Author Topic: Very funny George Galloway dhimmi in chief attacked by qurananimals  (Read 563 times)

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That was no Attack, It was a Love tap -- George Galloway Set Upon By Muslims


British Member of Parliament George Galloway imitates a cat, with the aid of actress Rula Lenska, on the reality television show 'Celebrity Big Brother'

I love this story. The 2-bit whore for Islam, George Galloway, the shill for Muslim fundamentalists and Islamic anti-semites, was "attacked" by Muslim extremists.  Galloway's party is the "Respect" party, a riff on Islamic supremacism.

Poetic justice. He shills for savages. What did he expect from barbarians? Urbanity?

I think he set it up. He is such a low life -- he has pulled this nonsense before.

Anti-war and anti-West campaigner Mr Galloway was forced to take refuge from Islamic militants who denounced him as a "false prophet".

    The former Labour MP said "the police saved my life" after supporters of radical group Hizb-Ut-Tahrir clashed with members of his Respect party last night.

    Three Muslim extremists charged after attack on Galloway Saturday 10th April 2010

    George Galloway was set upon by a group of Muslim extremists while campaigning in East London this afternoon. Three men, believed to belong to the extreme sect Islam4UK, the latest name for Al-Muhajiroun, were arrested and subsequently charged with public order offences.

    Galloway, who is standing in the Poplar and Limehouse constituency, was with a party of supporters in Watney Market around 3pm when he and his colleagues were first abused and then attacked by the group.

    "They called me a filthy Kaffir" said Galloway, "and shouted that no one should shake the 'filthy Kaffir's hand'. This lot are the latest incarnation of the banned group Al-Muhajiroun. They don't want Muslims to vote, they don't believe in democracy, and because I encourage Muslims to vote and take a full part in our society they hate me. My party, Respect, is the antidote to these despicable extremists."

    Galloway's assistant Kevin Ovenden had his phone smashed in the incident and other supporters were abused and jostled.

    Galloway was also attacked, held hostage and received death threats from Al-Muhajiroun, then called Al-Gourabaa, in the 2005 General Election.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03