Author Topic: About that exploding breast-implant story  (Read 2345 times)

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About that exploding breast-implant story
« on: March 28, 2010, 08:33:45 PM »

WASHINGTON – Did you hear the one about the terrorist threat to use exploding breast implants to bring down airliners?

It's no joke.

Terrorists are the only boobs blowing themselves up.

For those who have been reading the news or listening to the news or watching the news all around the world this past week, you know it's a real story – despite sounding like something from the National Enquirer.

Actually, the National Enquirer liked it so much, the tabloid picked it up after it was reported, among other places, on Fox News, in the London Daily Telegraph, UPI, the Times of India, Pakistan Daily Times and major newspapers in Dallas, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and New York.

But do you know where this story originated?

It originated, like so many blockbuster stories, in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium online intelligence bulletin edited by the founder of WND.

Here's how the media food chain really works:

    * G2 Bulletin breaks the story Feb. 1;

    * WND picks up the story in abbreviated form the same day;

    * Then the New York Post runs with it;

    * After that, there's a long, quiet delay before the The Sun revives the story by quoting "terrorism expert Joseph Farah;" (More on that later.)

    * The London Daily Telegraph was next to run with it – attributing the story to the Sun, but quoting "terrorism expert Joseph Farah," once again. Then came Fox and UPI and papers in India and Pakistan and television networks in the U.S. and you name it.

One thing most of the stories had in common was the quote from "terrorism expert Joseph Farah."

There are just a couple of problems with that identification and quote:

    * Farah may be an expert in many areas, but he has never identified himself as a "terrorism expert" – nor would he.

    * Farah never uttered or wrote what he is quoted as saying in any of those reports, namely: "Women suicide bombers recruited by al-Qaida are known to have had the explosives inserted in their breasts under techniques similar to breast enhancing surgery."

It's not that those news sources made up the quote out of whole cloth. What they did was plagiarize the words of one of G2 Bulletin's contributors, Gordon Thomas, and put them in Farah's mouth.

"Why would they do that?" Farah asked. "Well, I guess they believed it permitted them to not credit either WND or G2, the original sources of the material. Perhaps they thought I would be so grateful for the promotion to 'terrorism expert' that I wouldn't quibble with the misrepresentation."

And the point is not to quibble with the media misrepresentation, says Farah. The point is to call the public's attention to a resource that is being purposely obscured from them by the rest of the media – even though they obviously read it, rewrite it and exploit its content to the max.

This is hardly the first huge story G2 has broken since it was launched Feb. 10, 2003, just as the U.S. was gearing up to launch the war in Iraq.

It's practically an everyday occurrence – though not all the stories end up being quite as sensational as "the exploding breast implants of death." Day in and day out, for more than seven years now, G2 Bulletin has been on the cutting edge of the news that is not always quite ready for prime time.

It's news often based on deep sources, sometimes unnamed, but always reliable sources Farah developed over 25 years as a daily newspaperman and based on an equal or greater amount of experience from his major contributors. They include F. Michael Maloof, a veteran journalist and national security operative, and Gordon Thomas, the author of "Voyage of the Damned" and a London-based correspondent with deep contacts in British intelligence.

G2 Bulletin includes regular sections on the global threat from Islamic terrorism, the Mideast, internal security, the Far East, Europe, intelligence briefings and important news backgrounders as well as top stories and breaking news.

The most frequently asked question about G2 Bulletin – the meaning of the name? It's very simple, explains Farah. G2 means intelligence in military jargon.

Now that you know all this, ask yourself whether or not you should be subscribing to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin. You can sample it for just $9.95 for a full month. If you learn you can't live without it, as is often the case, you can subscribe for a full year for just $99 – and get Farah's book, "Taking America Back," autographed absolutely free.

Sure, you'll eventually hear about many of the stories G2 Bulletin breaks. But it might be a month later, two months later or even several years.

Why should you be reading second-hand regurgitated, ripped off and misrepresented stories when you can get the real enchilada in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt