Author Topic: The ENDA innocence for our children  (Read 989 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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The ENDA innocence for our children
« on: April 15, 2010, 10:52:32 PM »

While many of us were focused on defeating government-run healthcare, the Democrats and their homosexual and transgender allies were working overtime on something equally sinister.
House Democrats have been quietly plotting how to rush through the so-called "Employment Non-Discrimination Act" (ENDA) which will force every public school in America to hire transgendered teachers and forbid their re-assignment out of the classroom.  A vote on ENDA in the House Education and Labor Committee is likely on April 21.
Under ENDA, federal, state and local governments, as well as businesses with 15 or more employees, will be forced to employ and affirm men who wear dresses -- including school teachers.


Currently, 38 states do not make "gender identity" into a protected minority under law.  But once Barack Obama signs ENDA, this will change. "Gender Identity" is actually a Gender Identity Disorder (GID) listed as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association.  A GID person thinks he or she is the opposite sex.
What supporters of ENDA do not want you to know is that under ENDA, those 38 states' laws will be overruled by federal law.
Every state will be forced to make cross-dressers, drag queens, transsexuals, and she-males* (male-female hybrids) into protected classes.  Therefore, every school district in America will be forbidden by law to reassign any she-male teacher because this would be considered "discrimination."  Thus, children will be trapped in classes taught by men who dress as women, and students will be indoctrinated to affirm that this is normal behavior.
Children need a stable and secure environment in which to learn. ENDA threatens that.  Our nation's children will be victims of ENDA.
All too often I hear, "Hey, my kids are in a Christian school" or "My kids are home schooled so this won't affect me."  The reality is that an estimated 90+ percent of Christian kids attend public school in the United States.  ENDA will impact these children in devastating ways.
Consider what's already happening in certain states:

    • In 2008, students and parents were outraged to learn that a female music teacher at California's Foxboro Elementary School underwent surgery to become a man. Parents were not informed about this so-called sex change in advance so they could remove their children from her class. In addition, the kids were required to refer to her as "Mister." The school district refused to notify parents about this she-male's so-called sex change because of "privacy laws" – that is, federal HIPPA laws.
    • In 2006, students in New York's Batavia High School were forced to remain in the class of a male teacher who was undergoing so-called surgical transition to female.  Parents were refused the right to opt their children out of his class because he claimed protection under New York's disability laws, and, therefore, had to be accommodated by the school district.
    • In 1999, Minnesota music teacher Alyssa Williams underwent a so-called sex change operation from male to female while teaching at a Middle School in the Anoka-Hennepin School District.  Parents were angered when their children were subjected to this man's bizarre sexual transformation. The school superintendent said they could not reassign the man to another position because it would have violated state law which gave special protected rights to transgendered individuals.

And these are only a few of the grotesque ENDA horror stories.
If ENDA passes, Christian businesses, Christian camps, Christian counselors, Christian child care, Christian bookstores, and Christian TV and radio stations will be forced by ENDA to hire individuals whose behavior is in violation of their religious tenets.


Why are children going to be exposed to teachers who have a psycho-sexual mental disorder? Who is behind this sinister effort?  Enter Chai Feldblum, a lesbian activist who was recess-appointed by President Obama just this month.  She now serves on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which would help enforce the law if passed. (See earlier article)
ENDA was written by Feldblum.  She wants the government to promote every type of relationship as equal to traditional marriage, including "polyamorous" relationships (those involving three or more sexual partners). She states: "I, for one, am not sure whether marriage is a normatively good institution. I have moved away from the belief that marriage is clearly the best normative way to structure intimate relationships."
Feldblum also believes that sexual liberty trumps religious liberty. "Sexual liberty should win in most cases," she has stated. "There can be a conflict between religious liberty and sexual liberty, but in almost all cases the sexual liberty should win because that's the only way that the dignity of gay people can be affirmed in any realistic manner."
ENDA can and must be stopped.  Most members of Congress don't know that under ENDA, schools will be forbidden to reassign any teacher undergoing a so-called sex change because this would be considered "discrimination"; nor do they know that public schools across America will no longer be able to avoid hiring transgender individuals to teach schoolchildren.
U.S. representatives in Congress, many hoping to avoid tough votes as they focus on their reelection, must learn what this bill would mean for schools and for kids.  Impressionable young children should be protected from these teachers who are undergoing their own identity crises.
Congress must hear from you that a vote for ENDA is a vote for the LGBT agenda and against children.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt