The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Muslims arrested in planning attack at Fort Dix

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Joe Gutfeld:
Six muslims have been arrested in planning an attack at Fort Dix in New Jersey.  They wanted to kill as many US soliders as possible.  A clerk at a video store saw a video that they made at his store and reported them to the FBI.  This is what we get when we let muslims and 3rd world people into this country.  What are your views?

Hail Columbia:
Those Muslims were Albanians, a people known for murdering Serbs and smuggling drugs.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Thank you Madeline Albright and Bill Clinton. You really knew who our allies in the Balkans are.  ::)

Re:  "...Albanians..."

Their land is the area formerly encompassing ancient Macedonia, of Phillip and Alexander the Great fame.

I doubt that the population is still of the same ethnicity as it was at that time.

I apologize for the "pork" reference. But have a listen    BTW C.A.I.R. , you are a doomed institution.


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