It was an interesting dream. It was the night before last. I don't remember too much of it. - There were four chairs in a room, I sat in one, across from me was Rabbi Kahane in a greyish/black suit sitting down, to the Rabbi's left was Chaim who was sitting in jeans and a white t-shirt, and to my left/Rabbi's right/across from Chaim was someone else who was wearing a brownish suit, but I can't remember their face, or I did not see it. Rabbi Kahane was not saying anything too serious, just being jovial, but I don't remember what exactly was said. Chaim talked a bit back and forth with Rabbi Kahane, and I was writing things down in Hebrew... which is interesting to me because I don't know how to read Hebrew very well. There was a bright light behind Rabbi Kahane. Overall it was a really neat dream. I dream almost every night, but usually they are just silly dreams... about snowboarding, humanoid lizards, flying, or forgetting a homework assignment [despite I am not enrolled in any school at this time].