Author Topic: The truth about islam from the muslims mouth  (Read 2877 times)

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The truth about islam from the muslims mouth
« on: May 08, 2007, 11:37:16 PM »
WHY IN THE HELL DO WE LET THESE SAVAGES IN OUR LANDS? WATCH THE VIDEO. I am stunned at our leaders stupidity, and I am getting to the point that if our LEADERS don't protect us, and our GOVERNMENT REFUSES to protect us. THEN IT WILL BE UP TO US, TO PROTECT US. You Muslims are pushing, and pressing and you keep on. Don't let the barbed wire come upon you, like you did to the Jews. Don't press the American people. This is not a threat, just  honest advice. When the American people feel that their way of life is about to end, bad things will be done. Don't judge the American people, by our spineless leaders. You will be in for one hell of a suprise.
No peace, without FREEDOM.