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ask normal atheist

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--- Quote from: normal atheist on May 11, 2010, 09:46:51 AM ---
--- Quote from: Zenith on May 11, 2010, 06:31:01 AM ---
--- Quote from: normal atheist ---when i am talking about inferiority of the race i meant two thing
1) the average iq of the race's members.this is the key to the advancment of humankind in all areas.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: normal atheist --- have you been to detroit lately? to the middle east (not israel)? to africa?
--- End quote ---
Though that question was not quite for me...

I think that taking only the average iq of the race’s members is misleading, because there are more factors that affect  the iq of people, of which, of very high importance is the education in the region (which also depends on many factors). I think a more proper result would be if you compare, in a developped country, people who had the same education, blacks & whites.
And by the way, if a white man converts to Islam, I don’t think that makes white men as inferior as Islam and muslims. Then why would people indoctrinated into Islam in the middle-east be genetically inferior to those from developed countries that were not indoctrinated in Islam?

--- Quote ---i prefer to rely on equation than to rely on some 2000 years old books beacuse equations never lie.
--- End quote ---
Besides the fact that the key point is not “science vs ‘2000 years old books’”, even the science you learnt and believe in is not all “equations” (that is, as clear as that). There a lot of theories, which by definition are the reasoning of men and therefore may be false.
You may know that in history there were a lot of theories, and the “science” of those days (reasoning, their capability and possibility to find information, the “evidences” they found) was many times, in many places, faulty.
So how do you know that all the things you learn will stand the test of time and will not be disproved in the future (when knowledge and technology will greatly improve, and with them, our possibility to better understand the world - get evidences, make tests, etc.)? Did you ever think that all you learnt may not be 100% correct?

--- End quote ---
1) i based my argument on a reaserch on the united states pouplations.
2)i agree with you that what i learnt is not 100% correct.but unless someone will come with a better theory and better equations,this is the only thing we have.and about this issue,i admitt that you successeded in converting me back into belevieng in G-d.thank you everybody.

--- End quote ---

i have to agree, Even with affirmative action blacks have lower IQ'S in the USA and the UK. There is not one sucessful black country, not one, not one trace of history that shows they even had a glimmer of a golden period.

now as i believe in god, like you should normal atheist, you would find that through their evil culture originally, it has lead to blacks having less iq over the years. But originally i reckon they had equal iq to the whites and asians.

But even very poor russians etc have higher iq than USA blacks, which the politocally correct brigade cannot answer.

I agree with alot of your points atheist, aprt from your atheism. I hope you become a religous jew, and this is from a christian.


--- Quote from: christians4jews on May 12, 2010, 05:08:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: normal atheist on May 11, 2010, 09:46:51 AM ---
--- Quote from: Zenith on May 11, 2010, 06:31:01 AM ---
--- Quote from: normal atheist ---when i am talking about inferiority of the race i meant two thing
1) the average iq of the race's members.this is the key to the advancment of humankind in all areas.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: normal atheist --- have you been to detroit lately? to the middle east (not israel)? to africa?
--- End quote ---
Though that question was not quite for me...

I think that taking only the average iq of the race’s members is misleading, because there are more factors that affect  the iq of people, of which, of very high importance is the education in the region (which also depends on many factors). I think a more proper result would be if you compare, in a developped country, people who had the same education, blacks & whites.
And by the way, if a white man converts to Islam, I don’t think that makes white men as inferior as Islam and muslims. Then why would people indoctrinated into Islam in the middle-east be genetically inferior to those from developed countries that were not indoctrinated in Islam?

--- Quote ---i prefer to rely on equation than to rely on some 2000 years old books beacuse equations never lie.
--- End quote ---
Besides the fact that the key point is not “science vs ‘2000 years old books’”, even the science you learnt and believe in is not all “equations” (that is, as clear as that). There a lot of theories, which by definition are the reasoning of men and therefore may be false.
You may know that in history there were a lot of theories, and the “science” of those days (reasoning, their capability and possibility to find information, the “evidences” they found) was many times, in many places, faulty.
So how do you know that all the things you learn will stand the test of time and will not be disproved in the future (when knowledge and technology will greatly improve, and with them, our possibility to better understand the world - get evidences, make tests, etc.)? Did you ever think that all you learnt may not be 100% correct?

--- End quote ---
1) i based my argument on a reaserch on the united states pouplations.
2)i agree with you that what i learnt is not 100% correct.but unless someone will come with a better theory and better equations,this is the only thing we have.and about this issue,i admitt that you successeded in converting me back into belevieng in G-d.thank you everybody.

--- End quote ---

i have to agree, Even with affirmative action blacks have lower IQ'S in the USA and the UK. There is not one sucessful black country, not one, not one trace of history that shows they even had a glimmer of a golden period.

now as i believe in G-d, like you should normal atheist, you would find that through their evil culture originally, it has lead to blacks having less iq over the years. But originally i reckon they had equal iq to the whites and asians.

But even very poor russians etc have higher iq than USA blacks, which the politocally correct brigade cannot answer.

I agree with alot of your points atheist, aprt from your atheism. I hope you become a religous jew, and this is from a christian.

--- End quote ---

You make generalizations... There are many very intelligent Blacks in the USA which would make poor Russians blush... The problem with Blacks in America has been that they have for almost 100 years been given substandard education. While this may be a cultural problem with Africans it is something which can change over time.

There is nothing gained by being rigidly racist. As I said before, I work with people from all over the world and generally there is not much difference between peoples.


--- Quote from: muman613 on May 12, 2010, 05:51:26 PM ---
--- Quote from: christians4jews on May 12, 2010, 05:08:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: normal atheist on May 11, 2010, 09:46:51 AM ---
--- Quote from: Zenith on May 11, 2010, 06:31:01 AM ---
--- Quote from: normal atheist ---when i am talking about inferiority of the race i meant two thing
1) the average iq of the race's members.this is the key to the advancment of humankind in all areas.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: normal atheist --- have you been to detroit lately? to the middle east (not israel)? to africa?
--- End quote ---
Though that question was not quite for me...

I think that taking only the average iq of the race’s members is misleading, because there are more factors that affect  the iq of people, of which, of very high importance is the education in the region (which also depends on many factors). I think a more proper result would be if you compare, in a developped country, people who had the same education, blacks & whites.
And by the way, if a white man converts to Islam, I don’t think that makes white men as inferior as Islam and muslims. Then why would people indoctrinated into Islam in the middle-east be genetically inferior to those from developed countries that were not indoctrinated in Islam?

--- Quote ---i prefer to rely on equation than to rely on some 2000 years old books beacuse equations never lie.
--- End quote ---
Besides the fact that the key point is not “science vs ‘2000 years old books’”, even the science you learnt and believe in is not all “equations” (that is, as clear as that). There a lot of theories, which by definition are the reasoning of men and therefore may be false.
You may know that in history there were a lot of theories, and the “science” of those days (reasoning, their capability and possibility to find information, the “evidences” they found) was many times, in many places, faulty.
So how do you know that all the things you learn will stand the test of time and will not be disproved in the future (when knowledge and technology will greatly improve, and with them, our possibility to better understand the world - get evidences, make tests, etc.)? Did you ever think that all you learnt may not be 100% correct?

--- End quote ---
1) i based my argument on a reaserch on the united states pouplations.
2)i agree with you that what i learnt is not 100% correct.but unless someone will come with a better theory and better equations,this is the only thing we have.and about this issue,i admitt that you successeded in converting me back into belevieng in G-d.thank you everybody.

--- End quote ---

i have to agree, Even with affirmative action blacks have lower IQ'S in the USA and the UK. There is not one sucessful black country, not one, not one trace of history that shows they even had a glimmer of a golden period.

now as i believe in G-d, like you should normal atheist, you would find that through their evil culture originally, it has lead to blacks having less iq over the years. But originally i reckon they had equal iq to the whites and asians.

But even very poor russians etc have higher iq than USA blacks, which the politocally correct brigade cannot answer.

I agree with alot of your points atheist, aprt from your atheism. I hope you become a religous jew, and this is from a christian.

--- End quote ---

You make generalizations... There are many very intelligent Blacks in the USA which would make poor Russians blush... The problem with Blacks in America has been that they have for almost 100 years been given substandard education. While this may be a cultural problem with Africans it is something which can change over time.

There is nothing gained by being rigidly racist. As I said before, I work with people from all over the world and generally there is not much difference between peoples.

--- End quote ---

i fisagree, blacks have been persecuted far less than the irish, gypsies, and the jews. All have higher iq, all more sucessful

Take the uk, we had signs for rented houses saying "no dogs, no blacks and no irish". yet look how successful they are.

Of course they are exceptions, they are good looking black women/men ocassionally, but on the whole they are pretty woeful.lets be honest here.

Are their good blacks, of course, pastor manning is one for example. But Purely on the evidence all over the world, though thoudands of years, there has never been a sucessful black country, not one.

Look at the chinese,indians and japanese, they produce some brillant peple, and have had/are having golden periods. In particularly with the japenise/chinese, they are equal if not debatably more intelligent than whites.

Im afraid muman, theres no way you can sugar coat it, thet white man cant be blamed for everyrthing, as i highlighted they have been white ethnic groups that have been just as/far wprse persecution than blacks in modern history. They rose above it.

I challenge you to show me in the world a desirable black city, whether it be in uk/us or in africa/jamacia.

Take the uk/US, since the 60's they have had literally trillions spent on them. No other race has near that, the chinese havent, yet even then the chinese destroy them in iq tests.

i think you are doing a very rightous moral thing mormon, and i wish i could agree with you but i cant.

However, what i will say, is that god created everyone equal. God is not racist, and blacks had the same iq as whites and other races, that i am sure of. But for whatever reason(my theory is micro evolution due to evi, culture set in) blacks have over the years lowered their iq.

My point is simply that genetics are not the cause of what is being observed. The Japanese have shown through history that they can be brutal and inhumane to others {witness the war crimes commited against China during WWII}... There are many millions of Indians still living in squalor and poverty all across India. I have many good Indian friends here at my work and believe me, there are whole segments of Indian continent which are living in conditions which are unimaginable here in America {even by poor blacks}.

Just because a nation may possess intelligence does not necessarily mean that it is righteous. Witness what happened to Germany during the last century. Germany was considered the seat of all society and one of the most advanced as far as technology... Yet it spawned the Nazi party which may be considered one of the most EVIL regimes in human history.

It is difficult to weigh the merits versus the negative qualities of a society.

I have enough experience to know that no one race is superior to another race. When I was in my 20s {about 20+ years ago} I actually lived with a Black family that was involved in selling Cocaine. These people were despicable and they treated their child terribly. I also had my nose broken on Venice Beach in the 80s by the Black gang the Crips... I have good reason to feel anger toward the black community. I took a stand in the 90s against gangster rap and this got me labeled as a racist.

But I also experienced the undesirable aspects of non-Black societies. I have known undesirable people of virtually every nationality. I have seen white people steal and engage in immoral sexual practices... I have seen white people lie and cheat... I know that evil is a temptation for all of mankind....

All I can recommend is that everyone live life and experience it to the fullest. Once you have experience in the world then you can make your observations and come to conclusions...

I agree that for the most part Black culture in America is awful. But it is not a simple thing to say that all blacks are inferior... I don't think I can confirm that belief...

Ben m:

--- Quote from: muman613 on May 12, 2010, 05:51:26 PM ---
--- Quote from: christians4jews on May 12, 2010, 05:08:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: normal atheist on May 11, 2010, 09:46:51 AM ---
--- Quote from: Zenith on May 11, 2010, 06:31:01 AM ---
--- Quote from: normal atheist ---when i am talking about inferiority of the race i meant two thing
1) the average iq of the race's members.this is the key to the advancment of humankind in all areas.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: normal atheist --- have you been to detroit lately? to the middle east (not israel)? to africa?
--- End quote ---
Though that question was not quite for me...

I think that taking only the average iq of the race’s members is misleading, because there are more factors that affect  the iq of people, of which, of very high importance is the education in the region (which also depends on many factors). I think a more proper result would be if you compare, in a developped country, people who had the same education, blacks & whites.
And by the way, if a white man converts to Islam, I don’t think that makes white men as inferior as Islam and muslims. Then why would people indoctrinated into Islam in the middle-east be genetically inferior to those from developed countries that were not indoctrinated in Islam?

--- Quote ---i prefer to rely on equation than to rely on some 2000 years old books beacuse equations never lie.
--- End quote ---
Besides the fact that the key point is not “science vs ‘2000 years old books’”, even the science you learnt and believe in is not all “equations” (that is, as clear as that). There a lot of theories, which by definition are the reasoning of men and therefore may be false.
You may know that in history there were a lot of theories, and the “science” of those days (reasoning, their capability and possibility to find information, the “evidences” they found) was many times, in many places, faulty.
So how do you know that all the things you learn will stand the test of time and will not be disproved in the future (when knowledge and technology will greatly improve, and with them, our possibility to better understand the world - get evidences, make tests, etc.)? Did you ever think that all you learnt may not be 100% correct?

--- End quote ---
1) i based my argument on a reaserch on the united states pouplations.
2)i agree with you that what i learnt is not 100% correct.but unless someone will come with a better theory and better equations,this is the only thing we have.and about this issue,i admitt that you successeded in converting me back into belevieng in G-d.thank you everybody.

--- End quote ---

i have to agree, Even with affirmative action blacks have lower IQ'S in the USA and the UK. There is not one sucessful black country, not one, not one trace of history that shows they even had a glimmer of a golden period.

now as i believe in G-d, like you should normal atheist, you would find that through their evil culture originally, it has lead to blacks having less iq over the years. But originally i reckon they had equal iq to the whites and asians.

But even very poor russians etc have higher iq than USA blacks, which the politocally correct brigade cannot answer.

I agree with alot of your points atheist, aprt from your atheism. I hope you become a religous jew, and this is from a christian.

--- End quote ---

You make generalizations... There are many very intelligent Blacks in the USA which would make poor Russians blush... The problem with Blacks in America has been that they have for almost 100 years been given substandard education. While this may be a cultural problem with Africans it is something which can change over time.

There is nothing gained by being rigidly racist. As I said before, I work with people from all over the world and generally there is not much difference between peoples.

--- End quote ---
so what? i see negroes and arabs on a daily basis and just from talking to them i know how stupid they are.


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