Author Topic: Thought Google was harmless? Think again!  (Read 687 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Thought Google was harmless? Think again!
« on: April 21, 2010, 04:08:31 PM »

"If you thought Google was just a harmless Internet search engine, think again," Jerome Corsi's Red Alert warns.

Red Alert reports Google is backing Obama administration efforts to impose carbon taxes through EPA regulations declaring carbon dioxide to be noxious to human health, through cap-and-trade legislation or through hidden provisions buried deeply within an "energy bill."

"Google is also positioning to assume the role of energy police in a brave new world controlled by leftist environmentalists where emitting carbon dioxide will be tantamount to committing a crime and using more energy than absolutely needed will be considered an offense against nature, punishable by a government fine, or maybe even worse," Corsi wrote.

Dan Reicher, director of climate change and energy initiatives at Google, claimed "in general terms a carbon price will do a lot to advance the competitiveness of these technologies that offer serious climate reductions, help for our energy security, increase our domestic fuels and create all sorts of jobs."

As Red Alert has warned, Google also has an Internet-based "power meter" ready to be installed in Americans' homes so the energy police of the future can monitor how efficiently they use energy.

"Not only will excess uses of energy be punishable by fines, you might not get a government-issued license to sell your home unless you meet government-specified standards for insulation, double-paned windows and whatever else the environmental leftists decide you need to meet their standards," Corsi wrote.

To learn more about Google's energy-monitoring initiatives, read Jerome Corsi's Red Alert, the premium, online intelligence news source by the WND staff writer, columnist and author of the New York Times No. 1 best-seller, "The Obama Nation."

Red Alert's author, whose books "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command" have topped the New York Times best-sellers list, received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in political science in 1972. For nearly 25 years, beginning in 1981, he worked with banks throughout the U.S. and around the world to develop financial services marketing companies to assist banks in establishing broker/dealers and insurance subsidiaries to provide financial planning products and services to their retail customers. In this career, Corsi developed three different third-party financial services marketing firms that reached gross sales levels of $1 billion in annuities and equal volume in mutual funds. In 1999, he began developing Internet-based financial marketing firms, also adapted to work in conjunction with banks.

In his 25-year financial services career, Corsi has been a noted financial services speaker and writer, publishing three books and numerous articles in professional financial services journals and magazines.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline momofsixbabes

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Re: Thought Google was harmless? Think again!
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2010, 08:04:23 PM »
I know this stuff is true, but you would think it is all the details of some crazy sci fi movie, or at least that is what it feels to me.