The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Nuking Mecca
--- Quote from: MarZutra on May 15, 2007, 08:58:19 AM ---Good work Don. I must say that when one reads into the East India Trading Company, for many years the elitists of Europe and America have been the kings of the narcotics industries. If that is your scan on the dental, why can you not go to the RCMP and charge those who did it with your attorney.
Sadly, I support our troops but not this Afghanistan venture towards "International Socialism". Our country has no interests in Afghanistan nor Iraq. If it is a war...let it be WAR without "political correctness" or these farcical Geneva Conventions. All I see is my tax dollars being used to build roads, schools, hospitals and arming our enemies while our own country collapses from internal socialist economic policies...
Sadly, I don't even think Stephen Harper gets it with his catering to "Global Warming" and many other purely socialistic platforms. I sent it to my MP Bill Casey. Our country is finnished in my opinion. Our country caters to every marxistist/Socialist and Islamic Dictatorship, panders to the communist left and their Muslim friends, funds every internationalist "foreign aid" venture with my tax dollars, supports another "PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi State" in the heartland of Biblical Israel, has a Marxist and highly bias media and lastly a closed Marxist Educational system with only one promulgate Socialism and their communist cause... I am disgusted with Canada and ALL our morally, logically and "knowledgly" bankrupt politicians...who care more for their petty jobs than for the, once great, country. Bunch of G-d damn vermin....parasites to the end with out the testicles to voice any confrontation to those on the Left and their Islamic fifth column supporters... "Islam is a religion of peace" here in Canada an out Turd World and Communist Invasion is everywhere.... We have a house just down the road with about 13 asians living in a shoebox house.... Ah, what's the use... "Game Set Match.....We Lose!"
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Thanks for the comments and the encouragements - I'll reply them later this afternoon...
--- Quote from: MarZutra on May 15, 2007, 08:58:19 AM ---....If that is your scan on the dental, why can you not go to the RCMP and charge those who did it with your attorney....
--- End quote ---
Sorry that it took this long to reply!
Here is a recent reply from the federal government:
Dear Mr. Muntean:
On behalf of the Honourable Rob Nicholson, Minister of Justice and
Attorney General of Canada, I acknowledge receipt of your correspondence
concerning your situation.
I can understand why you have written to the Minister of Justice and
asked for assistance and realize that this situation has been
distressing for you. In your correspondence, you have asked for the
Minister to intervene in your situation. Please note that the Minister
has no authority to intervene in what appears to be a matter falling
within the responsibility of the provincial government.
I regret that we will not be able to assist you.
Yours sincerely,
Ministerial Correspondence Unit
Sounds like the same brush off the Liberals gave me - just worded a little more kindly.
How can they tell me to go to the provincial government for help with this - my correspondence was clear on the fact that - it was the provincial so-called authorities - i.e.: the NDP provincial government of Saskatchewan - who has done this to me - that taken with the fact that the RCMP have told me [and without listening to the details of my plight] that they will not investigate - as they claim that it's the city police's jurisdiction and - the city police won't investigate and - they won't tell me why.
So then there is the provincial justice department who has obviously countenanced what happened to me on June 05, 2002 - so I ask them - just who am I supposed to go to for help?
I will not accept that the federal government cannot help me to get the proper investigation with the RCMP.
This is nearing five years - June 05, 2007 is the five year mark - just think I would have never thought it could go on this long.
I still think that the Conservatives are the best choice for Ottawa - yet I feel betrayed by them....
This isn't the Canada I was raised in. I'm at a loss life is imploding and the authorities do not care. It makes me sick.
Thanks for your concern!
Yes, I agree about Canada. I have spoken to many WW2 Vets who say that they'd do it all over again (then) but would not lift a finger now as Canada has become everything they faught against. I agree with your views. Why do you not hire a criminal attorney and sue the government? Write a letter to CTV's investigative reports or whatever that show they have that looks into things and televises it for publicity? That might be an avenue no? I'm sure a criminal attorney would love that case... Yes, Canada Sucks brother...down hill...down...down...down..we go... It is like the Titanice, Big, beutiful with much to offer yet thanks to its leadership has steared us directly into an soon as that Communist Trudeau entered office... May he and his entire family be blessed with cancer.
I don't mind whatsoever as these MP's often forget that they work for us. The days are long gone when Politicians are positions to be held in esteem but now are lower than parasite lawyers or used car salesmen. The vast majority of them are nothing more than political hack whores out prostituting themselves for the highest bidder/vote...
Perhaps you might go to a dentist and film him extracting this thing. In all honesty most people will think you're a wacko with something like this as no one will believe it and think that you are a conspiracy nutbar. I'd film the dentist removing this thing and document everything and then take it for legal or even political next step. Call the 50/50 investigation thing and get them to look into it...
Decline of the West...Oswald Spengler was right...
mecca is capital of plasteine, right?
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