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ask normal atheist

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Ben m:

--- Quote from: muman613 on May 06, 2010, 03:25:46 PM ---Do you honor your mother and father? If you do, why?

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yes i do honor my mother and father,as for the why,i don't exactly sure but i think that beacuse of cultural norms.

Serbian Canadian:
Hey normal atheist.

I see that you wrote on your signature that Negroes, Muslims and Commies/Liberals are enemies. Underneath, you have a list of supposed "allies" and on that list you have the European Union. You do realize that they are part of the problem? The EU hates Israel. Also, I hope you realize that not all black people are evil. I wouldn't use the term "Negro", we're not in the 1950s anymore.

Ben m:

--- Quote from: Serbian Canadian on May 07, 2010, 01:55:39 PM ---Hey normal atheist.

I see that you wrote on your signature that Negroes, Muslims and Commies/Liberals are enemies. Underneath, you have a list of supposed "allies" and on that list you have the European Union. You do realize that they are part of the problem? The EU hates Israel. Also, I hope you realize that not all black people are evil. I wouldn't use the term "Negro", we're not in the 1950s anymore.

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to serbian canadian.i wrote the european union in the catgory of the allies to save me the writing of all the eu memebrs.i realize that black are not evil.i do not think in terms of good and evil but in terms of survival and currently they are one of the main treats to our survival evil or not.and i am calling them negroes beacuse it is the formal way to describe them.we do not use the term negroe anymore beacuse of the politicali correct movement that added negative associations to the term but if you will reasd books from the the 19th century you will see that the term was in universal usage with neutral conotations.llets return again to the ruopean union for a moment.if you will look at the enemies list you will see commies/liberals on the list, guess to whom i referred? (besides china,cuba,north korea,vietnam,laos and the obama administartion and the current putin government).but in spite of all this i supportive of the creation of a pan white state (europe,russia,the united states,canada,argentina,chile and uruguay.south africa,greater israel and australia-new zealand) with laws to maintain the autonomy of the local populations (like greater israel to be granted the right to be governed by halacha  and serbia as a state cleaned from ustasa croats).only whites and asians that integrated in our culture could be citizens with muslims and blacks would lovingly be kicked alliance with this state there should be a native american autonomous state (possibly part of the pan white state but with greater autonomy to the local population) which is their right as well as we have right to our own state that will be dominated by our culture and a greater india (modern day india,sri lanka,pakistan,nepal bhutan and bangladesh but i wouldn't be concerned if they will expand toward southeast asia,china and the greater middle east).the state would be a socialist state (i know most of you will not love this part,but the happier the population,the less likly they will revolt).the state would encourage reaserch especialy in the fields of weaponry and space exploration and scientist would have one of the best sallaries in the will with her allies form an organisation similar to the united nations but slightly more powerfully that will be dominated by the white and the muslim countries would be classified as danger zones and entry would not be allowed to any foreigners.only right wing parties would be allowed to participate in the elections but the elections should be fair and without frauds.
hope you enjoyed,normal atheist.

Sounds like you are a racist to me...

In general we don't believe race to be the factor which determines if you are good or evil. But you seem overly obsessed with race.. Would you mind telling us what race you are from?

Thanks for answering my previous question.

Now for the next one.

Did you know that all extant species are on the tips of branches and that evolution does not mean a forward progression? It only means a change in allele frequency in a population over time.

Chimpanzees are just as far removed from the common ancestor with humans as humans are, technically. They're not really more or less evolved.

Now on a moral level, yes I would consider them completely different, because we must value human life above all other life in a moral and spiritual sense.

However, just on the basis of biology and science, one is not more evolved than the other.

They just took different directions.

When you talk about one race being "genetically inferior" to another, that doesn't really make sense from a biology standpoint. They may be genetically more prone to do better at some tasks and worse at others however, and they will not be equal to other races in all ways. Blacks may be genetically prone to be less intelligent, but perhaps in the environment they were found in, the plains of Africa, the amount of intelligence they have is enough for what they needed.

Remember that in evolution there are always trade-offs. Large, complex brains need more energy to sustain themselves, more oxygen and food. There may be a cost-benefit ratio in that respect that was different in Africa than in Europe.


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