I am 100% against defining America as a Christian country. This seems to be a major component of this neo-nazi groups mission.
PS: You seem to miss the fact that they are saying that antisemitism is a new phenomenon [ It is something that only started with the Arab-Israeli war of 1948. ]. They also claim that the Arabs are justified in hating us. Also it is disingenuous to claim that Jews are responsible for multiculturalism... That is a antisemitic lie which has been used by the nazis for so very long. Antisemites hate Jews no matter if we are multicultural or not... Also multiculturalism is not bad... Remember that Jews have their own culture and we were shut out of many countries because of this... America was one country which imposed quotas on the # of Jews who could immigrate and many died in Germany because of this..
My question to you Skkie is where do you loyalties stand? With the Jews or against us.... I have read most of your recent posts and you seem to only support white nationalism and don't seem to comment much on Jewish issues...
This is disturbing that you say this Muman. Chaim has repeatedly said that He considers America a Christian nation, and he believes it is crucial to be defined as such. The Neo-Nazis are NOT christians, this is HORIBBLY offensive to our gentile members. This is like saying the Black Isaelities are Jews. Neo-Nazis beleive in a nonsence mythical nordic/tuetonic messiah. Sometimes their beliefs borrow from Paganism (As with nearly all the founders of German Naziism) or sometimes they try to re-write christianity and removing the Jewish Messiah. Either way, its nothing but a horrific corruption of a righteous beliefe.
In today's society, the more christian a society, the more likely they will be pro-Jewish and anti-pagan/anti-nazi. (Obviously this wasnt the case in the past) This is why American white Christians are so Pro-Jew (91% to be exact). And this is also why so many conservatives refer to Judeo-christian roots, or Judeo-Christian morals.
The history of Christian nations and Jewish relations is very grim. I am sure I dont have to repeat the stories about the persecutions that Jews have suffered at the hands of people who identify as Christians. While I know that things have changed and there are many very good Christians in this country, there are also many Christians who stand against us, witness the Reverend Wrights, Reverend Jesse Jacksons, and others who align with the Jewish enemies. Look at what just happened in Christian Hungary where the right-wing government there has made blatant anti-semitic statements...
I think that what made America desirable to my great grandparents was the freedom of religion which America promised. Im sorry if this concept is against the white nationalist agenda, but I will say this with all honesty. My family came to America before the world wars, in the early 1900s... We were very lucky because there were pogroms in the Ukraine about that time, also in Poland from which my mothers family emigrated. But if our families had still been there come WWII my family would have been completely wiped out of existence.
America is great because of its diversity. I also truly believe this is why there was the 'establishment clause' which makes establishing a religion verboten. Today I commented on Fox News that I was against the recent court ruling which says that National Prayer day is unconstitutional. I was against this because having a generic day of prayer is not establishing a religion, it is simply allowing those who do pray to G-d to do so... I think this kind of religious observance is OK in America but to establish certain prayers would be against the constitution. I pray three times a day and don't need a national prayer day to get me to pray.
Have you heard the Jewish sages say "Essau hates Yaakov"? I don't think that things have changed that much that we can truly put our faith in the non-Jewish world. Just googling Jewish ideas on the internet these days comes up with some of the vilest anti-semitic sites, often from sites which Christian leanings. Today I posted a link to such a site, and another JewWatch which seems to have links to Christian missionaries.
I love America and my family has served in the military {and my dad told stories of the antisemitism he witnessed in the military}. But I will reserve my support for Christian leaders. I must say that I have grown to like Palin and Huckabee... But I don't think they intend on establishing a Christian country on us...
PS: I also should clarify that America is primarily a Christian country and that is ok... But it is a secular country and the church should not impose religion on the state. Each American has a right to bring up his child in the religion of his family.