Author Topic: Muslim Basketball @ Parsippany PAL ? Now I have seen everything !  (Read 2858 times)

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Offline bongoid

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Today I was @ the Parsippany PAL (Police Athletic League) for a car show.I noticed a box that said "Muslim Basketball ". I asked the young man @ the table selling t-shirts about it & said it was for Muslims but others were welcome.Why not "Christian Basketball", "Hindu Basketball" or "Jewish Basketball " ? Why do we need a special category for Muslims & non-Muslims ?
Perhaps "Sunni Basketball " & " Shi'ite Basketball " are not far behind ?
 Islam is on the march in the USA & I do not like it.
Perhaps in the future the American Caliph will find it in his heart to permit an occasional session of "Dhimmi Basketball " @ the PAL while the Muslims are @ prayer or observing Ramadan ?

Offline bongoid

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Re: Muslim Basketball @ Parsippany PAL ? Now I have seen everything !
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2010, 12:38:15 AM »
Today I was @ the Parsippany PAL (Police Athletic League) for a car show.I noticed a box that said "Muslim Basketball ". I asked the young man @ the table selling t-shirts about it & said it was for Muslims but others were welcome.Why not "Christian Basketball", "Hindu Basketball" or "Jewish Basketball " ? Why do we need a special category for Muslims & non-Muslims ?
Perhaps "Sunni Basketball " & " Shi'ite Basketball " are not far behind ?
 Islam is on the march in the USA & I do not like it.
Perhaps in the future the American Caliph will find it in his heart to permit an occasional session of "Dhimmi Basketball " @ the PAL while the Muslims are @ prayer or observing Ramadan ?

 Pehaps in the future  The Muslim Caliph will permit us to  have a  DBL ("Dhimmi Basketball League ") where the Dhimmi's will be able to use the courts whan the Muslims are @ Prayer/work in exchange for sweeping up the court & cleaning the bathrooms.
 In any event women's basketball will be "Toast" !