Yemach Shemo to Israeli Leftists 
PS: I read a story the other day that 90% of Gazans believe that Arab traitors should be executed. I wish that 100% Israeli citizens hope that Israeli traitors will be executed. Trash like this animal Anat Kam should be put down by injection.
Muman, cursing a Jew, even a sinner or traitor one, is forbidden by Hallacha. Better pray that they may repent, or leave the issue to Ravs.
My question to you ralmario2000 is who do you curse? I hope it is our enemies and not us... We are fighting for the Jewish state of Israel... Those who make themselves our enemies will be cut off. Remember when the sin of the golden calf occurred?
Parasha Ki Tisa: Shemot 32
25. And Moses saw the people, that they were exposed, for Aaron had exposed them to be disgraced before their adversaries.
26. So Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said: "Whoever is for the Lord, [let him come] to me!" And all the sons of Levi gathered around him.
27. He said to them: "So said the Lord, the God of Israel: 'Let every man place his sword upon his thigh and pass back and forth from one gate to the other in the camp, and let every man kill his brother, every man his friend, every man his kinsman.' "
28. The sons of Levi did according to Moses' word; on that day some three thousand men fell from among the people.