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Ask JTF for Sunday, April 11, 2010

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Dear Chaim I have four questions for you to answer.

1. Which group of people do you think are more primitive, the Arabs or the Africans? And I when mean Africans, I mean black Africans from black African countries such as Kenya and Zambia not North African countries such as Morocco and Algeria. Personally I think it's the Africans. Without the whites, Africa wouldn't have anything. No skyscrapers, no cars, no electrictiy no airports etc. Didn't the white people built all the skyscrapers in most African cities like Nairobi or Johannesburg?  As for the Arabs, I think the only thing going for them is their oil in which they don't even produce. The infidels do it for them. Without it, they'd be in the same siutation as the jungle negroes which isn't saying much as they aren't much better.

2. Also to honor Middle Eastern history month, Would you please give us a Middle Eastern action story complete with Arabonics? Especially one with animals. Because I know they'd rather screw farm animals such as sheep and horses instead of their own hideous women.

3. What is the diffrence between Ancient Assyria and Modern day Syria? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it consited of what is now now modern day Iraq and Syria.

4. Last but certainly not least why is Turkey in NATO? 

Shaloom Brother Chaim

Can I keep a copy of the Koran in my bathroom or is it to clean for it?

P.S. Can you give us the most insane verse you know in the Koran.

Thanks ]

Dear Chaim,

I just heard part of one of Rabbi Kahane's debates with the Arab Nazi M.T. Mehdi on a WABC radio show. Do you remember that? Can you please do an M.T. Mehdi imitation?

Dear Chaim,

What happen during the 1960s through the 1970s when the U.S went to war? What are your thoughts on President Nixon and Watergate?

Dr. Dan:
Shalom Chaim

It's been mentioned that because of the ultimate redemption on the Days of Moshiach, Pesach will only be remembered, but not necessarily celebrated.  Does that hold true for other Jewish holidays such as Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Shavuot?

Thank you

Dr. Dan


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