Author Topic: Turkish minister: Serbia to apologize for Srebrenica  (Read 2553 times)

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Offline Kerber

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Turkish minister: Serbia to apologize for Srebrenica
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:54:37 AM »
Davutoglu: Serbia to apologize for Srebrenica

Tanjug, 19.03.2010 12:39:24

ANKARA - Foreign Minister of Turkey ,Ahmet Davutoglu, said that Serbia should apologize for crimes against Muslims in Srebernica and announced his country's new initiatives for further improvement of relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Turkey.
"Serbia will soon apologize for the crime in Srebrenica 1995th year in which thousands of Bosnian Muslims suffered," said Minister Davutoglu to Turkish journalists before his visit to Bulgaria, reported local media.

Head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry stressed that the relations of Turkey and Serbia- which had nearly a thousand years of hostility- in recent times have been "dramatically improved", confirming that with the data that he met with Serbian Foreign Minister ,Vuk Jeremic, eleven times in six months.
In the foreign policy of the current Turkish government,countries of the region,and particularly the Balkans,are one of the priorities,and Bosnia and Herzegovina has a special place within it.

According to those priorities,Ankara have already launched two trilateral mechanisms for dialogue: one between Turkey, Bosnia and Serbia, and the other between Turkey, Bosnia and Croatia, to find solutions to the problems in Bosnia, which recently faced with political misunderstandings that can burden the relations between Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats, states the Turkish media.

Turkey within this framework advocates that Bosnia and Herzegovina as soon as possible should be received in the Action Plan of NATO, which is a prerequisite for entry into the Atlantic alliance, and to abolish the Schengen visa regime for the citizens of that country as it was recently done for the citizens of Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia.
Translated from:,%20ahmet%20davutolu

This Turkish idiot has courage to say that Serbia should(or "will",as he said) apologize for something we have not committed, or for something that Serbia has nothing to do with,while he didn't remember to apologize for 5 centuries of Serbian slavery under the Ottoman Empire.

Offline serbian army

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Re: Turkish minister: Serbia to apologize for Srebrenica
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2010, 10:25:39 PM »
Animals will tell us to apologize for something we have not done.  :dance: If this is why our PM met with them, than we are really messed up.
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline ProudToBeSerb

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Re: Turkish minister: Serbia to apologize for Srebrenica
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 08:40:04 PM »
Yes Bosnia have a big role to play in drug trafic to Europe  ;D Did you noticed that every country that have been ocupied by Nato become a route for opium smugling, lots of people are involved, every one have sell price...
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

Offline george_jtf

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Re: Turkish minister: Serbia to apologize for Srebrenica
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2010, 09:44:36 PM »
Yes Bosnia have a big role to play in drug trafic to Europe  ;D Did you noticed that every country that have been ocupied by Nato become a route for opium smugling, lots of people are involved, every one have sell price...

It is no surprise at all.

In addition, I am just waiting for the West to ask Serbia to apologize to Croatia for allowing over a million Serbs to be massacred from 1941-1945....or maybe they will ask Serbia to apologize for the two thousand Serbs killed by Srebrenica Jihad warriors too. After all, Muslims are always victims.
Untill a patriotic, not demon-cratic Serbian government is in power and is pro-Russian, such apologies will continue. It is truly sad that although genetically Serbs are very intelligent, they do not use that intelligence to advance it's heritage and pride and have politicians who work for their people, not their own pockets.