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Ben m:

--- Quote from: muman613 on May 07, 2010, 04:51:01 PM ---Sounds like you are a racist to me...

In general we don't believe race to be the factor which determines if you are good or evil. But you seem overly obsessed with race.. Would you mind telling us what race you are from?

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yes i am a proud jew (which is mean that i belong to the white or in his other name the caucasian race).and yes i am racist by definition,and so almost all the posters here along with kahane and chaim ben pesach.according to oxford dictionary,racism is the belive that there are real different beween the races.i hope you are living in the united states beacuse if you are you just need to venture outside and carefully examined the behavior of the negroes and the behavior of whites and asians and then return to here and tell me about your finding beacuse i am sure every american will be glad to hear them.

Ben m:

--- Quote from: Rubystars on May 08, 2010, 11:49:12 PM ---Thanks for answering my previous question.

Now for the next one.

Did you know that all extant species are on the tips of branches and that evolution does not mean a forward progression? It only means a change in allele frequency in a population over time.

Chimpanzees are just as far removed from the common ancestor with humans as humans are, technically. They're not really more or less evolved.

Now on a moral level, yes I would consider them completely different, because we must value human life above all other life in a moral and spiritual sense.

However, just on the basis of biology and science, one is not more evolved than the other.

They just took different directions.

When you talk about one race being "genetically inferior" to another, that doesn't really make sense from a biology standpoint. They may be genetically more prone to do better at some tasks and worse at others however, and they will not be equal to other races in all ways. Blacks may be genetically prone to be less intelligent, but perhaps in the environment they were found in, the plains of Africa, the amount of intelligence they have is enough for what they needed.

Remember that in evolution there are always trade-offs. Large, complex brains need more energy to sustain themselves, more oxygen and food. There may be a cost-benefit ratio in that respect that was different in Africa than in Europe.

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to canadian american,i don't deny the facts that you posted here.when i am talking about inferiority of the race i meant two thing
1) the average iq of the race's members.this is the key to the advancment of humankind in all areas.
2)tif their genes tend to be dominant or recesives.from looking at mixed white-black children or asian-black children it is clear that black genes are dominant.that is also the reason why i am considering them much more dangers than islam beacuse the muslims are just mentally ill but their mental illness (islam) is at least curable albeit so far with low success.


--- Quote from: normal atheist on May 09, 2010, 10:01:53 AM ---
--- Quote from: muman613 on May 07, 2010, 04:51:01 PM ---Sounds like you are a racist to me...

In general we don't believe race to be the factor which determines if you are good or evil. But you seem overly obsessed with race.. Would you mind telling us what race you are from?

--- End quote ---
yes i am a proud jew (which is mean that i belong to the white or in his other name the caucasian race).and yes i am racist by definition,and so almost all the posters here along with kahane and chaim ben pesach.according to oxford dictionary,racism is the belive that there are real different beween the races.i hope you are living in the united states beacuse if you are you just need to venture outside and carefully examined the behavior of the negroes and the behavior of whites and asians and then return to here and tell me about your finding beacuse i am sure every american will be glad to hear them.

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I do not believe you are speaking the truth here. Kahanism is not racism, although those who try to speak evil about it call it thus... Judaism is not racist, never has been, never will be...

Judaism is composed of many races and none of them are intrinsically better than the other kind. Personally I care less what kind of 'Jew' you are because you have stated many times you don't care about Judaism. You do know that Judaism is not a race, and therefore you are incorrect if you pain Judaism as a racist religion.

Let me explain what I have learned the JTF position is, because it is the same position which I have had for almost 20 years {longer than you, na, have been alive}...

There are evil cultures in the world but the races are not evil. Evil is a product of evil actions. The soul is born nuetral and all humanity has a thing called free will. The free will is what determines whether an individual is good or evil.

I guess you don't get out much and don't have much contact with people who are different than you are. I have been around the world and I work with people from many cultures and I can tell you personally that they are not all evil. And not only white culture is not evil, there are also good blacks and good mexicans. You and your racial theories belong with Hitler and Nazi germany.

If you espouse such rabid racism you are not my brother, even though you claim to be a Jew. A Jew doesn't treat any human being with less dignity than himself {Love your neighbor as yourself}...

Once again you must understand that we are only fighting the enemies of Israel and the Jewish people. My only enemies are those who declared war against us, the muslims no matter what race they may come from. I live in a mixed neighborhood and some of my black neighbors are very good friends.  I am 100% against gangster and thug culltures and have been called racist for those beliefs alone, but those who know me know that I am open to loving and caring for every human being on the planet.

It saddens me that you are such a racist... You do not make the Jewish people stronger nor do you make them proud.

It is also so silly to me that you have such a belief, being an atheist and all... You are so very lucky to have been born a Jew but you have 0% gratefulness for such a position in life. You take and you do not give, you are selfish and you do not have an iota of goodness in you... this is something to be ashamed of... And you are not too smart too...

You seem to me more like a Darwinazi than a Judean Nationalist.


--- Quote ---1) the average iq of the race's members.this is the key to the advancment of humankind in all areas.

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It's important for humans to be intelligent enough to be able to survive in the environment they find themselves in. Remember that because one person is smart and another is stupid doesn't make one better than the other one in any meaningful way other than intelligence itself and the ability to do certain intelligence-related tasks. I think people like Stephen Hawking are smarter than I am, but that doesn't mean that his life is worth more than mine.  Likewise if someone has Down Syndrome and has a very low IQ they have the same right to live that I do. Human beings should not be ranked the way you want to rank them.

It's true that not all races are equal in all ways. Genes probably influence culture to a certain degree as well. However to say one is absolutely inferior and another superior begs the question. Inferior at what, and superior at what?

--- Quote ---2)tif their genes tend to be dominant or recesives.from looking at mixed white-black children or asian-black children it is clear that black genes are dominant.that is also the reason why i am considering them much more dangers than islam beacuse the muslims are just mentally ill but their mental illness (islam) is at least curable albeit so far with low success.
--- End quote ---

Whites tend to be more vulnerable because so many of their features are recessive, but that's not really a value judgment in its own right. Many genetic diseases are recessive so recessive does not mean good.


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