shouting to people "you gay people are all going to hell!", "you diserve hell!" seems inappropriate to me. however, stating what the Bible says or what you believe does not seem inapropriate to me. it's about the intention you have: make somebody feel bad, say what you believe, say what it is written, help somebody (if that is possible).
Once I heard a preacher saying that wearing long hair or listening to rock'n roll is a sin and I got hurt, even if I only listen to ethnic music and my hair is very short.
maybe the example with the T-shirt is wrong. About long hair, if you ask me, I don't think it is fit for man, but for woman (as it is not fit for woman to have a bald head either, but for man it looks fine), but I think that's all.
I know that many people have exaggerations of how "men of God" should be like (i.e. eating at the restaurant is a sin. why? i don't know), but it's hard for me to find out why one would feel bad if he hears such a statement. maybe it's a kind of carying of what certain people (like, people you know) think about you.
I really can't stand sidewalk preachers of any kind. I don't go to the stores often unless its for something I actually need however the last thing I want to listen to is someone preaching or handing out pamphlets.
I have no problem if somebody gives me paper, I take it without problem even if there is an advertisement of products I will never buy, or from Jehovas Witnesses, just because they have to finish giving them to people before they can go home. so getting a paper is not a big deal for me. But hearing preachers everywhere loud, in public places, I don't know... never met one.
Homosexuality is not an issue that is going to be reversed by a sidewalk preacher.
I wonder if any bad thing can be reversed by a sidewalk preacher having a statement. but anyway...
To say that homosexuality is a sin is basically saying the truth... Saying that a black T-shirt is a sin, or listening to rock music, etc... is absolute 100% BS...
Although I do not know what BS means, I know that wearing T-shirt is not sin.
I just wonder if it's the same thing, for the 'target', between accusing him of doing something bad/evil (as gay) and accusing him of something he clearly understands as "ok" (as wearing T-shirt). Does the 'target' feel guilty or can acknowledge that it is something bad? (if what he does is bad)
I personally disagree with the notion that homosexuality is a sin.
The word "sin" exists only in Tanakh/Bible, and it means a kind of "act against God's law", so if God exists, sin exists, if God doesn't exist, sin is an absurd term. But for someone that doesn't believe the Tanakh/Bible to say if something is or is not sin, is absurd.