Because of a lack of time I’m not often here. I regret this.
Next to important earnest news I read here a lot about Obama and a plot against the Jews.
My Opinion in this matter is: This is incredible nonsense and I see it really different and from a very more simple view.
The current problems from the Jews is really simple to explain.
You Jewish guys are clever and people hates when other people are cleverer. It’s a normal mopping system. You are clever and you are a minority. Bad preconditions!
Especially the endless silly Muslims increase your problem. The Muslims are the silliest people on earth. So we all have problems with aggressive and stupid ideologie.
You have the most problems because you live in the middle of this primitive unwilling to learn Mohamed folks. They hate you, they hate the USA, they hate the West and over and above only the rest of the world, like all primitive stupid Mohammed followers.
Obama is only a figure on this board game. In my opinion, he tries only to avoid more problems. But his experience is not comprehensively enough to recognise and rate al the parameters properly.
Look to our European politicians. We have exactly the same situation. They betray us nearly all with this Nazi ideology Islam. “Islam is Peace” Ridicules! … and we are not jewish.
I supported Mr. Mc Cain but I’m sure Obama’s Intention is not to betray the Jews. In the worst case he goes the same silly way like real 200% Christian President Jimmy Carter.
This wretched failures (Islam and some other) hates us. And a lot of Muslims can not bear the following situation: They recognised that they are not the pride of creation but instead of that the silliest and most incompetent people in the world.
That hurts!!!
Your cleverness is only one fact and there are some more irrational facts that people hates you.
No more, no less! Think about this.
Forgot this Obama Bashing, it’s totally useless and a waste of energy!
Look to your real problems, analyze these and bring these to the topic.
Regards Jochen