The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

The abundance of Chaddors in Queens College

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--- Quote from: DownwithIslam on May 10, 2007, 12:48:42 AM ---Also these women have a certain sweaty smell which can knock a grown man to the ground. It is unlike any body odor I have ever smelled in my life. I am sure the Islamic death cult forbids deodorant use which is prob the cause of the smell. Anyways these muzzies are invading with no end in sight.

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I'd like to herd them all in the gymnasium and play Motorhead so loud they would all just explode!!!

If they really were THAT religious, they would have a male relative accompnying them. But they usually don't. Which means that they wear the veil as a political statement - to irritate the kaffir.


--- Quote from: DownwithIslam on May 10, 2007, 12:48:42 AM ---Also these women have a certain sweaty smell which can knock a grown man to the ground. It is unlike any body odor I have ever smelled in my life. I am sure the Islamic death cult forbids deodorant use which is prob the cause of the smell. Anyways these muzzies are invading with no end in sight.
--- End quote ---

I had this incense called "Seven Wonders of India" and my friend said it smelled just like soap. I told him that soap is one of the 7 wonders to the arabs and that's why it's named that way. Deodorant is like the 2nd wonder.

Hehe, this is all funny except if you are the unfortunate soul forced to sit next to one. Another thing that pisses me off is the posters hanging on the walls in Queens college showing interfaith cooperation with a muslim " girl" and an infidel working on some experiment together. We should fire them the hell out of this country.

When I was there, there was this muslim wearing the whole taliban outfit.  It was a black sheet covering her face all the way down to her feet and they only thing you can see was her eyes. 


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