The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Nuking Mecca

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--- Quote from: Chaimfan on May 16, 2007, 06:08:31 PM ---It's capitol. Capital either means money or something of paramount importance.

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Capital means "hub", "center", "first city" or "head quarters".  Capitol is a distinct noun/name for Capitol Hill in Washington or the American Capitol building in DC solely.  "Capitol" is a distinct word for the American political center....   A very common worries brother...  I actually had to look it up myself after you mentioned it...:) 

Very true. Canadian Socialized Medical system is charrah and an embarrassment...  terrible.  I'd much rather live in the States.  Sadly they are only accepting Muslims, Mexicans and Blacks with aids...  A affirmative action...isn't it great...  Too bad America's open border policies do not apply to educated conservative Ol-Whities...

This would ignite World War III.


--- Quote from: Daniel on May 19, 2007, 09:51:38 PM ---This would ignite World War III.

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I hope so.  I'm tired of waiting.  Lets get it on and over with while we still have a military that isn't totally destroyed by "political correctness", "diversity", "homosexuality-same sex", "tolerance training"...  etc. 


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