bush Senior.   The blame lies with Bibi the phony.   He is responsible for his own policy decisions.  Take it or leave it.   The people who ascribe "secret" good motives and good intentions to Bibi's suicidal policies "that we just don't know about behind the scenes" are morons.  Complete morons.   They need to get real and stop living a life of fantasy and wishful thinking.  Let us take the facts at face value.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Hillary Clinton fesses up, explodes myths, and proves JTF right.
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2010, 09:05:19 PM »

Offline CorrieDeservedIt

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Re: Hillary Clinton fesses up, explodes myths, and proves JTF right.
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 10:52:28 PM »
Double Bump